Tag Archives: Greenheart Games

Even Pirates are Frustrated by Piracy

Greenheart GamesGreenheart Games has done something unique, and fascinating, with the release of their brand new game. They released a cracked version of Game Dev Tycoon that contained something that the real version did not. The results show that even people who pirate software become frustrated when someone pirates from them.

Game Dev Tycoon is a Sim game where you run a game development company. The idea is to create some great games and make as much money as you can. The cracked version included in-game messages that were designed to look just like the regular ones. One such message reads:

Boss, it seems that while many players play our new game, they steal it by downloading a cracked version rather than buying it legally. If players don’t buy the games they like, we will sooner or later go bankrupt.

In the cracked version of the game, that is exactly what happens. Every time the player creates a good game, he or she finds that more people are pirating it than paying for it. They will, over time, go bankrupt as a result. Greenheart Games found a unique way to hold a mirror up to the nefarious and unfair behavior of people who choose to steal games instead of paying for them.

The irony is apparent in the comments that the pirating players left in regards to this particular in-game difficulty. They were obviously frustrated. Greenheart Games has posted a few really telling comments on their blog. Keep in mind, the players who had this particular in-game problem were the ones who obtained pirated copies of Game Dev Tycoon.

I find this fascinating! As a former teacher, I am well aware the learning potential in experiencing something for yourself (rather than just reading about it). Those who felt frustrated by virtual players pirating their games will, hopefully, consider buying the next video game that interests them. Game Dev Tycoon sells for about $8.00 USD.