Tag Archives: Yelp

GNC-2010-01-18 #544 Live from the Sunshine State

Live from the Sunshine State. Have insight into a new site we are launching that will be going up later this week. I also cover a pile of tech news and information. Are you enjoying the content from Vegas? So far download numbers are exceeding expectations. Make sure you subscribe to the Special Media Feed!

Ongoing support by these fine sponsors keep the lights on your support is appreciated!
[Save 15% on orders $20.00 or more at >GoDaddy.com!] use Code Geek5
[GotoMeeting Hold your meetings online for just $49/mo. Try GoToMeeting FREE for 30 days]
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Follow @geeknews on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
My Personal Facebook Profile
Join the Geek News Central Podcast Facebook Page
Video of Show at geeknews.blip.tv
Video of Show at www.youtube.com/user/geeknews
Show Comments please call 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Subscribe to the Special Media Feed
Network Flaw raises real concern!

Show Links:
New York Times Paywall Thoughts.
Listmonkey Twitter Monitor Service.
Twiangulate Twitter Monitor Service.
Twitter RowFeeder.
Photoshop at 20 Years Old.
Do you have a real voice Online?
Find a Job Using Technology.
Coding a Faster Website.
BarMax a real $1000.00 App!
Bloggers need to link to Source Material!
FCC Death Sentence to Wireless Mics!
Copper Wire that Scrubs CO2 from Atmosphere!
US Broadband Speeds ranked 35th Worldwide!
Bing indexing to Improve?
AT&T Slashes iPhone Rates!
Sweedish ISP fail to give up P2P Users.
More Net Neutrality Garbage Opinions.
Tablet really coming.
Xbox more than a Gaming Device?
Google Attack Inside Job?
OLED Tablet not Possible.
Twitter something Stupid Go to Jail!
Foursquare not happy with Yelp.
Revision 3 wants Conan?
Check out the New Cell phone Rates.
IE on the Ropes.
BearExtender 3 a WiFi Extender.
Verizon FIOS 35/35mbps! Please come to Hawaii!
Novatel MiFi can be Hacked!
We need smart power monitoring in the United States!
Someone Snooping with your Phone?
Innovation in Haiti to get phones Charged!
Lexicon Shame on You!

Send in your stories to geeknews@gmail.com and be sure to provide a link to your websites!

GNC-2009-12-18 #537 Yes I am still Here!

Ok folks I am still here, while I do not want to go into the circumstances of the emergency travel it appears at this point that we probably will not have to go anywhere. I cover a huge amount of ground in tonights show and there is a wealth of information about what is coming up next. Thanks to the listeners that have signed up for monthly contributions it is heart warming to see how much you care. I will continue to do my best in delivering you the most content of any tech show in the space.

Ongoing support by these fine sponsors keep the lights on your support is appreciated!
[Save 15% on orders $20.00 or more at >GoDaddy.com!] use Code Geek5
[GotoMeeting Hold your meetings online for just $49/mo. Try GoToMeeting FREE for 30 days]
Check out our Free Magazine Offers!
Complete List of GoDaddy Promo Codes for huge Savings!

Follow @geeknews on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
My Personal Facebook Profile
Join the Geek News Central Podcast Facebook Page
Video of Show at geeknews.blip.tv
Video of Show at www.youtube.com/user/geeknews
Show Comments please call 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Operation Chokehold!
Link to a Litopia Podcast that was a guest on the 24hr Podcast!

Show Notes:
Flip Strikes back with Flip TV
Zune + Twitter + Censor = Fail
Gotta have me one of these Hover craft!
Green car driving Assistant?
Crazy Stuff Here on Drones!
LED Traffic Lights trouble in Snow Belt!
Psystar final nail in coffin!
Are you an Audiophiles nut?
Prepare to be blown away! Watch the linked Video!
Auto Translation with FeedDemon!
To cancel your cell phone or not!
Blip.TV on a roll!
Verizon FIOS 10 GBPS to home!!!
Mobile Firefox.
Big Brands understand Value of Smaller Blogs!
Yelp to be purchased for 500 Million?
Android on a Roll!
Google + Audi A8= Cool
Adaptech For Sale!
Cool USB Hub!
New Diabetes monitor connects to PC!
Have they detected Dark Matter?
FTC to put serious Smackdown on Intel!
Bitly.TV use trending to their advantage!
CNET 20 Top Gadgets of 2009!
YouTube Top 5 Videos.
Are you a Trackball User?
9 Things to do with your GPS.
Titan confirmed to have lake of Methane.
Slow News day talking about Space Battles?
BBC HD content 50% reduction in Quality!
NCAA hates Fan Sites!
Teachers to sell school Lesson Plans?
Google does not walk the talk.

Send in your stories to geeknews@gmail.com and be sure to provide a link to your websites!