Tag Archives: Blip

GNC-2012-03-22 #752 The Crud Strikes!

Hey folks have a serious case of the crud but the show must go on.. Probably better to listen to this one versus watch ;). Minor schedule changes on my Indy trip but a log going on here getting ready for the new quarter.

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GNC-2010-02-15 #552 It only takes one!

Every show has it’s trolls tonight one took it to a new level, very sad individuals play games like this. Lots of tech news and information just like always. Next show will be a early live recording hope you join me on Thursday night for the live event.

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iPad books to be wrapped in DRM.
Apple Blocks Hackers!
Convention Crashers!
FDIC has to get Defensive?
ISS gets a new viewing perch!
Parallels wins Windows for Mac showdown!
Will Google fail in 1gbps roll out?
FCC may force carriers to share!
Verizon 4G on the Way!
Sports Hacker wanted in France?
4 Trillion Degree collision?
Some cool iPhone Apps.
California Steampunk Gathering!
Comcast = Xfinity!
UK Linking is not Infringing!
7.2 Billion stimulus being blocked?
Spirit is parked for Winter.
Shuttle Mission Extended!
Blip Downloads bad for Media Device Viewing!
Windows Phone 7 Video.
Windows Mobile Comparison.
Bug Labs 2.0
Is Wi-Fi on School Buses a good Idea?
Use for those old Projector Slides!
DIY Mag Power Plug.
WAC to deliver on App Standards?
Is Cable Fudging Survey Numbers?
ChatRoulette is very very dangerous!
Do you use Hot Spot?
Scobleizer on TED
Sarah Lacy on TED?
Do you have a 20 minute rule?
Mozilla happy with Opera?

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