Tag Archives: roomba

GNC-2009-05-12 #476 Live from Texas

Audio is very airy tonight from the portable rig. Much apologies will get it dialed in for the Friday show. Hate it when that happens. All good plans on using some new tools for Video went south tonight but such is life its a work in progress

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Show Topic Notes:
Open Office 3.1 Available
Sony we really Blew it!
Apple rejects BitTorrent App from App Store Surprise Surprise!
Boeing building remote Stealth Fighter
Check out what a Roomba does while your not home!
Now all you need is Enterprise you have the chair…
Mac drive support coming to Bootcamp
Goodbye Microsoft Watch
Reporter bashes Newspaper Industry
Cox offering 50Mbps Service now for $139.00
Rumor Google walked away from NYT Purchase
AT&T iPhone 3g Experience is killing AT&T
New NYT Reader getting great reviews!
Shuttle off to fix Hubble!
FTC to Investigate Net Neturality
Doing Fiber the Smart way!
Jamming cell phones inside prisons!
Proposed Changes to Adblock Plus that I think are good!
Police can GPS track you without Warrant?
Reporters Life erased from NYT and IHT website.
Congratulations to Grammar Girl!

iRobot Loog at the Consumer Electronics Show

If you are a iRobot fan and have ever had to clean your gutters by hand you will be interested in the New iRobot Luge. Watch Andy McCaskey as he gets info on this great product at CES 2008. This is the iRobot Luge you stick it in a gutter and let it clean your gutter. It is waterproof and will clean 60 feet of gutter in 10 minutes. The product retail is $99.95

Their is also a review of the new Roomba it new design and features are pretty impressive in that it cleans corners much better and it has new sensors and RF technology employed to allow it to clean multiple rooms. On a hard floor the battery last 90 minutes and on carpet about 45 minutes All of the parts are now replaceable..

If you want more information on the iRobot Loog and info on future special offers please visit www.rawvoiceoffers.com and enter promo code “IROBOT” or visit www.IROBOT.com