Tag Archives: nursery rhymes

What Do You Remember From Your Childhood?

Image: BBC

As it’s Friday, a little piece of fluff journalism…..

The Flintstones theme tune is the most recognisable children’s TV show and Baa Baa Black Sheep the most memorable nursery rhyme, according to research carried out by the UK’s PRS (Performing Rights Society).  Over 2000 people were surveyed and the results collected into a top 10 of TV Themes and nursery rhymes.  Obviously it’s UK-based but some of the shows will be recognisable across the world.  Others will be peculiarly British – consult Wikipedia for more info.  I loved Top Cat.

TV Show Theme Tunes

  1. The Flintstones 
  2. Top Cat
  3. Postman Pat
  4. Scooby Doo  
  5. The Wombles 
  6. Grange Hill  
  7. Jim’ll Fix It 
  8. Dangermouse  
  9. Bagpuss  
  10. Rainbow 

Nursery Rhymes

  1. Baa Baa Black Sheep
  2. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star   (my daughter’s favourite)
  3. Humpty Dumpty 
  4. If You’re Happy and You Know It
  5. The Grand Old Duke Of York 
  6. Round and Round The Garden 
  7. Incy Wincy Spider 
  8. Jack and Jill 
  9. Hickory Dickory Dock 
  10. Little Miss Muffet

You can read the full press release here, including a great quote from from Mike Batt, composer of  The Wombles, “Life is one big scramble for success and although I’ve had my ups, I am mortified to see that I made it only to number 5 compared to Postman Pat at number 3. I demand a recount!”