Tag Archives: Noted

Noted Adds Support For SongSync, Spotify, Apple Music

Noted SongSyncNoted, the music-centric social sharing service that lets users receive a “news feed” style stream of songs selected by friends, has added support for SongSync, Spotify, and Apple Music. From a recent Noted e-mail announcement:


SongSync lets you integrate with your Spotify/Apple Music account to share songs and build playlists across services.

Here’s an example: Now friends can share a music video from YouTube and you’ll be able to add it to your Spotify playlists through Noted.

In order to use SongSync with Noted, users should follow these steps:

  1. If using Noted on a mobile device, update to the latest version.
  2. Sync with your favorite library (if you aren’t a paid subscriber, choose YouTube for full tracks).
  3. Noted automatically converts every available post to your synced services and your posts to your friends’ services.

Once the process is completed, Noted users will have automatically synced playlists on connected services based on their own Noted activity, as well as the activity of friends. This is a pretty handy feature, as it can be difficult to follow everything happening on Noted, especially if a user has a lot of friends.

Noted has stated that this is only the beginning of its SongSync integration and that it will be sending more information and tips about how to best utilize the service.

Music Sharing App Nuziki becomes Noted

Noted homepageLast Fall, I wrote about a new social music sharing app called Nuziki. Since then, the folks at Nuziki have been busy updating and improving the service. This month, Nuziki announced it would be changing its name to Noted:

You spoke and we listened. We’re making some major changes based on the feedback you’ve given us. The biggest news of all is, we’ll be doing it under a new name… Noted.

Your username / password will be the same and all of your history will transfer. If you have ANY problems, let us know immediately and we will correct it.

Update the app to get Noted and don’t be scared when nusiki.com redirects you to noted.fm.

Noted exists to solve the problems that you’re having… so please continue to tell us what you want and we’ll continue to build it.

Until then, enjoy the new noted.fm and we look forward to what the future holds!

Indeed, my old Nuziki bookmark takes me straight to the new Noted website and my old account carried over without any problems. I have been using Noted a lot lately. I’m finding it to be a good place to go when I’d like to be exposed to new music. Noted creates a “news feed” style playlist of songs that have been posted to the site by other users I’ve followed. I’ll admit, I haven’t been very picky about who I’ve followed on Noted. I’ve pretty much followed every account I’ve come across. But for a service like this, that’s kinda the point. I’m there to experience things that I wouldn’t normally choose for myself. And since most of my connections on Noted are strangers, it offers some great opportunities for real music discovery.

Noted is free and is available on most major platforms. Feel free to look me up if you decide to check it out.