Tag Archives: SoundExchange

GNC-2007-08-07 #291

Late start tonight but I have a couple of mini job opportunities available for those looking for some extra tech work. Also looking for Wikipedia expert.

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Comments to 619-342-7365 e-mail to geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Dumb Product
Have Camera go to Jail
Fair Use under Attack
Simpson’s Domain

Show Notes:
MadKast better use their own Product
Are you a Digital Pack Rat
SoundExchange trying to leverage DRM
Microsoft causing War in Open Source?
Pencil Removed from Brain
Thai Police officer Punishment
Linspire CEO Quits
Defcon 2007 Reporter Outed Update
Old News Cooking a Laptop
Lets Nuke a Meteor
FTC to look at Targeted Advertising
Apple facing lawsuit over iPhone keyboard
iPhone Sim Hack is the real deal
Xbox 360 Thermal Issues
Fake Steve Jobs Outed
VC Investment hitting high levels
Windows iPhone File Browser available
Nixie Tube clock really cool DIY kit
Halo-Themed Zune
Microsoft 1.5 Billion MP3 Award Struck down
Patch your iPhone Now!
MovableType Version 4 almost Ready
Photosynth Team Film Shuttle
DMOZ Editors helping Mahalo.com (not surprised)
WSJ PC Questions
Shuttle Launch on Wednesday
Progress docks at ISS
Congress cannot count to 100
SoundExchange aught Lobbying
Blogging issues with companies Stick
IT Staff not keeping up with Workplace Gadgets
New Spammer Tricks

GNC-2007-07-20 #286

I’m fighting the flu that my lovely wife gave me and I am on the hunt for some used video gear primarily lighting a professional tripods

Sponsor: Save Money with all our GoDaddy Codes see our Promo Code Page
[Try GoToMeeting free for 30 days at GoToMeeting.com/techpodcasts. No credit card needed.]

Twitter Me http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
My Facebook Profile
Comments to 619-342-7365 e-mail to geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Verizon FIOS Setup
Atomic Insight
Microsoft Patent Spyware
Custom Website Design

Show Notes:
Solar Panels
WD-40 Explosion
Microsoft Web Standards
Six Minutes of Terror
Have a 100 Million?
ClearWire and Sprint !!
Microsoft 50 Billion
Google Earnings Lower
Update Firefox
Spectrum Giveaway
Google Search for $100
SpaceJunk by NASA
USB Superboosters
No Vista SP1 Rush
Google Indexes in 120 Seconds
Miro Launch!
Google – Doubleclick in Cross Hairs
Jing by TechSmith
MPAA No Net Neutrality
SoundExchange Battle
AT&T $3.00
FBI + Telcos + Records = Spying
Harry Potter