Tag Archives: Spy

World Pride’s Spy Gadgets

Bluetooth WatchWorld Pride is unlikely to be a name that you’ve heard of, but once you see a few of their gadgets in the video, you’ll recognise them from the gadget stores and catalogues. Jeffrey and Jamie chat with Jim.

The team at World Pride visit factories in Asia and try to spot cool gadgets that haven’t yet made it to market in the US. They then work closely with the factory to refine the product for US consumers. On show here are examples of gadgets that World Pride has already brought or will be bringing to the market.

One of the watches in the interview has a Bluetooth receiver and when someone rings your mobile phone, the watch will display the name or number of the person calling. As Jamie mentions, great if you are in a meeting and want to know if you should take a call.

Other gadgets include a pen and a watch with a video camera built-in and finally, there’s a miniature digital camera. It’s only about an inch wide but it looks like a tiny point-and-shoot camera while still taking 5 MP pictures and HD video.

Interview by Jeffrey “Austin” Powers of Geekazine and Jamie “007” Davis of the MedicCast and the Nursing Show.

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RHP Multimedia MirrorCase for Sneaky Snaps

RHP Multimedia MirrorCaseAfter years in surveillance industry, RHP Multimedia have gone out on their own with MirrorCase, an iPhone case for taking sneaky photos. Andy and Courtney take a peek with John Palmeri.

Taking a photograph with a smartphone (or any camera for that matter) is somewhat obvious and there are times when you’d like to be a little more discrete. The MirrorCase is an iPhone case with an angled mirror which allows a photo or video to be taken when the iPhone is held horizontally. A free camera app is included which has a “boss” mode, showing a fake app screen with a flick of the finger.

The MirrorCase is on pre-order at the moment for $80, with deliveries expected before the summer. An iPad version is in development.

Interview by Andy McCaskey and Courtney Wallin of SDR News and RV News Net.

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Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

This year’s BBC Reith lectures came to a close today with the last of three lectures on Securing Freedom, presented by Eliza Manningham-Buller. The name may mean nothing to you but she was the Director-General of Britain’s Security Service, aka MI5, between October 2002 and April 2007, and she reflects on 9/11, the wars in the Middle East and how the world has changed in the last ten years.

The three lectures are titled, “Terror“, “Security” and “Freedom” and a give a British perspective on the role of the intelligence services and the relationship with the US during a period both countries were under attack. If you are a seasoned spook-watcher, there’s probably not that much new, but I personally found it revealing and reassuring that the British Security Service is more measured and ethically-minded than the media would have us believe.

Baroness Manningham-Buller doesn’t shy away from controversy either, steadfastly refusing to accept torture as an intelligence tool, and suggesting that the US’ use of waterboarding was a “profound mistake”. You’ll have to listen to the podcasts to understand her reasoning.

The lectures are available as podcasts and also as transcripts for those who would prefer to read.

GNC-2007-12-07 #323

Join us for the Christmas Round Table on TechPodcasts.com this Saturday. Looking for a camerman for CES let me know if you are Interested.

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Listener Links:
Couch Surfing in Maui
Very Cool Bendable Lights
Mike’s Site www.newscastlive.com/
MPAA Software Violation

Show Notes:
Asa Smacks IE8 Team
MRI Lie Detector
Open Wifi must Spy
Facebook Messages complete in Email :)
New State of Matter
Extended Warranties Poll
Microsoft XP and OLPC Laptops
Chinese Lunar Images a Fake?
Nikon D3 Pictures!
Third Party SMS & MMS for iPhone
Ring Bell when you get a Hit :(
Gamespot Debacle
Technorati RIP?
Understanding OpenID
Google Shared items in Google Reader
Amazon Kindle some think Fraud
Apple New Products
AT&T pulls a fast one!
SmugMug Video & Picture Sizes
Facebook Stealing Employees
Patch Tuesday has 7 total patches with 3 Critical
Shuttle Launch Delayed
Google Charts
Big Telco wants to Spy on You
Netflix in Trouble with USPS
Website Editor Bounty on Name of Writer
Nielsen Copyright Police
MPAA wants ISP to spy on your Usage
Copyright Penalties go way Up!
Facebook Founder tries to Apologize for Beacon
17 Year Old working for NASA

Gems I Found:
Water Usage
Best Frozen Pizza
The Police know a lot about You
Rent or Buy Some say Rent

GNC-2007-06-15 #276

Certain Phone company takes the brunt of the Soap box tonight. Strap in this is a wild ride on this show and congrats to our flag winner and listen tonight to win!

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Twitter Me http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
Comments to 619-342-7365 e-mail to geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Shuttle Images
CNN Shuttle Info
Mars Oceans
Lost Pants Anyone!
Cool Link
SnapZ Pro
Podcast Rigs Great Resource

Show Notes:
ISS – Shuttle
PayPal Bank
8-Step Gadget Cure
How to be a Star
Mahalo.com = Dmoz.org?
Yahoo Photo RIP
YouTube = Google Accounts
Congrats Veoh
AT&T Death Star
PopFly Update
Brilliant Engadget Analysis
Does EveryZing Honor New Media Creators Content?
Veoh Traffic Surge
uLinkX Video Search
Comscore Whatever!
Storage for Perpetuity
Justin.TV Rig
TorrentSpy has to Spy
Global Broadband
Spectrum Hearings
85 Killer Resources
Safari Update
Ultimate iTunes Media Center
eBay smacks Google in Wallet
Safari 1 Million Downloads
Awesome Physics Simulators
Energy Hogs Need to Read
Boston U RIAA Battle
Mother Board Manufacture Images
ClearType Tweaks and Info