Misty Robotics, the creators of the Misty II platform robot announced the launch of the Misty as a Concierge application template, which provides developers with a robust starting point to build robot skills and quickly put Misty II to work.
The Misty II application templates are open source code for developers to build upon and customize for a specific assignment or task. The Misty as a Concierge application template has utility in environments such as entertainment and sports venues, hotels, eldercare, retail, commercial real estate, museums, and more.
The Misty as a Concierge application template leverages her ability to detect humans in her presence, greet them, and interact with them to provide information and responses to their questions by integrating with third-party APIs such as FourSquare, etc. Developers can extend the utility of the concierge robot skill with other capabilities such as reservations, point of sale systems, call for assistance, directions, etc.
The application templates created by Misty will consist of the code that facilitates the skill, an implementation guide as well as a recorded workshop on how to use it. While initially seeded by Misty Robotics, templates will be supported and maintained by the community where developers are invited to extend the utility of the application and contribute their own code.
The Misty as a Concierge application template has practical use in a wide range of settings including:
- Hospitality – hotels (in room and lobby), luxury suites in entertainment venues
- Eldercare – facilities (in room, lobby central gathering rooms), individual homes
- Retail – front desk, non-staffed locations (e.g. printing desk, Floor Displays, e.g. a new car showroom), in-store display
- Commercial Real Estate – front lobby, meeting rooms, visitor centers
- Healthcare – Hospitals (in room and lobby), doctor’s offices
- Education – school lobby, front offices
- Museums – front lobby, specialized installations
- Marketing – Events and activations
Visit Misty Robotics at the Venetian Tower, Hospitality, VEN 36-108 at CES 2020.