Tag Archives: hearing loss

Siemens Aquaris Hearing Aid Line

I grew up with a Grandmother who was hard of hearing and communicating with her was hard and often frustrating. Any time someone introduces an improvement in hearing aid products I am interested.

Siemens showed off their new Aquaris Micon line at CES 2013. The Aquaris line is water proof, dust proof, shock proof. So unlike normal hearing aids you can wear them while working in a dusty environment like a workshop or even swimming. Like all Siemens products the Aquaris line is made of high quality material and is programable. They use the Micon best sound platform that was introduced in November 2012.

The Aquaris line is currently available. It is sold through audiologist and hearing aid providers. The cost will depend on how much the providers charge for their service. Expected cost for both the service and the device is between $1,000 and $2,000.

Interview by Jamie Davis of the MedicCast and the Health Tech Weekly

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Hearing Loss Help From ClearSounds

ClearSounds LogoSurprisingly, one in five Americans over the age of 12 has hearing loss severe enough to affect communication and in over a third of the cases, the loss is from noise exposure, not age. ClearSounds produces a range of stylish products that help people overcome their hearing loss and communicate again. Andy and Courtney talk to company president, Michele Alman of ClearSounds.

Suffering from a hearing loss is less about the physical impairment and more about the isolation and withdrawal that occurs when it becomes difficult to hear what’s going on. The problem doesn’t only affect the afflicted; friends and family stop calling and phoning because it’s simply too hard to have a conversation. In turn, the lack of contact leads people into depression.

ClearSounds have a range of products aimed at remedying everyday situations – people with hearing loss want to use cool tech too. The ClearSounds i700 iCreations Phone is combination landline and iPhone dock. The enhanced handset combines a DECT cordless phone with a Bluetooth receiver so only one handset is needed to take both landline and mobile phone calls.

For watching TV, the ClearBlue Bluetooth TV/Audio Listening System is a Bluetooth transmitter and headphones receiver. Rather than turning the TV volume up until it rocks the house, the headphones let the individual set the volume just right for them.

Interview by Andy McCaskey and Courtney Wallin of SDR News and RV News Net.

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