Tag Archives: piracy

GNC-2007-02-09 #241

If I must say so myself this show came together perfectly and I have an absolute pile of tech news and information for you along with some mini rants as always. Check out the BarCamp Info

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Microsoft Requires Oral Activation of Windows

Starting today, many users of new, unregistered copies of Microsoft Windows will have to make a phone call in order to activate the software’s license. In a move to curb piracy of its flagship operating system, Microsoft has disabled the Internet activation alternative, now requiring these users to orally confirm their use of the product.

Continue reading Microsoft Requires Oral Activation of Windows

Bought Any Illegal Software From A Spammer, Lately?

Bought Any Illegal Software From A Spammer, Lately?
The offer advertised in that e-mail message is awfully tempting. Microsoft Windows XP Professional for only $39? The entire Microsoft Office Professional suite for less than a few sawbucks? It’s real software, isn’t it? Well it sure is, and it’s a lot more, too.

Continue reading Bought Any Illegal Software From A Spammer, Lately?