Westinghouse LED HDTV

Everyday we are being bombarded by advertising that shows sheet after sheet of LED TV’s on sale and available at amazing prices. To think how much I spent on my Sony projection screen 5 years ago, makes me want to cry based on how much I paid for it compared to today’s prices. For the most part consumers are really having a hard time figuring out what manufacture to go with. Over the next couple of months I am going to be looking for information that will help you in choosing your next TV.

Recently I was made aware of a new series of video that they will be introduced over the next few months, that will communicate the value of the Westinghouse Digital brand of LED HDTVs.

In their first video Steve Greenberg, from Innovation Insider talks about a promotion currently running at Costco.com on the Westinghouse 42” 1080p LED priced at $599.99 for a limited time only.

Check what Steve had to say in this Video hosted on YouTube.

With my wife mandating that we buy a TV and move all gaming gear to the gaming room. The pricing and their green initiatives surrounding their sets makes a lot of sense I will keep you advised on their future videos.