Tag Archives: WHS

GNC-2010-08-17 #602 AT&T or Verizon Challenge.

Will you make the commitment today to leave AT&T if Verizon get’s the iPhone. Two show appearance here in Hawaii and then 2 shows on the East Coast. I am once again on the move which will ultimately end up being a very busy August. If you have been following on Twitter you know I have been waiting for the next shoe to drop.. Tech news and more on the show!

Very Special GoDaddy Promo Code Tonight for new customers only $1.99 .com use the code “GEEK199” Short time offer folks!

These companies keep the lights on here at GNC your support is appreciated!
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Sponsor: Visit gotomeeting.com, click the try it free button & use promo code: Podcast.
Sponsor: Infusionsoft, the leader in marketing automation software for small businesses.

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Streams Justin.tv / Ustream.TV
To Comment on show call 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Insider / Ohana Links:
New School Policy Set on Laptop Spying.
Nets to capture space junk.
e-book Partnership in Japan.
Roll up Laptop Video.
Rich Buchanan RIP.

The Geek’s Show Links:
Just Change your Name.
Verizon and Fiber Speeds.
Vending Machine for Pharmacy Drugs.
iPod Stops Japanese Trains for 8 Minutes.
Fingerprints reveal pin!
xbox 360 Jailbreak.
Cool Music Sites.
Automated Web Template Builder.
Long Tail Content.
Lady Criminals get Creative.
Way to catch Piegons.
Brain Simulation by 2020.
Space Junk Collector.
10 Dangerous Web Actions.
Apple TV what do you think?
Android Users are Data Pigs!
Video 101.
Apple Manager in Slammer.
Geek Squad ask for trouble.
Facebook Dislike Scam!
Slideshare pro.
Your Brain net Disconnected.
ISS Mission Accomplished.
Do you save Energy really?
Apple iAd = Apple Store
Geeks protest Like Geeks!
Windows Home Server to Support Mac’s.
Take the AT&T / Verizon Challenge.
Sony Dash Update.
Google & Verizon told to Pack Sand!
Network Solutions Infects 5 Million sites!
You will like the Cartoons.
Insanity of Music Licensing.

Send in your stories to geeknews@gmail.com and be sure to provide a link to your websites!

GNC-2009-11-20 #529 Get ready for the 24hr Podcast

I have announced my tentative date for the 24hr Podcast, lots to cover between then and now. But as always it is my pleasure to do that 24hr show. Need to pick a charity for this year. Suggestions are welcome. Production of the video portion of the show is really improving, have a few more things to work out but I am happy with process. Back to a normal show flow next show.

Ongoing support by these fine sponsors keep the lights on your support is appreciated!
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Follow @geeknews on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
My Personal Facebook Profile
Join the Geek News Central Podcast Facebook Page
Video of Show at geeknews.blip.tv
Video of Show at www.youtube.com/user/geeknews
Show Comments please call 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Special Contest Tonight.. Click this Link for your Demo Account!
A Few Tips on Short URL’s
Look at this proposed Laptop design! Want One! Call Hotline 619-342-7365
Apollo 11 Landing Site!
Which Browser is the Riskiest?

Show Notes:
Why Microsoft has lost the mobile phone market!
Are you using Dropbox I want to hear your opinion!
It is time for Personal Servers in fact it’s overdue!
Sony rolls out its own Music, Movie store.
Apple needs to really ready this!
Captions on YouTube
Extra Benefit of YouTube Captions.
Google Phone.
PeerNews launching in Hawaii!
Shuttle at ISS all is well.
Yahoo to Index Twitter Immediately!
14 Free Mac Developer Apps.
Apple and Others Quality Control.
FTC going after Fraudulent Check printer.
Azure comes out of Beta Jan 1st!
Are these folks stealing from you?
Pirate Bay Alive and Well!
California to add Border checks for TV’s
The REAL Mars research game!
Smile for the Camera Please!
What are you doing is no What’s Happening!
Going Free doubles a companies Business.
Senate to put Hammer down on Phrama, Professors and Book Publishers!
Walmart new Copyright Police!
The destruction of Live Music in America!
Tradeup to Bluray for $15.00?
Hackintosh back in Action on Atom!
Windows 7 Sales Explosive!
Check WiFi on American Airline Flights!
Google Chrome the Announcement!
Google Chrome OS do I really want this?
Will this list support Google Chrome OS?
Windows Home Server Update Coming!
Pandora has amazing conversion rates!
Sprint 4G you gotta get better than this?
EFF Goes after Podcasting Patent in Big way!

Send in your stories to geeknews@gmail.com and be sure to provide a link to your websites!

GNC-2009-03-24 #462 Last show before heading East

Ok Folks I am headed to the East Coast first stop Columbus Ohio for a podcaster meetup on Thursday. Also if you are Blubrry.com user/podcaster we have a survey for you as we are getting ready to improve the site design and need some feedback.

Show Sponsors keep the lights on Please Support the Show Sponsors!
[Save 10% off any order at >GoDaddy.com!] use Code Todd
Save Money with all our GoDaddy Codes see our Promo Code Page
[Try GoToMeeting free for 30 days at GoToMeeting.com/techpodcasts. No credit card needed.]

Twitter Me http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
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FriendFeed GNC Room!!
Podcast Comments call 619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
High Res Pic of Bat on Shuttle Launch
iPhone App “iTalk
NASA in 3d

Show Notes:
Shuttle & ISS Dodge more Space Junk
Solar Panel Deployment Good
Colbert Space Station?
Asa on pwn2own
Cuban Puff Piece
Finder Tips and Tricks
Sci Fi -> SyFy = Dumb Move
Flying Robots Save Lives
Pres Obama Admin sides with RIAA
Blockbuster loosing big Money!
New Fat Reduction Technique!
DDOS via Home Routers
Skype to Support SIP
BIOS Attacks
Zune Software to non Zune Device?
Dell Adamo battery not replaceable
Netflik Responds to BW Capping
Fry’s Monster HDMI Scam?
Get Filmed by Police with AXON Headgear
Home Server Power Pack 2
Vote for Woz
DIY Solder Stations

GNC-2009-02-27 #455 On my way to Japan

On my way to Japan tomorrow morning, but dealing with a very sore back after a major fall here at home. Slightly worried about my connectivity in Japan but will keep you all advised if it looks like I will have to delay a show. Congratulations to Dale on winning PogoPlug.

Support my Show Sponsors it keeps food on the table here!
[Save 15% off on any order >$20.00 at GoDaddy.com!] Use Code Geek5
More GoDaddy Promotion Codes Here
[Try GoToMeeting free for 30 days at GoToMeeting.com/techpodcasts. No credit card needed.]

Twitter Me http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
My Facebook Profile
FriendFeed GNC Room!!
Comments to 619-342-7365 e-mail to geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
OLED not Selling
US Broadband

Show Notes:
Windows 7 will play .Mov Files
Old School NASA Saturn Picture
Twitter Alternatives
Digg to Battle Stumbleupon
1.5 Million Footprint Found
Google Apps Status Page
CC Zero
Quebecor Sells Out on Three Strikes
Border Search of Encrypted media must give up Data
Earth Eclipse as Seen from Moon
Windows 7 Are they Listening
MIT Invention Powers Bicycles
Do you have a Broken Mac Air Hinge
I Love this Monitor Setup!
17 inch Macbook Pro Review
Pirate Bay Day 9
Lenses Informational
Why the Labels are Crying Wolf
Panther and CDN Networks Merge
Powerbook Battery Explodes
RIP Rocky Mountain News
Say Hello to Google Twitter
Facebook Photos a iPhone Contact List
iPhone Japan poor sales
MRO trouble
Discovery March 12th Launch
Blubrry Sponsors Wordcamp Denver
Fairness Doctrine first Nail in Coffin
How to Sync two Windows Home Servers
FAA hack
36 Changes to Windows 7
CBS gets Pass by Apple to Stream TV via 3G – Podcasting Denied
Asus Eee PC 1000HE

GNC-2007-12-28 #328

This is the last show of 2007 what an amazing year and you all have been an amazing audience. I look forward to a even more exciting 2008!

Special Promotion code 20% off on 1 Year Shared Hosting Plans use Godaddy Code Todd20
[Save 10% off on any order at GoDaddy.com!] Use Code Todd
[Try GoToMeeting free for 30 days at GoToMeeting.com/techpodcasts. No credit card needed.]

Twitter Me http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
My Facebook Profile
Comments to 619-342-7365 e-mail to geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
New PodcasterNews.com Design
Solar Free Loader
Someone is Confused

Show Notes:
Success and Motivation
Companies to Watch
Beam me down some Power Scotty
Moon is Younger that we thought!
Google gets in Hot Water with Reader
3rd Party Apps Install Info for iPhone and iPod Touch
Five things you will Love about Firefox Three
Looking back at 2007
TV to Loose 28% of Audience?
$40K to Fill iPod
Web 2.0 Effects Instructions
Why no Free Audio Hosting?
Walmart Kills Video Download Business
Don’t be mad at Call Center Software
Windows Home Server Bug Corrupting Data
Brits torching traffic Cameras
HDMI Switch
Apple and Fox Team Up for Movies
Ten Twitter Lessons
Short URL’s
36 Startup Tips
Music Download Wars
Progress at ISS
Clearwire PC Modems
Shuttle Repair will result in Delay

Cool Things I found
Taste of Summer

HP MediaSmart Home Server Available to Order Today!

Ever since CES in January I have been anticipating what I think is going to be the product of the year. After some delays to make sure the software was ready for release, the folks at HP have released the MediaSmart Home Server for resale at most major online sites with delivery scheduled to start later this month.

The wait will be well worth it, as the 500GB model is going to retail for $599.00 and the 1TB model will retail for $749. Each model comes with 4 drive bays and dependent on how you order it will depend on how many free drive bays there will be.

HP has added some cool features to their offering that will sit on top of the Windows Home Server operating system that will make the HP offering even more compelling.

The first is called “HP Photo Webshare” with an HP specific software add-on that comes with the MediaSmart Home Server. You will be able to share your photos from your MediaSmart Home server with relatives and friends. Whoever you give access to those pictures will be able to download and or order pictures online through Snapfish. A even more cool feature is that friends will be able to add pictures to your collection as well.

This will be the first time you will not need to upload your pictures to Flickr. All of your photos are now available via your Internet connection and your family can enjoy your pictures as you update them.

When I asked how ISPs are going to cope with people running a home server on their Internet connection, the HP folks believe that because the usage will be limited to family and friends there should be no issue with ISPs.

If your ISP blocks incoming Port 80 though, this and other features may be in danger of not working. In all likelihood those on Comcast and other services that have strict policies against running servers on their Internet connections will have a issue that Microsoft and HP will have to work through with the ISPs.

The second add service is Windows Media Connect where you will be able to have one instance of your music versus on multiple machines. That media would be available to all network attached devices like an XBox.

A exceptional cool add on is Server for iTunes which will allow the Windows Media Connect to integrate with iTunes. iTunes will recognize the media as a new device and the playlist etc will be available. Thus, all of your computers with iTunes on it will be able to access through the Media Smart Home Server the Server for iTunes interface.

The small form factor and stylish design will only require a power plug and a hard-wired connection to your home network. Each PC then will need to run the client software for the automated backups and rebuild capability that the Windows Home Server brings to the table.

HP has not locked the software down, thus any third party applications that are brought to market will be able to be installed and run on the operating system.

GNC-2007-11-02 #314

Huge thanks to the Sponsors of the show and your support of our sponsors. Lots to chat about today and a pile of content to get through. Tell 20 of your friends about the show and help us grow.

Sponsor: Save Money with all our GoDaddy Codes see our Promo Code Page
[Try GoToMeeting free for 30 days at GoToMeeting.com/techpodcasts. No credit card needed.]

Twitter Me http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
My Facebook Profile
Comments to 619-342-7365 e-mail to geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
OSX Trojan
NASA Exploration Assignments
UFO Files Reopened
NASA contest Submissions
HP Ad on YouTube
Free MP3 may cost you a lot
Home School Link
iPhone AT&T Earnings
No Cash

Show Notes:
How Many Computers do you Have?
iTunes 7.5 Soon
Windows Vista +1
Windows Home Server Review
RSS Logos and Design Consideration
Advocacy group goes after Comcast
iPhone Invention of the Year
Zune 2 and Podcasting Support
Sprint Wimax in trouble
Verizon Fios 150+ HD Channels
Miracle X-Ray Machine
OpenSocial will be King
So you are a Media Company now ehhh
Whois Database Spared
NYT Blogrunner Reviewed
PayPerPost RIP and good Riddance
ISS Solar Panel Rip
Professors starting to allow Wikipedia for Class Usage
OiNK Shutdown Worthless
Apple Trojan

Caught my Eye:
Cool Stuff
Good Deed
Seed Bank
Chris Angel Trick Reviewed
Don’t Run with a MP3 Player