I Had a Dell Recall Battery? An Ubuntu 9.04 Feature Told Me So.

This might be another good reason to install Ubuntu 9.04:

Information from Ubuntu that My Battery is under recall
Information from Ubuntu that My Battery is under recall

I looked at the battery, then called up the Dell recall list. Sure enough – that battery was listed. Interestingly enough, I’ve had this D600 for a while now and there has been no problems up until a week ago when the battery wouldn’t take a charge. Since I usually have this machine plugged in, I never thought twice about it.

The Ubuntu 9.04 was pretty easy to install on the Dell. I still need to fix the wireless, however all other items seem to function normally.

I will get the battery in the mail soon, along with that DVD+-RW Lightscribe and extra memory I just ordered for it. RAWK!

About J Powers

Podcaster, Blogger, IT Specialist. Been working in IT for over 15 years. Supported Windows 95 upon initial Launch and have worked in desktop, server and Web site support roles. Started Geekazine in 2007 and launched 5 shows from it. Speaker on many topics in Podcasting and technology. Also a musician.

2 thoughts on “I Had a Dell Recall Battery? An Ubuntu 9.04 Feature Told Me So.

  1. You can thank Red Hat for working on this. Richard Hughes who maintains gnome-power-manager works for Red Hat.

  2. That could be the best ever reason to install Ubuntu! Do please let us know what package determined this and told you :-)

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