Tag Archives: Math

Fun For The Math Geeks

Tomorrow is April 1st. Besides being the Conflicker worm deploy date, it is also a “square day.” We had a square day already this year, March 3, and another on March 5.

A “square day” is one in which, with the application of a little mathematical numerology, you can see a square root. March 3rd in mathematical terms is 03-03-09, or 3*3=9. April 1st is also a square day, although not in as obvious a way. April 1, 2009 is 04/01/2009, or 4012009, which has 2003 as a square root (2003*2003 = 4012009.)

Okay, somewhat obtuse, but I work with a lot of mathematicians, and they are a hoot to listen to when they go off on tangents like this. Persons born in 1980 can say in the year 2025 that they are in their “square year,” as 45*45=2025. I don’t have the brains to figure out when my “square year” would be, if there was one at all.

For mathematicians, this type of twisting of numbers is simply a matter of recognizing patterns in numbers, and using those patterns to draw mathematical conclusions. I know my brain doesn’t work that way. I’m glad to see that mathematicians have a sense of humor, too. Makes them a lot less scary, in my math-phobic brain.

GNC-2007-06-05 #273

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