Tag Archives: Broadband Caps

GNC #687 Netflix Makes Everyone Mad!

Netflix opened a complete hornets nest by raising prices, but how many of you have canceled your service. New Video feed is available starting this show we will be publishing a mobile device only feed to see how many of you will subscribe to the smaller feed. As soon as we have the videos published I will update the website. New contest starting next show listen to win.

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Toy Lens shots on DSLR

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Netflix revolt?
Netflix Revolt #2
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Broadband cap Realities.
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Google Filter.
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iPhone Lens.

A Personal Reality Check for Bandwidth Caps

Over the years of GNC, I’ve heard Todd rail on about broadband bandwidth caps and while I’ve enjoyed his rants, it’s been low priority topic for me.  Why? Because I think I’m a power user with a good selection of podcasts, a fair bit of online TV viewing, some (legal) music downloads. However, in a single month, I have never got anywhere near 50GB.  I think 30-something gigs was the most.

And then came the email from my service provider telling me that if I continued as I was going, I would exceed my bandwidth cap shortly.  Although I wouldn’t be cut-off, daytime bandwidth would be throttled.  I was a bit surprised but when I checked the firewall logs, it was correct – if anything, they were under-measuring by a few GB.

So, looking back, why the surge in data usage?  Well, I’m going to blame Todd and the Tech Podcast Network coverage of CES.  It was so good, I downloaded every single one of the videos, watched a few of them on-line, just couldn’t get enough.  I even downloaded some of the them twice, once for my PC and once for my Palm Pre!

Removing tongue from cheek, yes, it was the coverage of CES that bumped up the stats but it showed me that a bandwidth allocation of 50GB per month doesn’t actually go that far once you start getting into video.

Recently, I’ve also bought an Archos media player that can go online and stream content direct to my TV.  I’ve been pretty impressed by the viewing experience, even with only a wireless connection.  Although I can do the same with my laptop, having a dedicated appliance is far move convenient.

I don’t have any doubt that online distribution of films and TV programmes will take off in a big way, especially when it comes built-in to the TVs.  As an aside, a built-in media player is far more attractive to me than 3-D!  It’s also clear to me now that the telecoms companies are going to have to up their game to cope. If they’re smart, it’s an opportunity to make money and the competition for broadband services in the UK is pretty healthy. 

For consumers like me, it’s time to start looking for deals with caps bigger than 50GB.

GNC-2009-04-21 #470 New site is Live

Well folks it has been a long time coming but the new website is online and I am pretty happy with the performance and responses so far. There may be a few tweaks we have to make but overall I am a very happy camper with the design look.

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Listener Links:
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Show Notes:
Tweetie (cute) for Mac
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Not only walk plank but Pay to do it!
Massive Panoramic Pictures for all soon!
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Locked up with 8 guys for 500 days!
HULU to iPhone trouble ahead
Toyota reducing prices on Hybrid
Time Warner CEO Salary
eReader.com goes US Customers only dumb move!
Small Windmill Generation test results not positive
Global Warming Antarctic Ice Thicker!
Magazine Prices up
CNN abusing DMCA removing Fair Use content!
Thanks for the positive PowerPress Review
17 Reasons your mac is slow
Rescue Shuttle Rolled Out
Abandoned Feed Hijacking on Feedburner
Lacie monster Raid
AT&T to add more Speed and Pipe to Mobile Bandwidth
Belkin Car Lighter USB Charger Brillant
NYC to Broadband Rescue
AT&T DSL bandwidth caps Shrink!
Google Labs some Cool Stuff
Susan Boyle Amazing Voice

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