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I am going to step on some toes in this article. If you feel the need to click away then I understand. After all I want to accommodate everyone’s beliefs, because everyone has a right to be heard. That being said, Bill Nye, “The Science Guy”, recently made some comments that have raised a fire storm. Bill isn’t backing down from them, and I support him 100%.
A video began circulating recently showing Nye demonizing parents for teaching anti-science to their children, specifically anti-evolution. The video was titled, quite simply, “Creationism is not appropriate for children”. The video has more than 4 million views, with a mix of supporters and detractors, but the vast majority have been supportive – 66,000 likes vs 13,000 dislikes.
In all seriousness, the U.S. currently has one of the worst track records for science education and creationists are largely responsible for this dismal record. Religion has crept into our politics and states like Texas have even attempted to pass laws against the teaching of what is, in reality, a solid scientific theory. Bare in mind that everything in science is a theory because it is always evolving as new evidence is found. Evolution is every bit as solid of a “theory” as the theory of gravity.
Of course, religious groups have been up-in-arms over Nye’s comments with Ken Ham, who runs the Creation Museum, leading the charge. Nye, in response, has appeared on CNN to defend his stance. His views are no different than those of the vast majority of scientists, but he has the means to make them heard by the masses. Sadly, Nye probably can’t change much, but if he sways just a few people away from trying to tell their children that the world is only 6,000 years old, then it will be a victory.