MonBaby is a Smart Baby Monitor at CES

monbaby logoBaby monitoring is a product category ready for some real disruption. For years, baby monitoring systems have pretty much only consisted of walkie-talkie style radio setups. MonBaby is a new product that brings baby monitoring into the 21st century.

Jamie visited with Arturas Vaitaitis, a MonBaby representative. Arturas explained that MonBaby is a button-style Bluetooth-enabled monitor that attaches to any part of a baby’s clothing. MonBaby then sends alerts to a parent’s smartphone. Alerts include things like baby movement, rollovers or lack of baby movement. MonBaby is expected to hit the market in mid-Fedbruary and is currently available for preorder on the MonBaby website for $169.00.

Interview by Jamie Davis of Health Tech Weekly for the TechPodcast Network.

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