Tag Archives: SEO

Infographic: SEO Software Survey

Most everyone who has a website knows about, and worries about, search engine optimization (SEO).  There is certainly no shortage of tools available either, especially for WordPress users.  There are “all-in-one” solutions like All in One SEO Pack, Platinum SEO, and WordPress SEO.  There are niche solutions like SEO Smart Links, SEO Friendly Images, and many more.

Skyrocket SEO recently conducted a survey to see what tools people are actually using.  They put their results together and created an infographic that shows what the “experts” are using.  It provides some good insight into tools you may not have been familiar with and also into what the current thinking is and how fast these things move.  For instance, 85% would change software if something better came along.  BuzzStream tied MajesticSEO for the most used software with 32% usage, while only 7% used Screaming Frog.

The infographic is posted below (click to enlarge it).  If you have other tools or plugins that you use then let us know in the comments below.

seo software survey 2011

Get the +1 Lowdown from Google Themselves

If you are wondering about implementing the new Google +1 button on your website, but worried about the proper way to do it, then you may want to free up your calendar next week.  Google has announced they will be holding a special, open-to-the-public webinar on Tuesday 21st at 3pm ET.  This should go a long way towards clearing up some of the misconceptions and unknowns about exactly what +1 can and can’t do for a web site.  For instance, there is a lot of speculation about +1 being a boon for SEO by raising the search ranking of pages.  But, Google can be very particular and very unforgiving about how their apps are displayed on sites – often banning users from Adsense for unknown reasons.

Google claims they will answer such questions as “how do you make sure this experience is user friendly? Where should you position the +1 button? How do you make sure the correct URL is getting +1’d?” The webinar will be conducted by Google Developer Advocate Timothy Jordan.  He will cover “technical implementation details as well as best practices to ensure the button has maximum impact.”

You will need to register for the event, which you can do here.

If you don’t, or can’t, attend then you can find some good information on +1 embedding code over at this unofficial Google blog.  If you just want automatic imtegration of +1 along with other sharing buttons like Twitter and Facebook, among others, then check out Socialize plugin for WordPress, which has already done an excellent integration of +1.

Put the Google +1 Button on your Website

If you have a website then you are almost certainly interested in drumming up visitors and generating interest – what’s usually referred to as SEO.  Many sites use buttons on the home page and on individual posts to prompt readers to “like” the article on Facebook, “tweet” it on Twitter, or share it is some other way such as Digg or Reddit.

Now there’s a new player on the viral sharing block – the Google +1 button.  Google announced this several months ago and webmasters have been waiting for the opportunity to add it to their sites.  Given that Google is THE top player in the SEO game, this one has been very highly anticipated because of the potential traffic that may come along with it.

The wait ended yesterday when Google sent out the following email to everyone who signed up for the notification list.

Hi there,

You asked to be notified when the +1 button code was available, and today’s the day!

The +1 button makes it easy for visitors to recommend your pages to friends and contacts exactly when their advice is most useful — on Google search. As a result, you could get more and better qualified site traffic.

You’ll need to add a small snippet of code on the pages where you want a +1 button to appear. Ready to get started?


To stay current on updates to the +1 button large and small, please sign up for the Google Publisher Button Announce Group.

If you have questions when adding the code, check out the Google Webmasters Help Center. Thanks for your interest!

The Google Webmaster Central & +1 button teams

Already I have seen the button popping up on various websites.  This could be a huge traffic boon for many sites, since clicks on the +1 button seem to lead directly to better Google search rankings.

GNC-2010-09-24 #613 Alien Conspiracy!

Big Alien Conspiracy announcement on Monday that truly could shake up the government. Listen for details. The better half, told me to lighten up she said I have become robotic. I truly hope you enjoy the show and thanks for staying subscribed. I give you all a little insider look on today’s show on how I get a bit wrapped around the axel with the day to day grind.

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Listener / Viewer Links:
Harper v Maverick
College Inc.
Pigeon wings broadband speed test.
Join Todd at BlogWorld!

Show Links:
Blockbuster Bust!
The Blackberry Boys!
Hotmail and Facebook = ?
Roku Refresh!
HISAVER Power Strip.
Adobe Fixes out of Focus Images.
Super WiFi
Netflix Streaming Only for US?
NBC Universal says no to .99 cent rentals.
New Roku Review.
Can you Live without your Computer for a week?
Bookmark Videos.
Verizon to change Mobile Plans :(
TV Everywhere is No Where.
Apple TV Shipping.
Apple TV Apps?
Stupid Product of the Week!
HTML5 the Real Gouge.
Editorial Calendar for WordPress.
Mulve Music Downloads made Easy.
Good Websites do not need SEO.
Shuttle Team reflects.
Jim Lovell talks about NASA Future.
Them looking at Us?
Latches Stuck at ISS!
NASA Spending Bill.
NASA Image of Saturn.
New HP Printer Review!
What’s new at Google.
Angel Gate #1 Trust.
Angel Gate #2 Revelations.
Doc Searls and Advertising Research.
Pod Trial to get Underway.
Facebook Downtime.
Text + Drive = Death by Text!
Live Higher? Live Longer!
Dire Warnings about Cyber Security.
China Blocking Raw Materials from Japan.
Pandora No go in Canada sites Extortion.
Long Term GPS Tracking up to Courts.
Bad Review get the boot!
Windows Phone 7 Versus iPhone.

Send in your stories to geeknews@gmail.com and be sure to provide a link to your websites!


GNC-2010-03-25 #562 Amazing Week!

When it rains it pours someone has opened up the flood gate and I have been inundated with request for proposals from companies wanting to do advertising deals. So I have been burning the midnight oil and will likely pull some 18 hour days over the weekend to get everything pushed out. One more show here in Texas before I head back to Honolulu.

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Show Comments please call 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Clara Barton Ghost in DC
XP will not support IE9

Show Links:
Glowing Prescription Caps
JooJoo Sales to be Crushed?
TWC Wi-Fi in NYC
Skype on Verizon Droid!
iPhone SMS hacked in 20 Seconds!
GoDaddy stops Chinese Sales!
iPad + TSA = Extra Bin
Dive Dive Dive!
T-Mobile in 2010.
Can Forums help your Show and Site?
Android Growth due to Rev Share?
Wii + Netflix -= Soon!
iPad Apps?
Google + Twitter + Chinese = War!
CBS and HTML5 on April 3rd.
20yrs for Massive Credit Card Bill.
Flip versus iPhone?
Keep our Libraries Open.
Robocaller gets FTC Bill – House and Cars!
UK Laughing at US ISP Policy!
Gmail Geo-Location as added Security feature!
Sexting re-examined!
Cable TV is Doomed!
Cable TV is Doomed like Dinosaurs!
Red Chinese issue Google Reporting Rules.
YouTube down?
90% More Space?
UK Man does for 500 Pounds what cost NASA a Million?
SEO Trademark battle hero!
UK Digital Bill to get Rammed down your throats!
NASA $66.00 per head for snack?

Send in your stories to geeknews@gmail.com and be sure to provide a link to your websites!

Tech Podcast Round Table this Saturday!

Please join me on Saturday May 30, 2009 – 4pm Eastern – 1pm Pacific

For three presentations

Will be a educational event. I hope that you will join us for the live event. There will be time for live questions after each segment, and an open mic afterwords to combine the topics with listeners.

The event will also be streamed live on uStream.tv, on SDRNews.com, and GeekNewsCentral.com

To participate in the Round Table is very simple, 15 Minutes before we start Simply Click this link! GotoMeeting will load automatically and then you can then choose to either dial in, or participate with a headset via VOIP.

GotoMeeting is the official sponsor of the Tech Podcasts Round Table you can get a free no credit card required trial at www.gotomeeting.com/techpodcasts

GNC-2007-10-25 #312

MovableType gets a double barrel blast during this show. Lots of pledges coming into the OLPC fund raiser. Send your paypals to podcast@podcastconnect.com

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Comments to 619-342-7365 e-mail to geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Space Dimensions
Windows Home Server Demo (From PR Firm)
Bypass Comcast BitTorrent Block
GreenPeace iPhone Debunking
Make Hand writing a Font
Amazing Photos
AT&T 700mhz Spectrum

Show Notes:
Gmail to have IMAP Support
TaskPaper Review
New things in OS-X Leopard
Facebook scored big Money
Some Decent SEO Tips
Long Live PodTech
TiVo Update
StumbleUpon Driving Serious Traffic
Domain Snatching Investigation
10 Google Products you forgot about
Hydrogen Aviation Engine
Senator Slams Comcast
Naked Eye Comet Suddenly Brightens
Whois threatened
SanDisk Sues Everyone
SprintSecure Laptop Secure
Google Pagerank
Facebook on the Cheap?
GTalk and Yahoo Messengers Updates for Blackberry
Shuttle No Damage so Far!
Shutlle Arrives at ISS
Japan has Mobile Issues as Well
India call center worker shortage
UK wants ISP’s to block P2P
Don’t try to censor students

Caught my Eye:
Soccer Prank that could get you hurt
Stay awake for Eleven
10 Illegal Job Questions