Tag Archives: Black Friday

GNC-2009-11-24 #530 Lots of Action on this Show!

I had lot’s of fun on this show.. Pile of things to cover. I am headed to Texas next week so will be taking the show on the road. I will be doing a Thanksgiving evening show so if your full of Turkey and still awake, I will try and knock out a show earlier in the evening Hawaii time. Drive safe and have a great holiday! Your trials of our sponsors products and feedback is greatly appreciated.

Ongoing support by these fine sponsors keep the lights on your support is appreciated!
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Video of Show at geeknews.blip.tv
Video of Show at www.youtube.com/user/geeknews
Show Comments please call 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Special Contest Tonight.Click this Link for your Demo Account!
Gadget Buying Trends Black Friday.
Bing and Newscorp to shutout Google?
Father of Chinese Space program dead.
Hackers steal electronic data from top climate research center.
Video of Hadron Collider Firing Up.
The Current State of Windows Mobile.
Apple Better Ease Up At The Guard Shack.

Show Notes:
We are still here no big bang!
How GotoMyPC saved me last week!
Photoshop App now on Android!
Serious iPhone worm for Jailbroken handsets!
Apple Exec makes excuses for iPhone App Store Process.
Is Apple Evil or Not?
Spotify no works on Symbian Phones.
Firefox and Mozilla Foundation appear to be doing good.
Roku adds Limited content from Select Partners?
Apple deals now and on Friday!
Windows 8 Roadmap.
Telcos mad at Harvard Berkman Center?
1000 Mph Speed Attempt!
Is Adobe doing enough about Security?
The Evil Empire Strikes back at Verizon :)
Man Not in Coma just Paralyzed for 23 years!
Prepare for Cyber Monday.
New PogoPlug!
AOL had some kids in for new Logo Design.
Windows 7 Security!
Intel I9 Six Cores
Drobo Goes Enterprise.
Apple makes Single Use Monitor?
ISS work goes Great!
Bing to buy Fox Traffic?
This is what I want for Christmas (Not).
AT&T Data Connect Day Pass!
Radiation repairs eyes in Blind!
Target Black Friday Ad.
Newegg Black Friday Ad.
Walmart Black Friday Ad.
Sewell Display Link Adapter good Reviews.
Altona Wireless VGA.
New Sony Pro XDCAM
Full or Partial feeds you be the Judge.
Browser Compatibility Web testers.
Chrome Extensions Coming Soon!
New Facebook Worm!
Wikipedia Loosing Free Help.
What are you doing with Ssesmic?
Smoking Voids Apple Warranty!
Gmail Creator says email not going anywhere soon.
Send in your stories to geeknews@gmail.com and be sure to provide a link to your websites!

GNC-2009-11-03 #524 Where we are going from here!

I talk about the plan I am laying out for the show, while the Audio format will not change I am moving aggressively to improve the video quality in an effort to be in a position for what I feel is forthcoming in the new media space. The exercise while expensive is one that I think is one that I need to take to see if the content will bridge over time into as big a hit with video hit as the audio format is.

Ongoing support by these fine sponsors keep the lights on your support is appreciated!
[Save 15% on orders $20.00 or more at >GoDaddy.com!] use Code Geek5
[GotoMeeting Hold your meetings online for just $49/mo. Try GoToMeeting FREE for 30 days]
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Follow @geeknews on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
My Personal Facebook Profile
Join the Geek News Central Podcast Facebook Page
Video of Show at geeknews.blip.tv
Video of Show at www.youtube.com/user/geeknews
Show Comments please call 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
National Listener Survey
Thanks Andrew: Google Voice Blocking
eBook Readers and Services
Thanks Trucker Tom: TV Exec Love DVR’s
NASA to test on Squirrel Monkeys
Thanks Sal: Real reason people stood in Line for Microsoft Store Openings

Show Notes:
Congress to lockup NAB and Musician Rep to battle out bill terms!
Black Friday and Monday is coming be prepared to shop and get great deals.
Bing gets Real Time NFL Scores and Flight Updates.
Pirate Bay Closure increases P2P sites by 300%!
Google and Asian Telecommunications companies lay new Fiber Cable.
Pepsi looses battle it did not know it had to fight ordered to pay 1.26 Billion?
Sarbanes Oxley may be waived to small public companies?
Google playing Logo games with Firefox in Google Search?
Adobe plays hardball with iPhone and iTouch users who do not have a clue.
Apple to bring TV to iTunes for $30.00 a month Sign me Up!
Sprint turns on Wimax in some cities is your area next?
iPhone + Intel P55 Chip + Windows 7 equals a broken iPhone Sync.
Idiot ejects himself from Airplane Ripley’s Believe it or Not!
Microsoft Data Center in Chicago pretty amazing pictorial.
Dell Customer Support replaces mans Laptop with a Hard Drive!
Do you have a Femtocell in your home if so listen in.
Hulu subscription realities are charge for service imminent?
Scobles Tech News Feed is Money.
Cisco knows where the world of Media is headed buys Chinese set-top box company! Follow the money folks.
DIY USB Charger simply simple.
Review of Video editing suites all under a $100.00.
Does CBS 60 Minutes have any street credibility left?
Google Voice Search goes Mandarin.
How are you getting your mobile Apps built DIY or hired Firm?
Support Nick through purchases of FeedDemon>
I think Google just killed the Mapping and GPS industry. The wolf in sheep’s clothing strikes again.
Hacker earns 1 million in providing free Internet Service and now faces 6 Felony counts. DIY Prison terms.
Japanese HTV full of trash and ready for De orbit Incineration.
WordPress Template Cheat Sheet.

Send in your stories to geeknews@gmail.com and be sure to provide a link to your websites!

GNC-2009-10-22 #521 Bye Bye Sunshine State

On my way home, I have had a very productive week here in the Sunshine State, sadly tragedy in the National News in the area I have been staying the past couple of days. Next stop Sand Hill Road.. Will be in Silicon Valley next week look forward to bringing you the show from California. One more week on the road and then home for a spell. Take our National Listener Survey.

Ongoing support by these fine sponsors keep the lights on your support is appreciated!
[Save 15% on orders $20.00 or more at >GoDaddy.com!] use Code Geek5
[GotoMeeting Hold your meetings online for just $49/mo. Try GoToMeeting FREE for 30 days]
Check out our Free Magazine Offers!
Complete List of GoDaddy Promo Codes for huge Savings!

Follow @geeknews on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
My Personal Facebook Profile
Join the Geek News Central Podcast Facebook Page
Show Comments please call 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
National Survey

Show Links:
Windows 7 Review
Windows 7 BK Whopper!
Windows 7 on Snow Leopard!
Microsoft Store Selling Windows PC’s
Paris Windows Cafe.
iMac 27 Inch broke down to parade rest!
Did you get a Droid Invite!
FCC Net Neutrality Draft!
Office Max Black Friday
AT&T 3.2 Million iPhones
FeedDemon Ad Free on sale!
Scoble who are the Losers?
Anne Frank
iPhone by the Numbers!
Google Music!
Twitter + Bing = Awesome
Twitter + Google = Not Ready!
Where did these sites go wrong?
Ares 1-X Ready to Go!
STS-129 Pushed 4 Days.
Twitter Song!
AT&T gets out the data rate chart!
AT&T iTunes Exclusive hinted to end?
Shure Headsets.
Global Warning Poll Resuts?
Botnets Powering Banner Clicks!
Pirate Bay ordered to delete Torrents!
EU to dictate Internet Terminations?
You Sing in Scotland get out your wallet?
AP Watermark to curb copyright infringement?
P2P still growing!
Teraflop Computer Networks!
WordPress 2.85 Update Now!