Tag Archives: TeraStation

Buffalo TeraStation at The Gadget Show

Earlier in the week at Gadget Show Live, I spoke with Fabian Rousseau, Buffalo‘s Director of Product Marketing about the TeraStation network storage units. The TeraStation range is being revamped with a new numbering scheme to make it easier to understand the different models and the number of drives in each one. On display was the TeraStation 5800, which has eight drives, making it a fairly substantial unit as you’ll see in the picture below. The 5600 will have six drives, 5400 four drives, 5200 two drives. R will indicate rackmount.

Buffalo TeraStation

The TeraStations are generally aimed at the small business market: the full feature set and redundant / failover components mean that they’re more expensive than the consumer products. However, some prosumers are purchasing the two and four drive units for home servers. The new TeraStations are expected on the market in a few months and will be priced competitively.

[Disclosure – Buffalo gave me a free Lego Buffalo which will appear in a future post.]