Tag Archives: Pownce

A Little Twitter Cleaning

I finally did it. I went into Twitter and cleaned out all the dead profiles. Not an easy task either – lots of clicking involved. Nonetheless, I removed over 300 profiles I was following.

In the last couple years I’ve been on Twitter, I have tried different ways to get my stuff across. For a time I sat there and followed everyone that followed me. You did gain more followers, but it really was a 2:1 ratio.

Therefore, today I decided to clean up who I was following. These were profiles I never saw pass across the twitter page. There were also dead profiles, such as pownce – the twitter clone that was sold to six-apart – and Summize – the company that was bought by Twitter.

Oh yeah. I also got rid of all the “Color War” teams I was on. Sorry Green team, but that was soo 2008…

I’ve been meaning to do this for a while. Ever since the article saying people don’t continue on with Twitter after a year made me realize that I am following profiles that are really not going to post.

Only problem is, Twitter makes it almost impossible to find those people.

This has been a problem from the start – Twitter gives you a list of who you are following and are following you, but that list is 25 people at a time with no filters. I can’t sort in an alphabetical order, I can’t sort by date joined. I have to go into each profile to find out when they last posted.

It’s really irritating when I just want to clean up my list. Especially when I start hitting limits. I can’t expect the user on the other end to actually “Close the account”. Heck – I’ve done that on a site or two, myself. When you forget about something….

After about an hour of clicking, I knocked down about 300 dead profiles or just profiles that I have no interest in. My following now matches the followed. I plan to keep it that way for a while.

I hope….

GNC-2008-01-22 #341

Please check your Pod Catchers to make sure you are getting all of the shows I am adding content daily to the Podcast RSS feed! Second thing have you called Time Warner yet to protest the Bandwidth Caps?

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Twitter Me http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
My Facebook Profile
Comments to 619-342-7365 e-mail to geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Meteor Hits Earth
3D Mapping Check it Out!
Backpack Power
Gov’t Sponsored Cyber Attacks
Highest Rated Bluetooth Headsets
Buddy Waisname
Nano Solar

Show Notes:
AT&T Called out on Sponsored Show!
700mhz Airwave Auction Kicking Off
Volcanic Eruption in Antartica
IE7 Autoupdate
Time Warner Caps Set Very Low
HBO Putting Content Online (Irony)
Yahoo Layoff’s Eminent
WordPress ups Storage to 3gb
Pownce out of Beta
MyBlogLog API
Apple Patches Security Holes
MacMini Sound
Metered Internet Insanity
AT&T Sim Only Plan simply Stupid
Fox has it half Right
NBC and Apple Make Up?
BugLabs Open for Business
zAltenator for Zune
Brickhouse Security
Apple Airport Customers Mad
Parasail Assisted Power for Ships
Power Grid Hacking has Happened!
New MacBook Pro Information
Dark Side of Earth Picture Amazing
MacBook Air Unboxing
Coldest Place in Universe
Cosmic Strings will Blow your Mind
VM Ban Lifted on Windows Vista
Google Ad Campaigns for Blogs
Comcast Blocking Outbound SMTP

GNC-2007-09-03 #299

Sick as a dog but the show must go on. Recorded very early here in Hawaii today. Lots of great content regardless.

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Twitter Me http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
My Facebook Profile
Comments to 619-342-7365 e-mail to geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links
Media Converter
100 MPS for Robot Control
Voyager Comms

Show Notes:
Sony Rootkit Fiasco more than it Appeared?
Rural Dwellers Stuck on Dial Up Forever?
Japan Weather Experiment goes well
Want some Schwag?
Quechup needs to be Punished!
Awesome Picture of Cat’ eye Nebula
No ID go to Jail
Adblock Plus may get some advertiser resistance
New iPod has Touchscreen?
DirecTV new HD lineup
Google Penalization hard to figure out for Robin Good
What Screen Resolution are your designing for now?
Pownce gets a Update
Opera 9.5 Alpha Available Tuesday
iPhoneSimFree available Today
Optimize BitTorrent to Avoid Packet Shaping
100Mbps Down 10Mbps with Verizon Fios
TouchGraph Cool Tool

GNC-2007-06-29 #280

It’s iPhone Friday Podcast Awards start on Monday at PodcastAwards.com and we have a Round Table this coming weekend at TechPodcasts.com

Sponsor: Save Money with all our GoDaddy Codes see our Promo Code Page
[Try GoToMeeting free for 30 days at GoToMeeting.com/techpodcasts. No credit card needed.]

Twitter Me http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
Comments to 619-342-7365 e-mail to geeknews@gmail.com

Round Table Info

Listener Links:
New Media Business
ISS from Ground
RIAA gets Sued
College Radio
Evil ISP

Show Notes:
Twitter Trival
Google Maps
Earth Pop
Sun and our Galaxy
MPAA After Vid Sites
Supreme Court
Torrent Communities
Mars Rover
11 Xbox 360s’
Logitech Camera
Jaman Challenge
Feedster it’s back
Facebook expectations
Delta Sucks
Genesis 2