Tag Archives: dog

PitPat Activity Tracker for Dogs at WTS

pitpatIt’s all too easy for both humans and dogs to get a little overweight with a few extra inches round the tummy. The PitPat activity tracker is designed to help dogs (and their owners) stay healthy and fit. Andrew from PitPat explains more.

Around the size of a matchbox, the lightweight PitPat attaches to the dog’s collar using Velcro and records the animal’s activity throughout the day. Given the breed and age of dog, the PitPat app (free download from the Apple and Google app stores) shows suitable activity goals.

Pressing the tracker’s orange button transmits the data to the owner’s smartphone and the app shows the owner what the dog has been doing and whether the goals have been met. Future enhancements to the app will let owners share the activity with friends and social media networks.

The PitPat is waterproof for splashing around (IP67) and the user-replaceable battery will last about a year.

The PitPat has been on sale since January and is available from pet shops and on-line for around GB£40. Cuddly toy not included.

PitPat Dog Activity Tracker


An Unusual Fish Finder

CIMG1748 I was out running on the levee this morning and a small fishing boat zoomed by with a man and a small  dog. I watched as the dog ran to the front of the boat, started barking and then turning in circles. The man immediately stopped the boat and dropped his fishing line into the water. The dog was still barking and watching the water. A minute later the man pulled out one fish and then another. This went on for a few minutes and then the man and dog took off for another site unknown.

So what does this have to do with tech? It just goes to show that some times the best solution is not always the latest high tech gadget, and can be something as simple as man’s best friend.

73’s, Tom