Visteon: Integrating the iPad in a Vehicle

Jeffrey Powers talked to Upton of Visteon about integrating wi-fi enabled devices, including the iPad into vehicles. The iPad or another device then could become the vehicles middle dashboard. You could control audio, GPS and other information from it. Upton said “It allows you to change the way you design cockpits.” If the system works as proposed you could have various cockpits in the car, both in the back and front. Since you could remove the device, it would be more secure than a traditional system.

The traditional system would remain for those times when the wi-fi enabled devices is not around. Upton said right now this is just a concept, but there has been a lot of interest shown. They already have all the parts necessary to make the system work, they just require wi-fi secure devices. Visteon is known for creating innovative products for vehicles. It will be interesting to see if anyone actually installs something like this in a vehicle.

Interview by Jeffrey Powers of The Geekazine Podcast.

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One thought on “Visteon: Integrating the iPad in a Vehicle

  1. Hands down, Apple’s app store wins by a mile. It’s a enormous variety of all types of apps vs a somewhat unfortunate choice of a handful for Zune. Microsoft has plans, specifically in the realm of games, but I’m not certain I’d want to wager on the long term if this aspect is critical to you. The iPod is a considerably much better option in that situation.

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