Flattr will Launch a New Version Soon

Flattr was designed to help people sustainably fund the content that they love. It lets people reward their favorite creators, and it gives creators an easy way to make money from their work. Flattr will launch a new version on October 24, 2017.

The Flattr button is history. It is being replaced with a privacy-friendly algorithm. Instead of clicking a button to give money to your favorite content creators, Flattr users will need to install the Flattr browser extension, which will automatically flattr the websites you visit, based on engagement.

Flattr is also moving from their wallet system and to a system of credit card subscription payments. They feel this change simplifies the communication around the details of using Flattr. When the new Flattr is launched, it will require USD currency (instead of the Euro that Flattr was previously accepting.) Creators will receive money from Flattr in US dollars starting from October.

The subscriptions are going to run for 30 days instead of per calendar month. This change appears to be to benefit creators. Previously, new creators were starting with less than a full month. This change also helps Flattr, because it spreads out the timing of payments to creators instead of having it all happen at the same time.

Flattr is also changing its fee structure. Creators that receive money will be charged a monthly fee of 7.5%. They also will be charged a payment processing fee of 9%. This change is being done because Flattr changed to US currency and implemented a credit card based subscription – and this caused their payment processing fees to increase.