Tag Archives: Vudu

VUDU had a Break-In – Informs Customers 18 Days Later

VUDU logoThose of you who have been using VUDU to watch movies may have received a rather scary email recently. No, the company didn’t get hacked. Instead, what happened was a physical break-in to their offices. Whoever did it walked away with multiple hard drives that contained important data such as customer names, encrypted passwords, addresses, and phone numbers. In other words, the hard drives had some of the personal information that most people would not want a random stranger to get a hold of.

VUDU says that the passwords that were on the hard drives were encrypted, so there’s that. The company also says that there were no full credit card numbers on the hard drives that were stolen. Even so, VUDU has reset customer’s passwords. They posted a blog about the situation that says:

There was a break-in at the VUDU offices on March 24, 2013, and a number of items were stolen, including hard drives. Our investigation thus far indicates that these hard drives contained customer information, including names, email addresses, postal addresses, phone numbers, account activity, dates of birth, and the last four digits of some credit card numbers. It’s important to note that the drives did NOT contain full credit card numbers, as we do not store that information. If you have never set a password on the VUDU site and have only logged in through another site, your password was not on the hard drives. While stolen drives included VUDU account passwords, those passwords were encrypted. We believe it would be difficult to break the password encryption, but we can’t rule out that possibility given the circumstances of this theft. Therefore, we have reset all customer passwords.

March 24, 2013 was…. let’s see… 18 days ago! That’s a really long time to wait before letting customers know that their personal information may, potentially, be in the hands of whomever broke into the VUDU offices and stole the hard drives! Their blog goes on to say:

We are still in the process of sending email messages.

This means that there could very well be some VUDU customers who have not yet been informed about the break-in. That’s rather shocking! Typically, the sooner a company lets customer’s know that their data may be in the hands of thieves, the better. I feel bad for the people who are going to read a blog about the break-in before VUDU contacts them about it. Why did they wait so long? Again, their blog has an answer:

We notified law enforcement immediately when the break-in was discovered, and have worked closely with them on the investigation. We have also worked to reconstruct the information that was included on the drives to ensure we had an accurate assessment.

Perhaps the company is aware of the potential damage customers may face due to the break-in and the length of time VUDU waited before letting people know about it. They have made arrangements for customers to be automatically eligible to receive identity protection services from AllClear ID. You can find out more about the AllClear service, what it provides, and how to enroll on VUDU’s blog. It doesn’t mention if the service is free or if there will be a charge for using it (only that customers are “eligible”).

GNC #695 Free Speech Watch

Thank you for your amazing support of the show. At 695 Episodes they are as exciting for me to do as the day I recorded the first one. Do you have a prize you would like to donate for show #700. Several companies have already stepped up and we are going to have a huge giveaway pool of gadgets and gear.. Speaking of Gear make sure you check out the latest episodes of The Gadget Professor and Robot Underpants!

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Listener Links:
Apple is King!

Show Links:
Happy Birthday PC @ 30!
Free Speech Watch.
What’s good for the Goose is good…..
Don’t Cry!
Parking in Motion!
1.2 Billion on What?
Don’t send me your email!
Cancer Cure?
New Patch Monitoring.
Ford Net?
Sony cuts Prices on Google TV.
Carbonite IPO!
Amazon Flips Apple the Bird.
Apple is King of the Hill.
USB 3.0 @ 100 Watts.
Google + Games Implemented the Right way!
Power Consumption of Gadgets.
Privacy at Linked In?
Block Sites – Lower Prices.
New Zealand 3 Strikes on Clock!
DtecNet Evil Empire.
Apple Projectors.
Breaking Netflix Down.
Vudu Flips Apple the Bird.
Yap.Tv makes you Yap?
Disney Pay for Cable or No Net Media!
P2P moving on up!
Zediva Shutters.
**** Social Media Propaganda ****
Yahoo Ups their Image.
FTC Crawls through Google.
Google Video App 2.2 and Up 4×4!
Shuttle Head to Head.
Rover oh Rover Where are Though Rover!
Mach 20 and then Warp!
Facebook Slows Down.
T-Mobile more Like AT&T everyday!

GNC-2011-02-17 #648 Special Apple Product Announcement!

For those of you that actually read the show notes and I know 10’s of thousands do not the clue on the Apple Product announcement is in the show notes.. You want to talk about a product that the koolaid drinkers will get excited about. Action packed show, of course I had to have a mini soap box time over recent App Store announcements. Hope you enjoy the show. Action hotline is available 24/7 at +1-619-342-7365 leave your comments there or drop me an e-mail.

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Listener Links:
For the Weirdo in your Life.
84k websites hijacked by Uncle Sam!
Small Nuclear Reactor.

Show Notes:
Comet Particles Sounded like Bombs!
To Jupiter and Beyond.
ISS to get Japanese Anime Robot. ;)
Solar Activity on Rise.
WISE is shutdown.
Fetus Brain Activity.
Darpa want’s you!
Dumb Criminal Department.
Righthaven tries again.
TSA Thieves!
Microsoft makes dumb Policy.
SSd’s are not Secure.
Send a Robot to Moon and Win!
Android Malware.
Smart Red Light.
Clearwire Gains but still looses Money.
10 Core Chip on Way.
Facebook recognizes Civil Unions.
Coupon Cutters like Spending.
NSA wants to Protect Private Infrastructure?
Thought Controlled Devices.
Hack PS3 get Banned.
Apple + Devices + Kids = Ohhh Man
Apple 15 Minute Purchase Window under Review.
National Broadband Map.
Comcast 24/7 3d Content.
No Small iPhone.
Chevrolet MyLink.
Google OnePass.
Sony not leaving iTunes.
What Happens when you Meet a Semi?
Dual Screen Tablet.
Gov’t Mistakes Kills 84k Websites but it gets much Worse!
P2P lawsuits dropped by Thousands.
P2P Users giving up cash for no reason.
RIAA says Canada and Spain Worse?
Facebook News Feed Stream Change.
Facebook Pop up Pictures Hack.
Borders Bankrupt.
Web Savvy Cars Finally.
AT&T – Fast / Verizon -Slow on iPhone Speed Test.
Firefox 4 coming!
Portable Speaker Mini
Anti Sleep Pilot for iPhone.
Cord Cutting for only 25 and Below.
Roku Tips.
Wild Pirate Stats.
Plex comes to Android.
Video Piracy goes Underground.
Next New Networks and Google.
iPhone Menu hack for Jailbreakers.
Netflix and Vudu on Boxee.
Apple about to commit grand larceny.
Movies on your iOS Device.
Rewdbox to Stream.
2012 Chevy Volt Rebates.
Sprint and LTE.
Rovi and Delivery Agent.
Apple Water.
Google Navigation.
Bing Bar Changed!
Tetris Game powered by HTML5
See the Google Android Booth.
Stardust Flyby.
Cosmo 101 Heavy Stuff.
EU Launches Massive load to ISS.
Steve Jobs Destroyed Home.

[flowplayer src='https://media.blubrry.com/geeknewscentral/rvgarchive.com/geeknews/GNC-2011-02-17.m4v' width=480 height=270 splash=https://www.geeknewscentral.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/648.png]

Netflix and Vudu Now on the D-Link Boxee Box

D-Link and Boxee have announced that the Boxee Box will now support Vudu and NetFlix.

This will bring even more choices to the Boxee box and let it’s users have access to the 1000’s of movies and TV shows available on NetFlix via their subscription service. NetFlix subscriptions start at $7.99 for streaming only and $8.99 for 1 DVD by mail at a time in addition to the streaming. Go to NetFlix.com to check out their service.

Vudu brings HD movies, on demand for rental. They have first run movies that are available on the Vudu service the same day the DVD’s are released. Standard rentals are priced at $2 for 2 nights and HD New Releases rent for $4.99. Check out vudu.com for more information.

The D-Link Boxee box can be ordered for around $200 just about everywhere electronics are sold. The Boxee service also includes a plethora of other streaming content from various media creators around the internet (including Tech Podcast Network and Blubrry channels)

The Boxee Box itself features an SD card slot, two USB ports, optical digital audio, HDMI output, 802.11n wireless, and an Ethernet port. It has a double-sided remote featuring a built-in QWERTY keyboard and simple browsing interface, consumers can kick back and watch virtually anything. It also integrates social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, Right from your remote!

For more information on the Boxee service, check them out over at boxee.tv and check out the boxee box by D-Link at dlink.com/boxee

Dyyno Universal Broadcaster and EZ Grabber

Jeffrey and Tom interview Vamshi Sriperumbudur to see what Dyyno has to offer video broadcasters. Dyyno are a video streaming company and offer a complete portfolio of tools for the video lifecycle, from video creation through delivery to promotion and marketing. In this video, the focus is on the initial capture and broadcast of the video stream.

The first part is “dUb”, Dyyno Universal Broadcaster, which allows the broadcaster to broadcast nearly anything. Basically, if you can see it on your computer screen, then you can broadcast it, whether it’s a full-screen game or an application such as Powerpoint.

To make this more useful to video broadcasters, dUb has been integrated with the Geniatech range of video capture devices; EZ Grabber, EZ Grabber 2.0 and HD Cap Express. Over a million of these have been sold which makes them some of the more widely used video capture devices.

The basic package of EZ Grabber and dUb costs just $30 to get started with 50 hours per month and upgrade packages for more hours are available.

The  competition to win an EZ Grabber in this video is already finished, we gave the units away during the live coverage.

Interview by Jeffrey Powers of The Geekazine Podcast and Tom Newman of The Fogview Podcast.

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GNC-2010-12-23 #637 Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays

I want to wish all of the Ohana a Merry Christmas and of course a safe and Happy Holidays. As a family we are dealing with several things that are really making us reflect, thankfully my daughter is here for the holidays and it has been entirely to long since she has spent any time with us. I hope as you spend time with your Ohana that you cherish each moment with them. I will have a regular show on Monday and a slightly abbreviated show next Thursday.

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Show Hotline 24/7 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links
Verizon and Net Neutrality.

Show Notes:
Norad Tracking Santa!
Dell Streak.
Paradigm shifting to Google?
Windows Expander.
20 Programs for Windows.
Net Neutrality #1
Net Neutrality #2
Net Neutrality #3
Chevy Explains 2 MPG Charts.
Google buys a Whole Block in NYC.
Vudu 2.0
BBC iPlayer.
Comcast + NBCU – Good to Go?
Netflix Versus Apple in HTML5 Streaming.
500 – 1k Christmas Presents.
Revision 3 signs another show.
Your Bathroom May need this!
BYTE coming back?
Pocket Router.
Skype Status.
SPOT gets into Security!
Android Market Ready.
Mars Movie.
Space Junk getting Worse.
Watch Snow on your Monitor.
Airplay working on PC.
IE9 Best for Malware Protection.
Idiot of the Month.
0 Day IE Exploit.
BOA Loosing Battle.
New Zealand opens up UFO records.
Indie Music wants to Seize Domains of Promoters.
More Copyright Cops.
My Advice Sleep.
One Smart Dog.
Navy Engineering.
Get Stuck in a Airport here’s the place to eat.
SXSW Thoughts.

GNC-2010-11-22 #629 Headed Home

I have had a very productive trip here in Albuquerque but I am more than ready to head home. Lots of work to do in the studio and not a lot of time to do it. PLus my honey do list is a mile long. I expect to do a Saturday Morning Tech Show if the Studio is ready. Sunday we announce the Slate for 2010 Podcast Awards so it has to be ready. :) Have a great Thanks Giving and be Safe.

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Show Hotline 24/7 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
TSA Alternative?
Energy Cost.
Net Neutrality coming in Dec?
More TSA Madness.

Show Links:
Kilts pose issue for TSA.
Simply amazing ISS Pictures.
Samsung and Google TV?
Google is Hiring.
Google Connect going after Microsoft Office Users Big Time.
Netflix Pricing change and New Service Offerings.
iOS 4.2 now on the Street.
600k Galaxy Tablets Sold.
150k down /35k Up = $200.00
Vudu coming to Panasonic.
GNC 24hr Podcast!
Amazon Album Sales.
Tivo iPad App.
Time Warner Lower Offering Sucks.
Autobot service for Car.
Brillant Jenga Pistol.
When will Point and Shoot Cameras get Smart?
Shorts for your trips to the Airport.
Discovery ready to go.
The final frontier.
Maybe the Big Bang was not so Big after all.
Shop smart these holidays.
Bogus TSA Info.
Use S3 for Hosting?
Twitter GAG.
Google TV ok to wait on.
Big Sat punched into Orbit.
Wi-Fi is killing Trees?
AT&T boast big Speed advantage.
FCC not Happy with Verizon on Net Neturality.
You wonder why we have Back Scatter Scanners?
911 Update Overdue.
Viacomm blocking Google TV.

Send in your stories to geeknews@gmail.com and be sure to provide a link to your websites!