Tag Archives: trojan

Fake Bad Piggies Malware Hits Google Play, Android Phones

Bad-PiggiesIf you are a fan of the Angry Birds series, then you know about Bad Piggies – a sequel to the popular bird game. Security company F-Secure detected there was a faux app in the Play store that looked and felt like the Bad Piggies by Rovio. However, this app had a slight alteration to the name (Bad Pigs) and a different developer name.

Since the detection, Google Play has removed this malware version from their store. Unfortunately  10,000 downloads have occurred since May 25, 2013. The app asks the user for permission to do more than just push notification and simple data collection.

If any app asks for more information – including full access to your location and personal information, you should remove the app and report it. Usually trojanized apps are popular games, since they see more downloads.

Bad Piggies is a free app that sees between 10,000 – 50,000 app downloads on Google Play. It is available on Android and iOS apps, along with Mac and PC.

If you are one of the duped app users, simply delete the app through Android App Manager.

Trojan Toolkit For Sale

GData LogoGerman security firm G Data put out an interesting press release last month regarding the expected successor to the Zeus trojan, which infected millions of PCs and captured bank account details.  The new trojan, Ares, has a similar modular design, allowing it to be easily configured for a range of target activities.

Malware is big business and a software development kit for Ares is already available to buy on-line, either for an upfront payment of $6,000 or else on a licensing model for when modules are subsequently sold on.  There’s even a cut-down version at $850.

The developer of Ares talked about the new malware in an underground forum. According to the author,  Ares is “not focused on banking. Every copy of Ares is unique to its customer and it has the same banking capabilities as Zeus & SpyEye which can be added provided the customer wants it. I actually consider this more of a platform which is customized to each buyers liking.”

Ares Interface

Without a doubt, malware and virus writing is no longer the domain of the insecure nerd trying to prove his expertise to his peers.  This is now business, criminal business, with significant money involved. And when they catch the writer, I hope that the penalties will be commensurate.

Unless you want to be a victim, make sure you have virus and malware protection in place and keep it updated.

GNC-2010-03-09 #558 Monster Show!

This show was a monster, lots of Audio comments from Call in Hotline at 619-342-7365 and a truckload of email. Lots of Tech Content and a new sponsor introduction tonight. Be sure to check out the sponsor link below. Lot’s of amazing news and commentary from all over the web. Big Thank You to the Ohana for staying subscribed and helping this show grow each month. Next stop SXSW in Austin will be recording live on Thursday night lots of fun for all.

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Saturday Deliveries Canceled?
Parents not Amused!
IT Guys Scapegoats?

Show Links:
Is your next digital key your iPhone?
Anti-Data Caps Representative Resigns!
Lip Reading Mobile App?
Mac Video Storage Tips!
How Pandora beat the odds!
Space Shuttle debate gets ugly!
ISP’s paid group to spy on P2P users!
Google Going after Microsoft Round 3!
PeePoo Bag.
More HTML5 Commentary!
NY Post needs to learn how to give bloggers credit!
Low Power Radio Station Guidelines!
Browser Election Results!
Newegg and fake Intel chips!
Energizer Duo Software loaded with Trojan 3+ yrs!!!
This is Power Monitoring!
Verizon soon to be Wireless speed King?
Cisco to Announce something Major!
Air Video gotta Have it!
Tabbed Out for SXSW Beer Tabs!
Net a fundamental right 4-5!
411 on National Broadband Plan!
Apple App license Exposed by EFF!
iPad Apps may come up short!
Mediagazer tracking MSM!
Ad Blocking and the Impact on sites!
Google Japanese Translation simply Sucks!
Security coming to Ford Sync!
Wordpress CMS Lite?
Colorado Amazon Affiliate Program RIP!
Understanding the Milky Way!
Digital Advertising Spend to Increase!
National ID card to Work?

Send in your stories to geeknews@gmail.com and be sure to provide a link to your websites!

The Helpdesk is Closed…Until Next Christmas

Regrettably, I don’t get to see my folks as much as I’d like….there’s 500-odd miles and a sea between us, so it was a rare pleasure for my parents to visit me over Christmas for a few days.

After a day or so, my dad says to me, “Could you have a look at my laptop?  Every now and then a strange Asian website keeps popping up.  I thought I had a virus but the virus scanner says all is well.”

So I had a look….and yup, he had a trojan.  Not a particularly nasty one and easily removed armed with instructions from the web.  It was  a variant of W32/Autorun-TR or Win32.Worm.Agent.QAL depending on your nomenclature.  I have to recommend Avira’s Antivir Rescue System which is a bootable CD that will scan the hard disk for infection – download from here.   It’s an essential item for every geek  – the Rescue System picked up the virus straight away.

However, what was more interesting was (a) how did he get the virus and (b) why didn’t his (corporate) anti-virus software pick the virus up?

Dad’s an MD for a specialised engineering firm, so he travels a little.  He’s reasonably technically-savvy but not an IT expert.  It transpired that he’d been in China recently and had shared a USB memory stick with a local agent.  This matched the modus operandi of the virus so that part of the mystery was solved.

What I couldn’t understand was, given the age of the virus (late 2008) and that the corporate antivirus software appeared to be working,  why it hadn’t the trojan been picked up as soon as the USB stick was plugged in?

A little further digging revealed the problem….although the AV software was working, it hadn’t successfully installed new virus signatures in over a year – the last successful update was from mid-2008.   The signatures seemed to download ok, but they never got installed into the AV engine properly. If I forced it to download updates, the activity bar would go to 100% and the window would close, so everything looked ok, but if I subsequently went to the dialog which showed the signature version, it was unchanged.

I’m not going to name which anti-virus software it was because I suspect part of the issue might be that my dad’s company hasn’t paid its annual licence and therefore isn’t entitled to updates.  However, I think it’s very poor that there isn’t a warning on startup clearly saying, “Virus signatures are now 18 months out of date – system at risk”.  If Dad had seen that 17 months ago, he would have been on to his IT dept straightaway to get the licences paid (or whatever remedial treatment is needed).  A severe virus outbreak could literally put the company out of business, so I suspect someone will be starting 2010 with an important task from the MD.

As geeks, we often get asked to provide a little free support at Christmas and other holidays.  While it may sometimes take us away from the drinks and the mince pies, it has to be our way of returning the favours that our friends and family do for us the rest of the time.

See you next year, Dad.

GNC-2009-06-12 #485 On the Road again

This will be like the US Tour de Todd as I will be all over the place over the next week. No meetups as I will have little time between each stop. I will have another early live show with hopefully no issues on Monday around 9pm Eastern

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Show Topic Notes:
Six-Core Intel Nehalem
Zeo’s Sleep Coach
Linux get USB 3.0 Drivers First!
Sharp LED Light
Amazon EC2 Outage Issues.
Virgin Mobile in US to sell Prepaid Mobile Broadband Cards!
Sad Stats on Low Income Broadband Penetration.
Outlook Users can now Sync to Google
Scoble Building43 Info
Get your Facebook Username Saturday at 0000 EST
How to remove Google Penalty.
Microsoft Money R.I.P.
Data Centers Behind the Scenes
Microsoft Anti-Virus Program for free?
Periodic Table to get new Element
Japanese Crash a Spacecraft into the Moon.
Endeavor launch count underway!
Fair Use Defense thrown out in New P2P trial!
UK P2P users largely ignore warning letters!
Class Action Suit against RIAA?
DJ’s Greed lands them in Jail
New Chinese PC’s can be Hacked Easily!
Trojans targeting Mac’s
Doom for your iPhone (I’m in)
Digital TV day of Doom is here :)
Earth to play bumper planets.
Technicians find bad stuff on PC get ready for Jail.
Play Free Poker ;) watch the fed banking lock down.
Student Programming work can be posted online. (This case may be Unique)
Fake User name in Texas may become Illegal.
Sirius / XM bills going up to pay Artist
Elsevier Reveals more on Fake Journals
DVD Jon gets over on Apple Big Time!
Teen figures out longtime illness on her own!
When your time is up your time is up!

GNC-2007-07-06 #282

Get out of the Dog House Winner William Anderson $100.00 gift certificate. I have a blockbuster show for you tonight and some great voice mail commentary at the end of the show.

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Listener Links:
Funny iPhone Video
$10.00 DSL Quest from AT&T
Airplane Windows BA
Chirs P and more Vista Problems

Show Notes:
Rovers in Trouble
Blogging Impact on Media
Watch don’t turn up speakers
Adobe Flash for iPhone
NASA two new Missions
Naughty AMD
Geek Squad Stealing Photos
Free Security Programs
AT&T Funny Logo
Belgian ISP & P2P
Dell Warning on Vista
Who is Hosting This
Bill Gates CES 2008
Disk Drive Life
Apple iPhone Battery Policy
Talking Trojan
Sprint Dumps Customers?
Inflight Charger
ProPorta Laptop and USB Juice
Mashable Podcast Toolbox
Blog Search Engines
DVD to iPhone
Doc Searls on Steve Jobs -10 Years
MovableType Version 4 Update
TPN Round Table
iPhone Questions
Skype and Jingle 411
Windows Server at Home
iPhone Hack No AT&T activation

Panda Names Downloader.GK Worst Virus of 2004

Panda Software, a respected vendor of antivirus software applications within the technical community, has named a Trojan, Downloader.GK, as the most malicious virus of 2004. Even though Downloader.GK isn’t technically a virus, an application that independently distributes itself, the program has caused the most damage to users’ computers, according to data collected by Panda Software’s ActiveScan process.

Continue reading Panda Names Downloader.GK Worst Virus of 2004