Tag Archives: feedster

GNC-2007-06-29 #280

It’s iPhone Friday Podcast Awards start on Monday at PodcastAwards.com and we have a Round Table this coming weekend at TechPodcasts.com

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Round Table Info

Listener Links:
New Media Business
ISS from Ground
RIAA gets Sued
College Radio
Evil ISP

Show Notes:
Twitter Trival
Google Maps
Earth Pop
Sun and our Galaxy
MPAA After Vid Sites
Supreme Court
Torrent Communities
Mars Rover
11 Xbox 360s’
Logitech Camera
Jaman Challenge
Feedster it’s back
Facebook expectations
Delta Sucks
Genesis 2

Google Blog Search the First 12 Hours!

I am sure this morning as Technorati, Pubsub and Feedster staff came to work their was a sense of, oh man why did this billion pound cement block just get dropped on my shoulders. If they did not realize it before they better now, their is competition out their and they better focus on their base services and make sure they don’t miss anything.

In the past 2 hours I have created the same 100 search terms that I have setup for Pubsub, Technorati, Feedster and IceRocket. In the dozen or so I setup last night I can tell you for a fact that I have 4-5 new net friends who have been posting links to Geek News Central for a long time that none of these other services caught.

Google is not catching everything but If I were an engineer at Google with their kind of resources I don’t think it will be long before the power of their indexing engine is going to start kicking some major butt.

That’s what happens when you have resources to make things happen.

Update: One additional comment, I have been quite vocal over the past year or so talking about levels of service amongst all of the sites that do blog search. I will hold Google to that same standard.

I do like David Sifry’s attitude but on the inside that have to be in a bit or crisis mode all I can say is stay focused and work faster than they do if you can. [David Sifry]

The Top 100 and why some people are paying attention to it!

Jason Calacanis has been speaking very vocally about the Top 100 over at technorati, and he is indicating that Technorati is about to get their “bell rung” by their competition. He is more or less saying to Technorati that their Top 100 list is not fair nor is it accurate.

Now the question I always start asking when someone starts talking about Top 100 list is why are they raising a stink. It’s usually because either, their not in the list and think they should be, or because their is a financial motivation to see some people removed or knocked down a peg or two.

That being said this weblog has about as much a chance of making the Top 100 as winning the lotto. Considering Hawaii does not have a lotto the odds are pretty high.

If you look at Weblogs, Inc they have become quite the media powerhouse, and with Jason bragging that they could make a million dollars this year with adsense ads, I start to question why a company would make those types of claims or even say that in the first place.

It is one thing for people to realize you are making money hand over foot, but it is quite another to wave it in front of the entire nets face. What that does is piss people off. My daddy told me a long time ago, don’t let them see what you have in your wallet son keep them guessing. Was Jason’s bragging they may hit a million in adsense ads an attempt to try and lure in some investors by making overt financial earning statements without formally producing them. Their are some interesting SEC rules I have read recently that makes me understand why you have to be careful what you say about money in relation to investors.

My whole point is this, my position is that Weblogs, Inc is shopping for a suitor and the only way they can get eyeballs pointed their way is to make sure they dominate the Top 100 list and make overt financial statements. Call me a conspiracy theorist but you just wait and see.

On a side note, I love some of the products that Weblogs, Inc produces and wish them the best of luck but sometimes you have to call a spade a spade. [Jason Calacanis]