Tag Archives: TSA

GNC-2011-03-17 #656 The Great Experiment Continues!

Your going to love this one, I get on the Soap Box and stay there for a good bit in the show today. Fools and their wasted money is the theme. Plus I place a wager on a specific companies new initiatives failing. I also want to welcome our newest insider, thank you for supporting the show it is greatly appreciated.

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Show Hotline 24/7 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links
Lexar 128gb SDXC Memory Cards.
Adobe Flash HTML5 Converter.

Show Notes:
Burglar Blaster.
Firefox 4 Final Release date 3-22.
Firefox 4 Notes.
* Renegade
It’s not the downloads.
This Mom needs to be a Parent.
14 Months, 40 Million NYT Fools.
NYT Paywall Plans?
Open Canadian Letter to NYT!
Business Cards Dead?
RSA SecurID May Be Hacked.
Hacking your Car.
Matt Cutts – Google Luminary.
Japan Telephone/Network Lines a Wreck.
TSA now cannot do Math.
Netflix to do Original Content?
Webm Plugin for IE9.
President says Do Not Track!
BlueTooth Headset Review.
Soyuz back to Kazakhstan.
Women in Space.
Lasers Solution to Space Junk?
More Resources for Japan.
Protecting your company Image.
Time Warner iPad App.
Google Largest Torrent Search Engine.
White House thinks Streaming is Fed Crime.
Sick of Sarah 2205.
Visa goes after Paypal.
Rustock Spam Botnet Brought Down?
Hackers having fun with Electronic Sign.
Sony gets Paypal info on PS3 Case.
Best Sprinkler Yet.
Lexar 128GB SDXC Cards.
Solar Stove.
IPTV Moving Upwards.
IE9 Partners with Hulu.
Free Computer Games.
Gnome 3.0 Beta.
Video Alarm.
OSX Media Conveter.
Google Docs on a roll.
Dutch test 110 old X-Ray machine.
U-Socket Review.
Radiation from Planes and Passengers.

GNC-2011-03-07 #653 Not the Charlie Sheen Show!

I spend a few moments talking about the technical portions of the Charlie Sheen show on Ustream. Considering the train wreck that happened on their inaugural show on Saturday makes me proud of all the new media creators that produce their own shows, and do so with 50x the professionalism of what I observed Saturday night. I have a new giveaway starting tonight listen to win. This show is action packed from the beginning to the end! Become an Insider or Make a donation to the show to qualify for the contest.

The following Sponsors keep GNC running your support of them is greatly appreciated!
GoDaddy services saves you lot’s of money, check out my Promo Codes Today.
Sponsor: Get your 14 day Free Trial of Audible Gold to start Listening

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Show Hotline 24/7 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links
Shatner wake up call.
Millionaire steals credit card?
Get the BBC iPlayer for 74 Pounds.
Alien Contact made.

Show Notes:
Facebook Comments?
Facebook Comments #2?
Charlie Sheen Social Insanity.
Sheens Korner needs some Production Help.
Motorola Xoom Music App hacked.
Buttons or Touch Screens.
Geek Watch (Must Buy).
Phone 135 years old.
Firefox 4 Looks Amazing.
Hawaii TSA a Joke!
Unban PS3 Hack.
First Amendment vs Copyright Laws.
Scientist Study on Sons Voice.
SMS coming to Facebook?
Jamming Time?
Ten iPad Tips.
Facebook Evil on Advertising?
Tax Apps.
Facebook Saves Boy.
Star Trek Wakes Discovery Crew.
Discovery Leaves ISS.
Can we Get our Groove Back?
Woz on Tech and Education.
6 Things in Space.
What went up did not stay up!
Our First Alien.
New Angle on Saturn.
Supernova back as Video Portal.
Fake MPAA/RIAA notice scams $280K
Fox Double DMCA Takedown (Idiots).
UV Cellphone Cleaner?
Where is your Threshold of Business forgiveness.
Sorenson Squeeze 7.
HP Omni Pro.
Google Responds to Droid Malware.
Robot looks real!
WD buys Hitachi HD Manufacturing.
Samsung 950 Series Pricing.
JVC 3D Consumer Camera Debut.
Microsoft pays a Billion to Nokia!
iTunes Home Sharing Update.
$539 Motorola Xoom.
Awesome Asus Ad.
Are you Really Anonymous.
Firefox 4 Crash Reasons.
Skype Ads.
Speed Test Website update.

Mobile Edge Scanfast 2.0 Checkpoint & Eco-friendly Stylish Laptop Bags

Matthew Olivolo of Mobile Edge Stylish Laptop Bags (www.mobileedge.com) presents the Scanfast 2.0 collection of Checkpoint-friendly and Eco-friendly laptop computer bags. Amazingly, the material is actually constructed out of corn and is therefore made of non-petroleum-based material. Featuring a butterfly design, the laptop does not have to be removed in order to be scanned, nor do the bags have to be placed into the TSA gray bins — they are designed to roll right down the rollers into the scanners. The laptop bags feature plenty of zippered pockets for numerous accessories. Models include a briefcase, messenger bag and backpack. The briefcase version will accommodate up to a 16″ inch laptop, while the backpack version will accommodate up to a 17″ laptop. The bags are priced affordable at $99 each and come with a lifetime warranty. If a zipper should break the consumer can send it back in for repair at no cost to the customer.

Interview by Jeffrey Powers of The Geekazine Podcast and Tom Newman of The Fogview Podcast.

Please Support our CES 2011 Sponsors

Get your 14 day Free Trial of Audible Gold to start Listening to great Books!
Save 25% on 4GH Hosting 1yr Subscriptions Save 25% Promo Code CES2.
Sponsor: The New Luxor, Las Vegas Deals Start @ $40.00 best rates guaranteed

GNC-2011-01-14 #639 Back in the Saddle

It is fantastic to be back doing the show after a two week hiatus for CES and all of the other adventures I have been on. This one is action packed and I have some major soap box time about Google and their H.264 abandonment announcement and who consumers in general are going to suffer over this format war. Lots to share this is a fast paced one strap in tight!

The following Sponsors support GNC your support of them is appreciated!
GoDaddy services saves you money, check out my Promo Codes Today.

Sponsor: Get your 14 day Free Trial of Audible Gold to start Listening

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Show Hotline 24/7 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links
Soliders and see in back of their heads.
NYC Recycling events.
AT&T to Lose big.
Internet Eraser for Photos.
Lake Vostok Penetration.
Drupal 7

Show Notes:
Opera on Google Announcement.
WebM Deployment to cost a lot of Money.
Google drops Nuclear Bomb on H.264
Microsoft Executive shake out.
PBS App for iPhone.
YouTube app for Android with pre-roll ads.
Pwnage tool for iOS Updated
Want Windows XP Explorer Back?
BBC No Smart TV.
Soap Shredder.
Swiss Army USB Sticks.
MegaUpload fights RIAA / MPAA.
NASA announce Backup Commander.
Galactic Pair.
James Webb Telescope!
6 Trillion Mile Supernova!
Lake Vostok.
Virgin Spaceship glide test success.
Intelsat Galaxy 15.
Heavy Lift not in the Budget.
Space Tourism available again!
STS-133 scheduled fro Feb 24th.
Verizon changes Trade in Policy.
3D No Glasses Sucks!
Wikipedia to hard to edit.
T-Mobile UK Lowers data to 500mb
China steals some more technology.
Email hacker posted nude images from hacked accounts.
Firefox 4 in Feb.
Who is really spending the most time online.
FCC facing challenges in Spectrum distribution.
Clean up your Computer.
EC2 being used for Brute force computing challenges.
No TSA body scan info for requesting group.
Where tin foil in your pants get ready to be groped.
South Pole Telescope.
Are you gonna fire AT&T?
Why RSS maters.
How to share a bucket on S3.
Flickr Fail?

GNC-2010-12-27 #638 Raining Cats and Dogs

I want to welcome all the new listeners to the show make sure you get subscribed to the podcast and get signed up for the newsletter. I have a lot on my mind today as we I have a lot to share about what is happening, whats coming and what to expect over the next week. I am as excited as I have ever been to cover the biggest show of the year. All live 24/7 from CES we will have coverage unlike any other network.

The following Sponsors support GNC your support of them is appreciated!
GoDaddy services saves you money, check out my Promo Codes Today.

Sponsor: Get your 14 day Free Trial of Audible Gold to start Listening

Subscribe Today: Audio | Video | iTunes | Zune
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Geek News Central Facebook Page
Purchase GNC gear from the Ohana Store!
Show Hotline 24/7 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links
Hospital makes moms to be Angry!
Data Transfer via the lights overhead.

Show Notes:
Mobile 3d?
Panasonic AF100
Logitech Google TV still a go!
Spot Beam Internet comes to Europe.
Gift Tips.
300 Million for all the AOL CD’s
iPad App for Disabled Kids.
Chinese Stealth Fighter Outed.
Body Scanner at your Airport?
Paul Colligan Predictions and Outcomes.
Verification Hell.
Apple Suit on Privacy Violations.
RIM iPhon Response in 2007!
US re-opens rare metal mine.
Stuxnet Over-sped Centrifuges :)
Net Neutrality Complaint?
iPad Competition?
Time Warner protects Porn P2P Violators.
CityVille 16.8 Million Daily?
Are we 400,000 years old?
Gas Saving Tech by Ford?
CMCS wants payment of music previews.
Swiss not happy with US forced IPRED.
Get your own Steve Jobs Figure.
TSA Goes after Pilot concerned about Security.
Massive Storm on Saturn.
Geek Culture Dying?
Indian Sat Launch Fails.
Pre-Exchange Gifts?
Twas the Shuttles Last Christmas.
Time Lapse Snow Storm.
Camcorder Software.
Boxee, Roku, Apple TV Debate.
Canadian Airborne Internet in 2011.
Amazon Christmas Stats!

Get Your 4th Amendment On

If you’ve been following Todd and the general back scatter x-ray scanner debacle, then you might be interested in this range of underwear from the Cargo Collective.  The undergarments have the 4th Amendment printed in metallic letters so that the text is revealed by the scanner and displayed on the monitor. Genius.

Choose from T-shirts, underwear, socks and children’s clothes, with both plain “4th Amendment” and more provocative “Pervert” versions, though I don’t think the latter shows up on the scanners.

For those not familiar with the US Constitution, the 4th Amendment says, “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”    You can read more at Wikipedia.

GNC-2010-11-18 #628 No More Free Ride!

No more free ride with companies that want to buy off this show host with $10.00 in free products to give away on the show. Time to get their check books out instead. One more show left here in New Mexico before loading up and heading home. Lot’s of tech tonight and some serious soap box time.

The following Sponsors support GNC your support of them is appreciated!
GoDaddy services saves you money, check out my Promo Codes Today.
Visit gotomeeting.com, click the try it free button & use promo code: Podcast.

Subscribe Today: Audio | Video | iTunes | Zune
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Geek News Central Facebook Page
Purchase GNC gear from the Ohana Store!
Show Hotline 24/7 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Chinese Aerospace.

Show Links:
Verizon Christmas Special.
Woz and Android.
Working at Google.
Airport Opt’s Out.
4g Smack Talk
HuluPlus on Roku.
Google Docs Mobile Edit.
Atari 2600 Games on Windows.
More Free TV Online.
Firefox 4 Syncing Bookmarks.
New Time Warner Bundle.
Amazon Studio Terms.
More cord cutting Data.
Facebook new AOL (Perfect)
Botnets Thrives in Top ISP’s
EyeFi and Windows Live.
Fixing Pidgin.
Ice Storm in Space.
Virgin Galactic 3rd Flight.
Earth at Night from ISS.
Dec 3rd Shuttle Launch.
Alien Galaxy sucked in!
Spirit call home?
Chinese Engineering.
Would you do this?
How stupid is this!
Next Target of Wireless Companies.
Fed charged $25.00 a head.
Mozilla dependent on Google.
UK = No Net Neutrality.
TSA Pat Downs to Continue.
Space Cloak.
DOJ Website Cops.
ISS Maintenance.
DOT Mobile Cops.
The List.
Yellow Pages desperate.

Send in your stories to geeknews@gmail.com and be sure to provide a link to your websites!