185 Twitter Posts A Day: The Social Experiment

185 what?

A few months back I looked at some hard data on my Twitter usage. Actually, it was more usage across the board between Social Networks like Twitter, Facebook, Plurk, Buzz and others. I did a rudimentary count of how many Twitter posts I looked at in a day. I tallied the numbers for a week, then averaged it out. That is how I got to 185.

I also took into affect how many Twitter followers I had. At the time it was 1170. I counted only the Twitter posts I saw in the “All friends” area – Mentions and DM’s did not count.

The same idea was applied on Facebook. It was a lot higher in 350. I think that is because my Facebook is geared more toward the people directly in my life and Twitter is pretty much everyone I follow.

I did the Buzz thing for a while, but lost interest. Plurk – Haven’t been up there in a while. Friendfeed? Well, that is almost the same as Facebook, right?

The reason why I counted? Well at that time, everyone was talking about paid Twitter posts. Anyone with around 5,000 followers or more were getting requests to pay-post. In thinking about it, I wondered if someone does post an ad, how likely would it be that I would read it?

I suppose if you were to post the ad every hour, then I would eventually catch it once. But in all reality, with reading 185 posts a day from 1170 people (which is more like 300-400 people), that post might never be seen by my eyes. But if you have 5,000 people following you and this 185 model was applied, I suppose someone will see it. More likely about 30-50 people will read your post. A small, but useful number.

Of course, I went by my own habits. I have an iPhone, so I can check these things while I am mobile. And as they say – Individual results will vary.

I challenge you to figure out how many Twitter posts you read in a day. Is it more? To do this – Do a daily count of posts you read for a week and average it out. I would do separate counts of each social network you visit.

As for me, I am working on the 185. I will most likely do another count / average in about 6 months. See if my numbers increase.

About J Powers

Podcaster, Blogger, IT Specialist. Been working in IT for over 15 years. Supported Windows 95 upon initial Launch and have worked in desktop, server and Web site support roles. Started Geekazine in 2007 and launched 5 shows from it. Speaker on many topics in Podcasting and technology. Also a musician.