Tag Archives: Sirius

SiriusXM Lynx Satellite and Internet Radio Receiver

SiriusXM Lynx Satellite RadioSiriusXM is best know for their in-car satellite receiver head units but the latest Lynx unit combines satellite with Internet radio and an mp3 player. John finds out more with Sirius sales manager, Paul Truman.

The Lynx SiriusXM receiver combines the traditional head unit with features more usually found on a personal media player. Large touchscreen – check, mp3 playback – check, Internet radio – check, wifi and Bluetooth – check, rechargeable battery – check.

But one really clever feature most media players don’t have is the ability to go back in time. Not literally, but your favourite stations are constantly being recorded so that if you tune in and discover you missed the start of the programme, you can simply rewind the stream to the start of the show.

To cap it off, the unit is about the size of a paperback. Sweet.

Interview by John of F5 Live: Refreshing Technology.

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GNC-2010-10-18 #619 BlogWorld Recovery Show

I am still recovering from Vegas and BlogWorld. A lot was accomplished in the 5 days I was in Vegas. I share some of that along with a pile of tech news and information. Two shows from Texas and then back to Honolulu for two shows.

The following Sponsors support GNC your support of them is appreciated!
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Show Hotline 24/7 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener / Viewer Links:
NASA Gowalla Rock Game.
BlogWorld Sessions.
Webcam Gate.
HyperMac gets shut down.

Show Links:
The HULU Google TV Hack.
Disc Free Netflix Wii.
Netflix Disk Free PS3.
Verizon Data Plans.
Who has the most expensive cell service.
Hypermac Cease and Desist.
Kylo Media Center Browser.
Convert Videos for Apple TV.
Apple iPad Ad Dominance.
Torrent Sites down due to DOS attack.
Sirius XM Sat Launched.
Hubble catches Asteroid Collision.
Ozzie Quits.
Apple TV 250k units sold.
Apple has a few more Announcements.
Paul on BlogWorld.
Super User Collusion.
Verizon iPhone Update.
Wall Street Journal Fear Mongering.
iPV4 IP’s almost out.
Cool Band Promo with iPhones.
Courteous Thief.
NASA Admin heads to China.
Space Station Life.
Zombie Sat still Rogue.
1 Billion Year old Aliens.
Android Google Voice Updated.
Android Sat App.
Move fast or get left behind.

Send in your stories to geeknews@gmail.com and be sure to provide a link to your websites!

GNC-2010-06-29 #588 Announce Show Support Initiative

I talk more about the studio upgrade initiative and hope that you will be inclined to support the podcast. The goals is to raise $10,000.00 in the next 30 days a hundred dollars or more at a time. This is to help finance the planned studio upgrades. Support is completely voluntary details on the Geek News Central Insider page. Congrats to Brian and Sam for winning our contest for the month of June. More details are in the show.

Sponsor: You can save up to 75% or more on term life insurance with Matrix Direct.
Sponsor: Visit gotomeeting.com, click the try it free button & use promo code: Podcast.
[Save 15% on orders $20.00 or more at >GoDaddy.com!] use Code Geek5 Complete List of GoDaddy Promo Codes for huge Savings!

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Show video at www.youtube.com/user/geeknews
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Check out all of our Special Offers!
Visit the Ohana Store for GNC Gear1
Show Comments please call 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Insider / Ohana Links:
HD Video of Ballon Flight.
Video of iPhone Skit <-Link in Newsletter Only
Hotmail and Yahoo Stats.

Todd’s Show Links:
Windows 8 Leak!
20 Million VOIP Subscribers.
500 mhz for all my friends!
Admin backs FCC Broadband Plan.
iPhone 4 1.7 Million Units!
Earth Gravity in HD!
Whats that Gadget Really Cost?
Pay by PayPal with no Account.
Google Chrome OS Lead to Facebook.
Google Moves Encrypted Search.
Chrome #3 Passes Safari.
Are AT&T Upgrades helping?
Admin Space Policy?
10 Tech Campaigns that Failed!
Pulsar gives you DVR for Sirius and XM.
Google Me to battle Facebook?
Firefox Caves to Update over Farmville!
Adult Industry to go HTML5 ASAP.
Dutch ISP do Battle.
*Wired – You don’t wan’t your ISP to Innovate.
One man Education Machine.
ASCAP Members speak out!
Did your Credit Card get scammed?
HD Webcam Review.
Cellphone Jammer for your Car.
Banner Advertising out of Control.
We have always used tech based Social Networks.
Want to sell me your iPhone 3GS?
Only in Japan.
Would you hit yourself every day or what?
Light bulb Labels.
iPad update in November.
iAds for your iPhone coming soon.

Send in your stories to geeknews@gmail.com and be sure to provide a link to your websites!

GNC-2009-08-21 #504 Battle Rhythm

Texas is the state with the most listeners to the Geek News Central Podcast congrats to our Visa Gift Card Winner! New promotion starting next show, tune in to win. I talk a little about the state of podcasting and give you all a little information about a new website that we will be building full details shortly. We will need the communities help! Next show will be live from Silicon Valley, looking for a good meetup location for dinner suggestions?

You supporting the Show Sponsors keep the lights on here, Thank You for your Support!
Support my Show Sponsor: Best Godaddy Promo Codes
$11.99 – For a New Domain Name cjcfs3geek
$6.99 a month Economy Hosting (Free domain, professional email, and SSL certificate for the 1st year.) Promo Code: cjcgeek1h
$12.99 a month Managed WordPress Hosting (Free domain, professional email, and SSL certificate for the 1st year.) Promo Code: cjcgeek1w
Support the show by becoming a Geek News Central Insider

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Join the Geek News Central Podcast Facebook Page
Show Comments please call 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
AT&T Getting Better?
Internet Detox Center
Follow How it Works Mac Users Only!
Readers Digest in Trouble.
One to many exploding iPhones.
Building Block of Life found on Comet
Vivek Kundra
Bing versus Google
Murdoch Lessons

Show Links:
Tech Podcast Network Weekly Podcast
Master New Media weird Article.
Facebook Pages post to Twitter.
Snow Leopard coming next week!
Stress Test on the Cloud!
New FeedDemon Released
AT&T Dumps Mitnick!
Social iTunes i’m not so sure about that?
How Hackers are Hacking your Banking etc.
South Eastern Conference going to go after Fan Sites!
You can hide but a court order will jack you up!
Is Warren Buffet right?
465 Gigs a Day Transfered from Moon!
Our Fate in several Million Years
Employers use Facebook #1 Source to vet future Employees!
Paypal hitting you in wallet for new fees.
Video Ads in Magazines
Wordpress URL Shortner.
Addicted to the Net?
How much is your credit card worth?
Plastics breaking down in the ocean faster than thought!
Oracle – Sun Merger very close to be finalized.
Mac or Netbook for Students?
Windows 7 beta is closed.
RIAA Surcharge for XM and Sirius Listeners
Blogger Strike defeats the purpose!
Happy 100th Show Geekazine.com
Inflatable heat shield tested!
SciToys projects for you and your kids!
iPhone does 1080P
Cool clock that is Cool but Expensive
New Bose QuietComfort.
97% Love the phone 55% Hate AT&T!

GNC-2009-07-06 #491 Monster Show

I had so much content tonight that I could not cover it all, here the shock in my voice at 1:03 :). Listen to the show for the promo code tonight to enter to win at PodcastMadness.com you cannot win unless you listen. Special prize next Tuesday for one listener that enters to win.

Please support the Show Sponsors as they keep the show rolling here!
[Save 15% off Hosting at >GoDaddy.com!] use Code Geek5
Save Money with all our GoDaddy Codes see our Promo Code Page
[Try GoToMeeting free for 30 days at GoToMeeting.com/techpodcasts. No credit card needed.]

Follow @geeknews on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
My Personal Facebook Profile
Join the Geek News Central Podcast Facebook Page
Show Comments please call 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Podcast Madness Shows to listen to Week 2
Bwana.org Radio
Jesus Geek

Listener Links:
Satellite to cut cell phone dead areas
Jet Powered F150
New Class of Black Hole
Inflatable Tower to reach Space!

Show Topic Notes:
The Decline of IE have you Quit Using it?
Is Free going to cause massive company failures?
Ultimate iPhone Case
.99 cent Netbook Computer
Does your iPhone look like this?
New Project Clock!
McDonalds to Offer Car Charging Stations
Nokia Android Phone?
Podcast Publishing Refined
Wireless Video Cameras
Nokia N97 Swiss Army Knife Included!
Technology and Sailing a Rich Mans Sport
Clear 80 Cities 18 Months or Bust!
Time Lapse Video from iPhone spectacular!
Automated Ramen Maker
Compuserve RIP
Immigrate us out of a Recession?
SSD Hard Drives and Moore’s Law
Auto Building Linux Machines on Massive Scale
Professional White Label Video Sites
Adult Material hurting Japan Mobile Companies
Justice Department to look at AT&T & Verizon?
Goldman Sachs Grand Theft Code?
Auto Calculating SSN’s?
Jaime Davis Ask for New Trial?
IE has huge Active X Vulnerability
Windows 7 Family Pack Correction
Buy your Twitter Followers for $87.00
1 Million download Sirius iPhone Application
iPod Touch Camera Coming?
Microsoft Warning on IE Vulnerabilities
Battery Measurement App for iPhone
Five Major Data Center Disruptions
Gaming community and death threats
RIAA tells Federal Judge to remove illegal Audio Recordings?
Get you smile scanned before you go to work!
Plasma Rocket Engine Full Power Test
iPhone 3GS Hacked

GNC-2009-06-12 #485 On the Road again

This will be like the US Tour de Todd as I will be all over the place over the next week. No meetups as I will have little time between each stop. I will have another early live show with hopefully no issues on Monday around 9pm Eastern

Please support the Show Sponsors as they keep the show rolling here!
[Save 15% off Hosting at >GoDaddy.com!] use Code Geek5
Save Money with all our GoDaddy Codes see our Promo Code Page
[Try GoToMeeting free for 30 days at GoToMeeting.com/techpodcasts. No credit card needed.]

Follow @geeknews on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
My Facebook Profile
FriendFeed GNC Room!!
Show Comments please call 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Show Topic Notes:
Six-Core Intel Nehalem
Zeo’s Sleep Coach
Linux get USB 3.0 Drivers First!
Sharp LED Light
Amazon EC2 Outage Issues.
Virgin Mobile in US to sell Prepaid Mobile Broadband Cards!
Sad Stats on Low Income Broadband Penetration.
Outlook Users can now Sync to Google
Scoble Building43 Info
Get your Facebook Username Saturday at 0000 EST
How to remove Google Penalty.
Microsoft Money R.I.P.
Data Centers Behind the Scenes
Microsoft Anti-Virus Program for free?
Periodic Table to get new Element
Japanese Crash a Spacecraft into the Moon.
Endeavor launch count underway!
Fair Use Defense thrown out in New P2P trial!
UK P2P users largely ignore warning letters!
Class Action Suit against RIAA?
DJ’s Greed lands them in Jail
New Chinese PC’s can be Hacked Easily!
Trojans targeting Mac’s
Doom for your iPhone (I’m in)
Digital TV day of Doom is here :)
Earth to play bumper planets.
Technicians find bad stuff on PC get ready for Jail.
Play Free Poker ;) watch the fed banking lock down.
Student Programming work can be posted online. (This case may be Unique)
Fake User name in Texas may become Illegal.
Sirius / XM bills going up to pay Artist
Elsevier Reveals more on Fake Journals
DVD Jon gets over on Apple Big Time!
Teen figures out longtime illness on her own!
When your time is up your time is up!

GNC-2009-03-31 #464 Back in Honolulu

Austin Texas meet-up this coming Saturday.. RSVP today geeknews@gmail.com Well folks home long enough to get some clean clothes then I am headed to Texas. Will be looking for around 100 listeners to participate in some new media panels, will advise when I am ready to have those panels.

Show Sponsors keep the lights on Please Support the Show Sponsors!
[Save 10% off any order at >GoDaddy.com!] use Code Todd
Save Money with all our GoDaddy Codes see our Promo Code Page
[Try GoToMeeting free for 30 days at GoToMeeting.com/techpodcasts. No credit card needed.]

Twitter Me http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
My Facebook Profile
FriendFeed GNC Room!!
Podcast Comments call 619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
DVD Play Rant
Future of Video Games
Microsoft Ad
Model Train
19,000 UK Credit Cards Online
Spy Network hits 100+ Countries

Show Notes:
DIY In Vogue
Encarta Dead Pool
Conficker Info
Internet Fraud up 33%
April 1st Conficker Projections
Serious threat to Sirius
Windows 7 Driver Support Worries?
Apple Owners on Defensive
Mac Costs much Higher than PC
Microsoft Zune Whats Next
Hacking Google
Texas the New California
Buzz Tracking
Link to Min/Seconds of YouTube Video
Macword a Go!
NASA Orion Mockup
DirecTV iPhone App
Sierra Wireless dual Purpose Card
Windows 7 to Pave way for $200 Netbooks
Verizon MiFI by Novatel
Mini Display to HDMI
Tweets Copyrighted?