Tag Archives: Craigslist

Why I HATE Using Craigslist.


This last week I wanted to look for a couple people to help with some video work I’m doing. There was a possibility of not getting paid for the video, so I needed to find others that would help for trade of service. I decided to post on Craigslist.

I will preface this by saying I have never had a real positive experience on posting to Craigslist. Their “Rules” make it almost impossible for you to post something that won’t get denied. Unless you are running a garage sale, giving away a TV or looking for a lead singer to their band, the service is just horrible.

What is worse is their customer support. Opening it up to anyone that wants to type on a computer, you might not get support, but yet get belittled by some idiot that doesn’t even represent Craigslist.

Compensation options on Craigslist
Compensation options on Craigslist

So I went to post in the “gigs-crew” area. Now when I post to Craigslist, I like to be very open. You know who I am and what I am doing. I log in, I don’t use anonymous email and put my name in the post. I put the information in the post with all detail.

The next morning, I got email saying the post was rejected.

I went up to the forum to find out why. They said it was not a “Gig” but a Job (because it was recurring). While I can dispute this reason (Dictionary defines “Gig” as “A Job”), I was more upset at the fact they were saying “No Pay posts will get denied”.

What? You have an option on your website that offers no pay but yet if someone uses it, you slap their hands? I even offered a trade of service if they choose so, and they said that wasn’t acceptable.

Trolls on Craigslist Help Forums

What gets even more frustrating is I went up to the forums to find out why my post got rejected. I ended up getting harassed by those people that are not Craigslist help agents. Not only that, but one person had the gall to say this:

Why don’t you pay people and stop being a little worm.

EXCUSE ME!?! When does belittling someone who is trying to get understanding an ok support practice? Why is this person even replying?

It was safe to say that I was really p*ssed off.

Time for Customer Support Changes Craigslist

I am not going to vent on the fact you have a “No Pay” option on the site that is misleading – only to say that if you are going to reject posts for an option you provide, that is misleading. This is about the customer support experience. I think it’s time to get away from a forum support. Having trolls in your support area not conductive to getting good support.

I saw a post underneath mine that not only went into a flame war, it also was a series of titles that had words like S*** and “F*** You” in them.

When is this good customer support? In this day and age, using vernacular like this in any support area is really not accepted.  There was no one saying “I understand and apologize”. They were just throwing words back.

I come for understanding, not to be told I’m a little worm from someone who has no idea who I am or what I do. Yes, it’s a free service, but there should still be a level of professionalism involved. I would never call you a name if you emailed me for support, why do I have to hear it from you?

Maybe someone can approach a company like Get Satisfaction. Get some seed funding to have a more accountable support area. They just a boost in their latest round of funding.

With continued negative experiences, I’ll continue to  stay away from Craigslist. Especially since I was up on the site today and someone posted almost the same thing (anonymously) two days ago, saying there is no pay involved and have not been rejected.


GNC-2010-09-07 #608 What Camera?

Congrats to our Roku Winner from Washington DC. Set your calendars because this Saturday, for the first time in 6 years, I launch a new show. The tentative name is “The Morning Tech Show” I will have guests on with me. This is your chance to submit discussion topics for in depth analysis of topics in the Tech World. The show will start with three hosts and expand as we get it rolling. This is part of the initiative to expand the Geek News Central Brand. On todays show, I cover the Set Top Box Conference and a metric ton of tech news and tidbits plus some fun stuff. For a three day weekend there was plenty of news!

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Craiglist Censorship?
Regulating Free Speech?
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AR Drone Helicopter.
Free iPad Scams.
Death of Newspapers?
SXSW Interactive Pricing.
Canadian to be ISS Commander.
Did you work on Labor Day?
Scaling your Business with Technology.
Only in Japan.
Sony Demo’s Google TV.
Duke Nukem Forever 13 years late.
Fake Twitter Post ends in Suspension.
EX HP CEO to Oracle?
ACTA Treaty pushes DRM.
Largest Google Search Advertisers.
Space Death Spiral.
Commodore to make a comeback?
Sony PS hack now in the Wild!
Ryan Air CEO wants 1 Pilot in Cockpit?
Five Firefox Add On’s.
Next Doctor On Wheels?
Apple Airplay.
Wonder where your Amazon order is?

Send in your stories to geeknews@gmail.com and be sure to provide a link to your websites!

GNC-2009-04-21 #470 New site is Live

Well folks it has been a long time coming but the new website is online and I am pretty happy with the performance and responses so far. There may be a few tweaks we have to make but overall I am a very happy camper with the design look.

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Listener Links:
22 Ways to make your iPhone a better Camera
Social Networking in the workplace?
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Spyware on Cell Phone
Why Facebook is for Old Foggies
Saturn V OMG!!
Blind to be cured by Stem Cells
Soldiers and iPods
Curing Cancer with Radio Waves (Cool Stuff)
The power of constituents

Show Notes:
Tweetie (cute) for Mac
Pirates buy more music?
Google Image Captcha now a Puzzle
Pirate Bay Defendants Found Guilt must walk Plank
Not only walk plank but Pay to do it!
Massive Panoramic Pictures for all soon!
Craigslist Wacko found in Boston
Locked up with 8 guys for 500 days!
HULU to iPhone trouble ahead
Toyota reducing prices on Hybrid
Time Warner CEO Salary
eReader.com goes US Customers only dumb move!
Small Windmill Generation test results not positive
Global Warming Antarctic Ice Thicker!
Magazine Prices up
CNN abusing DMCA removing Fair Use content!
Thanks for the positive PowerPress Review
17 Reasons your mac is slow
Rescue Shuttle Rolled Out
Abandoned Feed Hijacking on Feedburner
Lacie monster Raid
AT&T to add more Speed and Pipe to Mobile Bandwidth
Belkin Car Lighter USB Charger Brillant
NYC to Broadband Rescue
AT&T DSL bandwidth caps Shrink!
Google Labs some Cool Stuff
Susan Boyle Amazing Voice

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