Tag Archives: technorati

GNC-2007-12-07 #323

Join us for the Christmas Round Table on TechPodcasts.com this Saturday. Looking for a camerman for CES let me know if you are Interested.

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Twitter Me http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
My Facebook Profile
Comments to 619-342-7365 e-mail to geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Couch Surfing in Maui
Very Cool Bendable Lights
Mike’s Site www.newscastlive.com/
MPAA Software Violation

Show Notes:
Asa Smacks IE8 Team
MRI Lie Detector
Open Wifi must Spy
Facebook Messages complete in Email :)
New State of Matter
Extended Warranties Poll
Microsoft XP and OLPC Laptops
Chinese Lunar Images a Fake?
Nikon D3 Pictures!
Third Party SMS & MMS for iPhone
Ring Bell when you get a Hit :(
Gamespot Debacle
Technorati RIP?
Understanding OpenID
Google Shared items in Google Reader
Amazon Kindle some think Fraud
Apple New Products
AT&T pulls a fast one!
SmugMug Video & Picture Sizes
Facebook Stealing Employees
Patch Tuesday has 7 total patches with 3 Critical
Shuttle Launch Delayed
Google Charts
Big Telco wants to Spy on You
Netflix in Trouble with USPS
Website Editor Bounty on Name of Writer
Nielsen Copyright Police
MPAA wants ISP to spy on your Usage
Copyright Penalties go way Up!
Facebook Founder tries to Apologize for Beacon
17 Year Old working for NASA

Gems I Found:
Water Usage
Best Frozen Pizza
The Police know a lot about You
Rent or Buy Some say Rent

GNC-2007-09-11 #301

This is a monster show with a huge number of listener comments that I had to get caught up. This show is packed end to end with good info.

Sponsor: Save Money with all our GoDaddy Codes see our Promo Code Page
[Try GoToMeeting free for 30 days at GoToMeeting.com/techpodcasts. No credit card needed.]

Twitter Me http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
My Facebook Profile
Comments to 619-342-7365 e-mail to geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Go Green
Apple RingTones
SixApart iPhone Support
WallPaper Site
iPhone Racks Up Charges When OFF!
DSL Nightmare
Naval Air Podcast
Rare Todd Podcast
Time Travel
Invest In Time Travel?

Show Notes:
Firefox 400 Million downloads
Apple looking at 700mhz Auction
RIAA gets smacked by Judge on Boilerplate Lawsuits
iPhone Unlock Video
TechShop is totally Awesome!
Apple Cripples iPod Touch Calendar
Solar Powered Plane
iTunes 7.4.1 and RingTone Battles
$7000.00 Rebate for Apple Lisa Users :)
Windows Live Writer Review
Mahalo getting a lot of scrutiny
Banner Ad Trojans!
Search for Lost via Google Earth
AdBlock Plus Commentary
RIAA Facing first Jury Trial!
Cannon Hack to give RAW Images to most Cannon Cameras
Europe SeedCamp WInners
Adobe Online Image Editor Review
UAV Google Earth and Software equals cool things
ISP’s Ignoring Hacked Computers
Skype Worm
Mars Rovers on Move!
Technorati River of News
Thanks Michael

GNC-2007-06-12 #275

Delay in getting the show out last night as my server was down for a a few hours, had a hardware failure. But great show non the less and make sure you listen to win

Sponsor: Save Money with all our GoDaddy Codes see our Promo Code Page
[Try GoToMeeting free for 30 days at GoToMeeting.com/techpodcasts. No credit card needed.]

Twitter Me http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
Comments to 619-342-7365 e-mail to geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Matrox TripleHead2Go
CD Players
Wildlife Cam #1
WildLife Footage Movies

Show Notes:
Parrallels 3.0
Buy a loft get a Rover
Planets and More Planets
Google Analytics Advanced
Technorati Tags
New Apple Site
Admin Tools
Sopranos Website
Safari Windows Security
No Blogging at NCAA
Zune Tattoo
Windows Tablet Hybrid
Google complains about Microsoft
Mini Microsoft Joke
Apple Font Rendering
MPAA vs TorrentSpy
Atlantis at ISS

Technorati is beyond not reliable!

Technorati What is the deal with Technorati? It seems every time I go to that site and enter a search term their search is broken. I am finding more cross linked post via Google than Technorati. Has the blogsphere gotten so big that they cannot handle the task of indexing blogs.

I am disappointed in Technorati’s performance and am really tired of getting screen that say this feature is not implemented yet. When you get that error it’s because their servers are to busy.

Blog Search Engine Traffic

I keep a pretty good watch on the traffic coming into the website, and I must say that Scobles post that talks about minimal traffic coming from Blog Search Engines had me busy for a couple of hours tonight. Causing the room temperature to go up from hard-drives hammering away running the past 12 months of logs thru a log processor with some new variables, that I am still analyzing but I did see a couple of things that even surprised me.

First Google is driving 74.9% of the traffic to this website that number was not the surprise. The surprise for me was that Technorati, Feedster, and IceRocket combined drove less than 2% of overall traffic here. That tells me that all of the tagging we are doing is likely not helping much. The rest of the traffic is a variety of search engines and happily bloggers that are linking here.

I use those three services heavily but within RSS queries in my aggreator so I am trying to see if that is skewing the results. The RSS feed on the other hand is just flat out getting hammered by a variety of services and users that are updating nearly every hour. Nice to see that other people are seeing similar trends.

Google Blog Search the First 12 Hours!

I am sure this morning as Technorati, Pubsub and Feedster staff came to work their was a sense of, oh man why did this billion pound cement block just get dropped on my shoulders. If they did not realize it before they better now, their is competition out their and they better focus on their base services and make sure they don’t miss anything.

In the past 2 hours I have created the same 100 search terms that I have setup for Pubsub, Technorati, Feedster and IceRocket. In the dozen or so I setup last night I can tell you for a fact that I have 4-5 new net friends who have been posting links to Geek News Central for a long time that none of these other services caught.

Google is not catching everything but If I were an engineer at Google with their kind of resources I don’t think it will be long before the power of their indexing engine is going to start kicking some major butt.

That’s what happens when you have resources to make things happen.

Update: One additional comment, I have been quite vocal over the past year or so talking about levels of service amongst all of the sites that do blog search. I will hold Google to that same standard.

I do like David Sifry’s attitude but on the inside that have to be in a bit or crisis mode all I can say is stay focused and work faster than they do if you can. [David Sifry]

Has Technorati lost that loving feeling!

I find an amazing amount of information each week from all of the search terms I have setup that look for keywords via Pubsub and Technorati and like some others I am about feed up with Technorati. Their quality has really been falling off I hate to say it but some of the traditional search engines that allow keyword searches to be converted into RSS feeds are doing better albeit a few days slower.

I agree with some other blogger posts that PubSub is kicking dirt in Technorati’s face at the moment, and the divide is getting wider every day.

Case in point, I submitted a Press Release to the wire services nearly 4 months ago it was picked up by both Technorati and Pubsub at the time when I originally released it but here is the kicker. Today I see it in my RSS feed for Technorati again with todays date as the publish date.

I am not sure what is going on over their but my feeddemon news aggregator has all of my Pubsub terms at the top of the column and technorati at the bottom. I used to inter mingle them but I find it a general waste of time to do that now. [Jason Kottke]