Tag Archives: stand

Jazooli’s Portable Tablet Desk Stand Review

For some time I’ve been looking for a decent desk stand to hold my 10″ tablet but all the ones tried so far have some annoyance or niggle. Usually the stand wouldn’t work well with the tablet still in its case, but others would be bulky, flimsy, only for the iPad or just plain rubbish. The good news is that I think I’ve found the answer in the shape of Jazooli‘s “Portable Lightweight Universal Foldable Desk Stand”. They’re fibbing a little with the “lightweight” but in all other respects this is a good product. It’s solid metal, folds up, has two positions and works while the tablet is in its case. Perfect!

When folded up, the Jazooli is nice and slim, fitting neatly into a little pouch. At 200g, it’s not what I would call lightweight but the mass does mean it’s not easily knocked over.

Jazooli Folded

There are two ways that the stand can be stood up. Here it is in the upright position, which is good for viewing movies or keeping an eye on Twitter.

Jazooli Upright

For typing on the tablet, the stand has a reclined mode, aka “I-dont-want-everyone-else-in-the-office-to-see-I’m-on-Facebook-instead-of-working” mode. This position works well with ultrabooks, notebooks and small laptops to give an angle to the keyboard.

Jazooli Lying Back

There’s an extra smaller leg that pops out from the main support – it’s more obvious in this close up. The metal finish is better seen in the image too.

Jazooli Close-up

Finally, here’s what the stand looks like with a 10″ Android tablet on board. Note that the tablet is still in its case.

Jazooli Stand with Tablet


In summary, Jazooli’s portable foldable desk stand is currently my favourite tablet stand. Obviously your needs may not be the same as my needs but as it’s currently available from Amazon.co.uk for £5.99 and from Amazon.com for $2.55, it’s hard to go wrong!

[Disclosure: this was a personal purchase]

iOmount’s New iOstand

iOmount iOmount introduced a system for mounting and displaying your device, either tablet or called the iStand. The iStand system consist of a disc that adheres to the device, the nub and a stand with a solid steel ball on top. The disk can either adhere directly to the device or to a cover. The nub, which goes between the device and the steel ball has two magnets in it one that adheres to the disk on the device and the other one adheres to the steel ball on the stand. These are rare earth magnets and they are available in different strengths depending on the size of the device you are going to be mounting to the stand. The use of magnets lets you to have your device at almost any angle you want it.

iOmount newest product is a travel stand which has a hollow ball making it lighter than the traditional desk stand which has a solid steel ball. The travel iOStand also comes with a clamp so you can clamp it directly on to an airline tray if you need to. iOmount is working on a way to bring power up through the stand.

The iOstand is $100.00 for the Black and White Powder coated and $120.00 for the stainless steel coated. You can purchase one at the iOmount website. iOmount also sells the iOmini for smartphones and the iOwall which allows you to mount your tablet to the wall.

Interview by Jeffrey Powers of Geekazine, and Interview by Nick DiMeo of F5 Live: Refreshing Technology.

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iOstand: a 2013 CES Innovation Design and Engineering Winner

The awards for CES 2013 were announced on November 12, 2012 and iOmounts won an International Innovation Design and Engineering Award for the iOstand. If you look at pictures of it you can see why it is simple and simply beautiful. The iOstand works with most of today’s tablet and e-readers. It is made of stainless steel and comes in stainless steel and powder coat black and white. The stand attaches to a tablet or e-reader by the razor-thin iOadapt and iOcore through a magnet. iOmount recommends you attach the iOadapt to the tablet or e-reader cover and not directly to the device, because it is difficult to remove. Once you connect the iOstand to the iOcore, it is there to stay under normal circumstances. The connection allows the tablet or e-reader to be set at any angle you want. The stand itself is a simple round base and a pole with the connector at the top.

Innovations entries are judged on the following criteria by judges that are experts in their fields.

  • Engineering qualities, based on technical specs and materials used
  • Aesthetic and design qualities
  • The product’s intended use/function and user value
  • Unique/novel features that consumers would find attractive
  • How the design and innovation of the product compares to other products in the marketplace.

If you are going to attend CES 2013 and want to see the iOstand and other iOmount products at Booth #35349, LVCC South Hall 4. The iOstand will also be on display at the Innovation Design and Engineering showcase in the Venetian Ballroom, booth #70425. If you don’t want to wait for CES and want a iOstand now it is available on site for $100.00. Personally, the more I look at it the more I know it is going to be added to my Christmas list. I love its simple and elegant design.

Breffo Spiderpodium Review

The Breffo Spiderpodium is an extremely flexible gadget holder that can be used in a multitude of situations. Arachnoid, it’s eight rubberised flexible legs attached to a grey base and it’s easy to bend the legs to grip, to hold or to simply stand. Take a look at some of the pictures – it’s much easier to show than explain.

Breffo Spiderpodium Naked

Twisted Breffo Spiderpodium

Breffo Spiderpodium with Tapwave Zodiac

Yes, that’s a Tapwave Zodiac playing Doom II in the Spiderpodium’s embrace. The eight legs give a great deal of flexiblity in the positioning and orientation of the device. Standing, hanging, upright, tilted, it’s all possible. There’s just the right amount of stiffness in the legs to keep the Spiderpodium in the right position without making too difficult to shape. There’s a bigger version for hold tablets and heavier devices too.

But I’ve a confession to make….I haven’t been using the Spiderpodium for my gadgets at all. I’ve been using it as a clothes hanger in my gym locker to stop my shirt and suit from getting creased. That’s how handy the Spiderpodium is.

Breffo Spiderpodium Coat Hook

A bargain at £14.95 or $19.99, available direct and in a range of colours. It’s also designed and manufactured in Britain, so support local innovation and industry.

Disclosure – I won the Spiderpodium in a contest organised by Breffo in Twitter.

3feet Universal Smartphone and Tablet Stand

3feet Universal Smartphone and Tablet Stand3feet almost need no introduction. Their universal smartphone and tablet stands are well-known for their neat design and their (probably) unique feature of being dishwasher-proof.

Being universal, the 3feet stand works with iPads, TouchPads, Playbooks, Xooms, iPhones, Nexus, Galaxies, Lumias, Nooks, Kindles… Pretty much anything that’s reasonably flat and you want to see. The 3feet can hold a device at three different angles.

Moving away from the gratuitous product placement, there’s now a wider range of basic colours (11) and the opportunity to have different colours for different parts of the stand. The stand is made from recycled plastic and it’s all made in the USA.

Available from good retailers for around $20.

Interview by Jeffrey Powers of Geekazine and Andy Smith of Geocaching World.

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