Tag Archives: Radiation

Know Your Ionising Radiation with Icohup Rium at CES 2018

Geiger counters are great for detecting and measuring ionising radiation but their biggest flaw is that they can’t discriminate between the different types of radiation; alpha, beta or gamma. Icohup‘s Rium detector addresses this with a compact and stylishly wooden unit. Allante and Billy discuss the benefits of radiation detectors without mentioning a single nuclear disaster.

Winner of a CES Innovation award, Icohup’s Rium uses scintillation spectrometry technology to not only detect levels of ionising radiation but also the type. This means that the Rium can determine if the radioactivity is natural or industrial, or if it’s a Cobalt, Uranium or Cesium source. The Rium unit is about the size of a packet of biscuits and is tastefully made of wood. Not sure if there’s a scientific reason for this, though it looks good anyway, and the small size means that it can be carried by a drone to record radioactivity in potentially hazardous areas.

Data is collected and displayed by a nearby smartphone and with geotagging of the radiation information, maps can be built easily to show radiation hotspots. The data can be transferred either by Bluetooth or by USB.

The Rium will be available shortly from Icohup for €399 (about US$500).

Allante Sparks is a video producer at PLuGHiTz Live Special Events.

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Evidence of Massive Cosmic Blast 1,200 Years Ago – Cause Unknown

Mysterious and Massive Radiation Event 1200 1200 Years Ago

Japanese physicists have identified a mysterious blast of high-energy radiation that struck Planet Earth more than 1,200 years ago – some 20 times larger than normal variations. The cosmic origins of this ancient and massive radiation event, however, are still unknown.

Cosmic-ray physicists from Japan’s Nagoya University, led by Fusa Miyake, discovered the radioactive event – said to have occurred between 774 and 773 AD – based on carbon dating performed on ancient trees.

Their investigation of tree rings from that era show a 20% increase in levels of the 14C isotope over the course of a year. Those isotopes, according Nature.com, are formed “when highly energetic radiation from outer space hits atoms in the upper atmosphere, producing neutrons. These collide with nitrogen-14, which then decays to 14C.”

What happened is clear, but why it happened seems anything but. The usual suspects for this radioactive spike are supernova explosions or solar flares. According to Miyake and his team, both are unlikely culprits considering no other recorded evidence exists of such massive events.

The search for the cause behind this massive cosmic event will likely send scientists to pore through historical data to find any correlative events that might clear things up. Either way – the trees don’t lie (they can’t). Something huge happened 1,200 years ago.

Photo: Solar Flare from Big Stock Photo

GNC #683 Congrats Angelo

Getting back into the groove here in Hawaii, body is adapting back to HST which will take a few days. Your continued support of all our shows is greatly appreciated. Family Update: Shoko made it to Japan without her father passing, situation remains touch and go info on show.

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Warning: Using this Smartphone May be Hazardous to Your Health

Remember when they first started discussing radiation of cell phones? You could get a tumor calling mum. Well now San Francisco decided you need to know how much radiation you are sticking to your ear.

On a article on Engadget, they show a chart of which phones are rated with low radiation and which ones are high. Nokia, Blackberry Storm and Samsung are the lowest radiation phones, while Blackberry 8820, Palm Pixi, Kyocera Jax and HTC Magic were the highest.

Get a Safer Phone

The website – Get a Safer Phone – charts out radiation for cell phones and smartphones. The main cancers that cellphones could cause were Glioma and Acoustic neuroma. There is also a recent study that the parotid (salivary) gland may be at risk of tumor.

Get a Safer Earpiece

If you think that switching to a bluetooth might fix that, think again. Bluetooth headsets also have a radiation rating, although it is considerably less. The best way save your brain from tumors is using the corded headset.

Where is the iPhone?

The iPhone 3G was rated at 0.24 – 1.03 Watts per kg. The 3G S is at 0.52 – 1.19 W/kg. The Droid is 1.19 W/kg. In comparison, the lowest was 0.22 – 0.55 W/kg while the highest was 1.28 – 1.58 W/kg.

Therefore, the iPhone is one of the worst 25% of phones in the category. No mention what the 2G version, let alone the iPhone 4 is at.

As for labels – we have enough of them. Nutritional values on food, Surgeon General Warnings on cigarettes. Might as well put warnings on TV’s, routers, laptops or any electronic device.

GNC-2007-05-22 #269

Back in Hawaii but my body thinks it is still on the East Coast regardless lots of great content on todays show.

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