Tag Archives: medication

TabSafe Medication Management System

Carissa talks with Jim from TabSafe about their award-winning TabSafe Medication Management System. Aimed at keeping an ill person at home when they would otherwise have to go into care, it not only reminds the person when to take their medication, but it also records vital readings such as blood sugar level and blood pressure, and prepares them for the physician to give a picture of wellness over time.

TabSafe is modular to cope with multiple prescriptions. For as-needed medication, it monitors the frequency of use and will prevent overdosing by refusing to dispense the medication when it detects excessive use.

The setup of the prescription regime is programmed via the TabSafe website so it can be done by the carer or the patient. If the medication isn’t taken by the patient, an alert is sent by phone to the carer.

Priced at $1099 for purchase or $50 per month rental. Available now from their website.

Interview by Carissa O’Brien for Tech Podcast Network.

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TabSafe Medication Management System for Independent Living

Andy and Esbjorn interview Chris Morgan and James Chiavetta from TabSafe, who demonstrate their Medication Management System, which won a Design and Engineering Showcase Award at CES.

TabSafe is an in-home medication dispensing system aimed at keeping seniors and chronically ill at home, rather than taking them into care or assisted-living accommodation. Apparently 1 in 4 people have to move out of their homes because of problems taking medication.

The system comprises there parts – a base unit, a medication cartridge and a personal health website. Where needed, multiple medication cartridges can be used for different prescriptions. The system is programmed with the time and frequency of medication dispensing and when the time comes, the patient is alerted via a tone and a customisable voice prompt to take their tablets.

If the patient doesn’t take their medication on time, the carer is alerted by the system via their mobile phone.

The personal health website is used by the carer or patient to program TabSafe but information is returned from the TabSafe to the website so a time-based view of the medication dispensing can be seen and passed to their physician. TabSafe connects to the Internet via router but it has a backup connection through the standard telephone system.

Chris and James also discuss some of the challenges developing a home medical device to the market, including legal issues and failsafes.

On sale now for $1099 plus $10 per month for the personal health website.

Interview by Andy McCaskey of SDR News and Esbjorn Larsen of MrNetCast.com.

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