Tag Archives: OS X Lion

Is Apple Turning Into Microsoft?

I’ve been a fairly happy Apple/OS/X user for the past three to four years. Before that, I was a Windows user that finally became disgusted enough to finally make the jump.

Most computer users are well aware of the arguments, both pro and con.

Up until now, I’ve been happy. Up until now, everything simply worked. Ahem, up until now…

What is different now? It’s called Lion. Depending on what you use your machine for, Lion can be great. However, there’s a dark side to Apple’s latest feline incarnation. If you use a wide variety of software with your particular Mac, chances are Lion is going to break things – perhaps things that you rely on. Say, a podcasting application called “Ubercaster” that no longer functions 100% for starters, or how about a Verizon USB 3G aircard that worked fine in both Leopard and Snow Leopard, but Lion somehow just cannot recognize?

Being a long-time Windows user, I’m used to the new version of the O/S screwing things up, sometimes royally. However, that bad Microsoft habit of releasing half-baked, buggy operating system updates seems to have migrated from Redmond down to Cupertino.

It wasn’t as if I expected something like this might happen. I’m prepared – I have a backup machine in the form of a 13” white plastic Macbook that I purposely kept on  Snow Leopard. Unfortunately, the most recent Snow Leopard updates Apple has sent out have broken Ubercaster entirely on that machine, rendering the backup machine rather useless at the moment for podcast recording. The Ubercaster application will no longer load, even the latest updated version.

Ubercaster still works on my Macbook Pro running Lion, but the setup is now unreliable.

Also, Lion seems to not even work properly with Apple’s own hardware. When I touch the touchpad on my 3-year-old Macbook Pro 17 it no longer makes the screen wake up after it has turned off – it’s now necessary to hit a key to make the screen come back on.

What was Apple thinking? Probably of money.

GNC #689 Bandwidth Challenged

Looks like someone is messing with my net connections while I am streaming the show. Twice in two weeks the net connection has went dead while live time to do some digging. Lots of tech tonight but the last two shows the intro has slipped a bit in length. I will get that re-aligned next show. So far nothing but postive feedback on the HD version of the show. See the bonus links in the show notes and check out our iTunes network provider listings.

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GNC #688 Borders Dead Pool

You win some you loose some. But I will be honest an extra set of hands would be great. First five minutes of the show are comical as you will see. An absolute metric ton of tech tonight. Be advised the primary Video feed is going HD and the Mobile Video feed will much more manageable.

Note to Subscribers: Rough show tonight dealing with family issues in Japan that are not good, Shoko is fine but they are having a rough go of it! Thanks for being part of the family. My head was not a 100% engaged tonight as will be evident.

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Are You Ready For OS X Lion

Are you ready for Lion OS X coming in July, if not there are a couple of things you can do to get ready.

  • First check to make sure your computer support Lion. You need to have at least a Core 2 Duo Processor and 2 GB or more of memory and be on Snow Leopard. You can find all this information by click on About this Mac under the Apple icon in the top left corner.
  • Are any of your must have applications legacy Power PC apps. If you don’t know, you can find out by clicking on the Apple icon, then About this Mac, then more information. Scroll down to where you see Applications under Software. If they say Intel or Universal you are fine. If the say Power PC, you need to find a replacement, not up grade or set your computer to dual-boot.
  • If you have printer drivers, video card driver or any other peripherals that don’t use OS X provided drivers, you will want to check with the manufacture’s website to make sure that they will run on Lion.
  • Do a full backup. You can do this using Time Machine or a program like Super Duper or Carbon Copy Cloner. This is also a great time to remove any apps you don’t use and clean out caches, logs, unnecessary files and folders. Think of it as moving to a new house, you don’t take junk when you move to a new home, so why take junk to a new OS.
  • If you have a desk top mac, this might be a good time to look into getting a Magic Trackpad, so you can take advantage of all the multi-gesture features that OS X Lions will offer. If you rather stick with a mouse and keyboard, that’s fine also.
  • Finally, there is no need to rush into Lion OS X. It is ok to wait and let other people be the pioneers.

While going over this list I have decided its time to do some memory upgrade. I have 2 GB of memory, which is the minimum for Lion OS X, but it will probably run better with more memory. Do you have anything that you need upgrade or change before going to Lion OS X. Do you plan to go to Lion as soon as its available or do you plan to wait?