Managing My MicroBloggers

I am on Twitter. I am on Pownce. Plurk, FriendFeed, Jaiku, and a whole host more. I usually go through to post to them. Friendfeed likes to pick up the other feeds and repost.

The problem is if I “I’m writing a GNC article”, FriendFeed will post it 4-5 times. That makes me a FriendFeed Spammer. I don’t want that, for I want people to know who I am and what I do.

I quickly made some adjustments. First, I went to FriendFeed and pulled the queries from almost all but Twitter. Twitter is my focal point so it makes the most sense. I also left up Plurk because I wanted replies to be seen.

I then went to and turned off the FriendFeed post. I figure if it gets the post from Twitter, why should you get it from FriendFeed, too?

The end result is FriendFeed is only posting “I’m writing a GNC article” once. I did email FriendFeed a while back to suggest a way to merge the exact same mblogs – it would then show the places it came from but it would only be one post.

While no action came from that, I have a feeling they will eventually have to address the issue. The more people start cross Micro-Blog, the more we’ll see Friendfeed turn into a mess. At least I’m trying to keep my little part clean…