The news out of AOL about logging what customers are searching is quite disturbing. I am strongly against search companies keeping records of what people are searching. That data is something that could be stolen, and if stolen could harm many people. I see this as the perfect time to mention the project started up over at XiTechnology in recent months. We are developing a search engine system using Open Source technologies to provide users with the comfort of knowing that their searches will not be saved anywhere. The project named iOpenSeek is an ad-free system available for searching the internet. I mean, isn’t that what you do on a search engine? Currently we are developing our own web spider to index our information. The source code for the spider will be available upon release in the fall for review and debugging. We are accepting donations to help cover the rather insane costs of hardware to purchase the servers to run our system on. This is a project we believe strongly in because of the risk in using some of the other search engines online today. Its our goal to protect our users, and provide them with a place to search freely. Our website is Updated news will be available on the site in the next coming weeks. If you believe in search engine freedom then this could be what you are looking for.