Ipad Cover with Keyboard by Zagg “A 2011 Pick of the Day”

The iPad virtual keyboard works great if you are just typing some short notes or an email. However if you are typing a long document, you may prefer a regular keyboard. Unfortunately once you start carrying a regular keyboard you might as well be carrying a computer.

Zagg has a solution, a cover with the keyboard in it. On the back edge of the cover there is a support which you pull up and lean your iPad against it. The support can go into 10 different angles. Allowing you to place the iPad as you like it. The keyboard is right there in front of you in the case.

When you done with your work, remove the iPad, put down the support, lay the ipad on top of the cover face down and close. You are ready to go in less than a minute. The case is made of high-grade tough aluminium, which matches the color of the iPad. The Zaggmate only adds 1/8 of an inch of thickness to the iPad. The ZaggMate with keyboard is $99.00, without the keyboard it is $69.00. So if you are looking for a well made cover with keyboard included you might want to take a look at the Zaggmate

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central.

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