Tag Archives: Space PayPerPost

GNC-2007-02-02 #239

Lots of great content for a Friday show almost felt like a Tuesday podcast. Lots of Vista news and I talk some on Linux as well.

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Comments to 619-342-7365 e-mail to geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links
Kid takes on RIAA

Show Notes:
MyBlogLog Interview
Vista Speech Flaw
Zune Exec Leaves
ISS Toxic Leak
TiVo Spying on You?
Apple & Cisco
Vista Workaround
Zune Screen Cracking?
Art or Terror
Pirate Bay getting Weird!
Vista – Ubuntu Hoax
Digg Changes
Measuring Internet Traffic
BitTorrent Dialouge
Confessions of a Switcher
Linux Not Ready for Business?
Vista CableCard?
90% Games broken with Vista?
1951 Postal System
iTunes DOA with Vista
NFL Cracks Down!
USB Posture Device
Vista Multiple Validations?
BlogWerk !!!
Whats Cool at Demo!
Digg Payola Exposed
BitTorrent and Net Neutrality
Flickr Users Mad!
PayPerPost Kicks up the Ante
China Space Weapon Endangers World
Internet Predictions
Zoho Notebook !!!

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