Tag Archives: SD

Pextor’s PlexEasy Burns Without The PC

Plextor LogoToday at CES International, Plextor announced the PlexEasy, a standalone external 8x DVD and CD burner that will burn discs from SD cards and USB-connected devices without the need for a PC. It can connect directly to a wide variety of devices including both mass storage devices and Picture Transfer Protocol (PTP) devices such cameras, smartphones, tablets, and camcorders. Photos can be burnt directly from digital cameras and smartphones, regardless of OS, without copying the pictures onto a PC first or fiddling about with a disc-burning software.

With the Plextor PlexEasy, it’s now a three-step process:
1. connect the device,
2. insert a DVD or CD and
3. press a button to burn a backup.

The PlexEasy’s compatibility with mass storage devices allows almost any storage device to be connected – MP3 players, flash drives, external hard disks and even tablets. The PlexEasy can also copy from an inserted SD-card to the mass storage device for quick backups. Of course, the device can be connected to a PC and it then offers all the features of a high-end DVD burner with support for all types of CDs and DVDs.

Pictures, pricing and availability to follow.

GNC #684 Google+ Review

I dig in deep and give you a inside look at Google+ along with a whole bunch of tech news on top. I also talk about some new initiatives I am working on that I am pretty excited to see where it leads. I am scouting for talent in Hawaii specifically details on the show.

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Delkin New 64gb SDXC Card.

SD Card Association

Andy McCasky and Esbjorn Larsen spoke to Alisa Hicks from the SD Card Association, a standards body for SD cards. They make sure that SD cards work in all devices. SD stands for secure-digital. The cards are created with copyrights protection (CPRM) installed. So that content providers are willing to allow their creations on the cards. Right now the cards works with standard definition videos only, but they are working on a high-def version.  The association represent over 1100 members, including camera makers, card makers, card readers and others. Two years ago they increased the storage capacity of the cards up to 32 GB. At that time they said they were working on increasing the speed of transfer.

At CES 2011 the association announced the second speed increase (since increasing the capacity) up to 312 mb per sec. The speed classes guarantee a minimum write speed, not the maximum speed. If you have a class 10 card, then the minimum write speed is 10 mb per second for that card, but it could be higher. The best way to find what card is best for a device is to look at the manual.  The SD Association doesn’t issue the license for the cards that is done by a different group. The association is currently working on an SD format for digital books.

Interview by Andy McCaskey of SDR News. and Esbjorn Larsen of MrNetCast.com.

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SD Card Association 64gb SD Cards CES 2010

The SD Card Association was in attendance at CES 2010 representing the consortium of SD Card manufactures. We talked about the upcoming release of 64gb SD cards later this year. We also talked about the SDXC cards coming the future with capacities of several terabytes in the future. While pricing on SD cards have come down a lot, when you get into the 32gb range the pricing is still pretty high. Like any memory product cost will come down and speed will increase as we move into the future.

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