Unobtrusive Watch

I want a new watch. I don’t need one with an iPod embedded or Bluetooth capability. I don’t want a calculator watch (1980’s geek status symbol). I don’t want to watch videos on it. I don’t need it to wake me in the morning or remind me to bring home some milk. I just want a watch that does not get in my way or feel weird on my wrist. If you don’t know what I mean then maybe it is just me. But when I am typing on the keyboard my watch, admittedly a bulky one, hangs & bumps every part of the laptop. It just feels awkward. Even when I am sitting around I take off the thing just to be “free”. The only time it does not bother me is while working partly because I need it then for timing & I am in a hurry to get done. I have tried the watch that hangs on a belt loop like a rock climbing clip but I don’t like having to look down at it and move it to where I can see it. Likewise I don’t like things hanging around my neck so that type watch won’t work for me either. Some of you are saying, “who needs a watch when everyone has cell phone with the time?” I get that and used to think that way but it is the same thing as the clip watch. You have to dig in your pocket to get to it. With a wrist watch it is the fastest way to get the info so it is the best design.

I think I have the prototype of what will work and maybe there is a watch like this out there somewhere. I wear a yellow “Live Strong” bracelet and it does not bother me at all even when typing. So a watch embedded in that type bracelet with a slicker finish is what I need. If you know of one I will gladly accept it as a gift

Distractions help you work

We probably all have had times when we have had to step away from a problem before we can solve it. A new study reported in the Telegraph found that when solving problems, distractions can make the process faster. The theory behind this is that non-linear problem solving requires the help of the subconscious mind. When our conscious minds are completely engaged in a problem it drowns out any subconscious thoughts we might have on the subject. Distracting our conscious mind for a moment allows those thoughts to bubble to the surface where we can acknowledge them.

Sure makes me feel better about looking for interesting stories on the Internet when I should be working.

Social Media Club Workshop in Hawaii

SmclubThe Social Media Leaders here in Hawaii have invited a number of leaders in Social Media to hold a very high level Social Media Workshop here in Hawaii the day before Podcamp Hawaii.

Business Owners and Individuals that are behind the power curve in Social Media are going to be treated to a very special event that will likely forever change the way they do business and also the way the utilize the Internet to build better brands.

I will be at the event representing RawVoice and there to share our experiences with Hawaii Business leaders. The best part though is thought leaders from the mainland and here in Hawaii will be presenting topics on Social Media that you will not want to miss.

Podcamp Hawaii is going to be Amazing!

Podcamp-hi-125I have been off on vacation for a couple of weeks, but I just got off the phone with Podcamp Hawaii lead organizer Roxanne Darling of Beach Walks with Rox and she caught me up on what has been happening.

The number of signups have already exceeded my expectations, and I am expecting the numbers to really climb when the TV ad Campaign starts. We received as part of a sponsorship with Oceanic Cable over 300, 30 second spots that are going to be running locally.

I have volunteered to do two sessions at the event, both of which have had full capacity attendance at previous podcamps. There will be a Senator speaking, that should be a fun session especially one week before the election.

If you have not checked out the Podcamp Hawaii website you need to do so now. Also their will be a Wordcamp happening at the same time and Matt Mullenweg will be speaking so the WordPress folks should be impressed with that.  

If you have not made plans to attend, now is the time to book a flight and get a great business deduction by coming to this event here in beautiful Hawaii.

The list of sponsors for Podcamp/WordCamp Hawaii include:

GNC-2008-10-13 #416 Back in the Saddle

Hey Folks I am back from vacation and back in the saddle. Great to have the batteries recharged and ready to take on the world. Off to Dallas tonight and will be recording the next show from Texas.

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Mike Dell’s World
Mike Thinks News

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Show Notes:
Mark Cubans Cause of Bubbles
2008 Ozone Hole
GPS could save Billions
20 Mac Apps?
F-35B Transforms
Cool Music From XP and 98
25 Photo Portfolios
YouTube full Length TV Shows?
Yoggie for Mac
Yes Elmo Live (Listen to Show)
Fon Spot 2.0
Trim your CD make it more Round?
1.5 Million G1 Pre-Orders
Bareback HD Docking Sleeve
IBEX to Map Solar Edge
Ad Sales to Plummet?
Gary Vaynerchuk and I Agree a 100%
RSS Converters
Seesmic lays more people off
FCC Free Wireless Web
Silverlight 2
Newspapers Web Ad Revenue Stalls
Verizon SMS Hike will hurt many Web 2.0 Companies
Soyuz to ISS
MSL to Mars in 2009
Benefits of Sponsoring a Wordcamp
McAfee Says more Bogus Security Software
MPAA and why the Sued Real

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Gaming leads to mass reading?

A recent article in the NY Times discussed the new video games that provoke youngsters into …. Gasp …. Reading. I think it could certainly help while it will never motivate huge numbers to pick up actual books. I remember the same discussion years ago about comic books. Kids would get criticized for reading that “junk” but at least it gave them experience in reading. Most kids won’t read anything past a certain age unless they are forced to in school. That is part of the problem I guess. In public school you are forced to be in class about 7 hours a day and learn what they tell you to learn. So when you get home the last thing you want to do is read more, even about subject you enjoy. I have read many, many more books since I left school than when I was in school. It’s my fault for not taking advantage of books when I was younger but at least I learned the skill and now I can use it to the fullest extent.

If these video games just kick start the process of enjoying reading then I think it is a great idea. Reading is one of the most powerful weapons we have. Once you can read there is nothing you cannot learn. It is the key to education obviously. If a kid lives in a poor family & community sometimes his only hope is reading. Without it he may never know there is a better life out in the world for him. He may not have a good role model in his home but his books can introduce him to many heroes to inspire him. Watching TV will rarely make you smarter while audio books are much more valuable. Reading is even more valuable as you absorb the information much better.

Everybody’s a Techie…

So the other day I walked into a shop to do some repairs. They had an in-house techie that put together their systems, but had no formal training. The kid was on vacation, so I walked in to fix an important program.

What I found was less than acceptable. The wireless was open, the computers firewalls were off and their data was completely exposed. Further, they were close to a public fairway which means that they get a lot of unknown traffic.

I have been seeing this on a regular basis – people that put their trust in non-educated techies. I lost a job to one a while back. They took price over quality. Later I found that person did something rather scary that exposed the systems and was asked to leave.

I can’t believe how many shops that have free WiFi have open systems. One system I was able to not only see the computers, I could see their POS systems. I was also able to download and upload files.

Did you know if you expose your Credit Card data in any way, shape or form, you will be subject to a $30,000 a day fine. Let me reiterate:

Thirty Thousand Dollar a day fine

I understand you need to cut corners. You wouldn’t fire your accountant for someone who does it every now and then. You wouldn’t take your Lawyer off retainer because your cousin is taking some law classes in college. Why would you do that with your tech?

There is a flip side – I know a few so called “Experienced techies” that I wouldn’t trust with my systems. They have certifications and diplomas to prove they have the knowledge, but couldn’t troubleshoot their way out of a box. A couple of them turned out to be good supervisors.

I also know some kids who come out of the gate and know their stuff. They have no certifications and are still in High School. They have the thirst for knowledge and can pick up new technologies like no tomorrow.

So if you are a company or person that needs help with technology, what can you do? You don’t know how to do that stuff and need to get things done.

Well, unfortunately the only way is to have a little bit of knowledge. Not only a little on the technology, but also what can affect you. A seasoned techie might not know that little tidbit on credit card info and you don’t want to learn of the issue until after the fact (and fine).

A good thing to do is talk to another techie. Ask them if they will come in and look at something small. If a seasoned techie sees problems, you will know pretty quick. Then you can take action.

This is going to be more important now that we can connect any machine to any available open wireless network. Laptops, phones or whatever from inside or outside the building. You might not even know someone is connecting. That is, until your data is compromised.