Tag Archives: Leopard

Is Apple Turning Into Microsoft?

I’ve been a fairly happy Apple/OS/X user for the past three to four years. Before that, I was a Windows user that finally became disgusted enough to finally make the jump.

Most computer users are well aware of the arguments, both pro and con.

Up until now, I’ve been happy. Up until now, everything simply worked. Ahem, up until now…

What is different now? It’s called Lion. Depending on what you use your machine for, Lion can be great. However, there’s a dark side to Apple’s latest feline incarnation. If you use a wide variety of software with your particular Mac, chances are Lion is going to break things – perhaps things that you rely on. Say, a podcasting application called “Ubercaster” that no longer functions 100% for starters, or how about a Verizon USB 3G aircard that worked fine in both Leopard and Snow Leopard, but Lion somehow just cannot recognize?

Being a long-time Windows user, I’m used to the new version of the O/S screwing things up, sometimes royally. However, that bad Microsoft habit of releasing half-baked, buggy operating system updates seems to have migrated from Redmond down to Cupertino.

It wasn’t as if I expected something like this might happen. I’m prepared – I have a backup machine in the form of a 13” white plastic Macbook that I purposely kept on  Snow Leopard. Unfortunately, the most recent Snow Leopard updates Apple has sent out have broken Ubercaster entirely on that machine, rendering the backup machine rather useless at the moment for podcast recording. The Ubercaster application will no longer load, even the latest updated version.

Ubercaster still works on my Macbook Pro running Lion, but the setup is now unreliable.

Also, Lion seems to not even work properly with Apple’s own hardware. When I touch the touchpad on my 3-year-old Macbook Pro 17 it no longer makes the screen wake up after it has turned off – it’s now necessary to hit a key to make the screen come back on.

What was Apple thinking? Probably of money.

GNC-2009-09-01 #507 Proud Dad Shares!

Big weekend for my son details in my show! Bad weekend for Hilton Hawaiian Village plus we have a time capsule winner of a $50.00 gift certificate. I spend some time of the Google and Amazon digital book debate going on, looking for Ohana weigh in. We had a great round table this weekend show will be posted shortly at TechPodcasts.com as well.

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Listener Links:
Senate Bill 773
Link 2 Senate Bill 773
One Families Fight against AT&T
Wachovia limiting browsers on website.
Single Molecule Image
Dual Screen Laptop
Lightning Strike at Shuttle Launch Pad

Show Links:
Los Angeles Fires!
Book Publishers at War.
Cafe Wifi Users Spend Money?
Google Wifi Lessons Learned.
More Twitter Tools
See who is no longer following you on Facebook.
More predictions on what Apple will do with iPhone Carriers!
Wikipedia color code coming?
Old Version of IIS Major Hole!
300 Photoshop Resources!
Microsoft says Apple will control TV Industry?
Shuttle Arrives at ISS!
5 Million dollar bail for hacker not lowered?
Fringe stars to twitter re-run?
Death Match Leopard versus Windows 7
NFL may have no one watching due to Blackout!
Digiprotect appears to be trapping P2P users!
Recording Officials call Legislatures disgusting for supporting Fair Use!
A&E Fighting for Fair Use of Music!
Can Government jobs be cool?
Update your IE Browser feed a hungry American!
EC2 Monitor Instances Management Console.
Is College worth it in down economy?
Job Letter Dissected.
Netbook Sales Double!
Breathalyzer built into a Toyota!
OLED as cheap as printing newspaper!
Camtasia for Mac.
Telescopes in Antarctica!
Leopard Compatibility Program List!
Roz Savage headed to Tarawa!
Roz Savage on CNN!

GNC-2007-11-16 #317

This is the last show produced here on Historic Ford Island in Honolulu next two shows will be done by guest hosts and I will be back on the show on the 27th of Nov from our new recording location overlooking Oahu in Upper Makakilo

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Twitter Me http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
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Comments to 619-342-7365 e-mail to geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Fogview Review of Zune
Norberts New Show www.totallycooltech.com
iPod Charged with Onion
Printer Reviews
Nova Shifting Magnetic Fields

Show Notes:
Leopard Upgrade
DRM Opening Up?
Surfer Dude with Physics Doctorate blows Scientist Away
Why the Moon
Build a Bot Network get 60 Years
Language detection in Gmail
17 Inch RSS Photo Framed
Zune Issues
Duracell Power Cell
Microsoft to Back up your Brain
Energy Efficient Power Strip
Sony Dream Camera
Apple Patches 44 Security Holes
Death of e-mail?
Harmony Moved on ISS
ISS Crew moves docking Adapter
Rosetta Flies By
Suit Problem may cause delay in EVA
China Spying Through Technology?
Microsoft Vista SP1 to testers
Homes Comet
Hacker of Year arrested
Warner CEO says War on Consumers was Bad!

Caught my Eye:
Lost Plane Found
Shotgun versus Lug Wrench bad Idea

GNC-2007-10-30 #313

Recorded this show with little or no sleep in the past 48 hours so fair warning it should be entertaining from a sleep deprivation stand point.

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Check out our On site Sponsor in Third Column as Well

Twitter Me http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
My Facebook Profile
Comments to 619-342-7365 e-mail to geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:

Show Notes:
You Tube Time?
Blogger Grammar Errors
NBC Crying about Apple iTunes Pricing
Google Spam and how it works
CFL Bulbs Savings
Cable Rulings for Apartments
Controlling the Internet
AT&T does the Right thing for once
Jail Break iPhone from Web Application
Nick Wants more use of NOINDEX
Video Not Easy or Cheap???
Automatic Turns away 200 Million
Harmony Mounted and Occupied
New Pages on Blubrry!
Net Neutrality Rears its head
RIAA has another Set Back :{
Comcast P2P talk can get you Fired
User Contributed Meta-Data
Leopard Hacked to Run on PC
Solar Wing Gears at ISS
Vinyl Sails to kill CD Sales?
Whois to go to Junk Pile

Caught my Eye:
Colbert for President :))
Did you get a Ticket

GNC-2007-10-25 #312

MovableType gets a double barrel blast during this show. Lots of pledges coming into the OLPC fund raiser. Send your paypals to podcast@podcastconnect.com

Sponsor: Save Money with all our GoDaddy Codes see our Promo Code Page
[Try GoToMeeting free for 30 days at GoToMeeting.com/techpodcasts. No credit card needed.]
Check out our On site Sponsor in Third Column as Well

Twitter Me http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
My Facebook Profile
Comments to 619-342-7365 e-mail to geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Space Dimensions
Windows Home Server Demo (From PR Firm)
Bypass Comcast BitTorrent Block
GreenPeace iPhone Debunking
Make Hand writing a Font
Amazing Photos
AT&T 700mhz Spectrum

Show Notes:
Gmail to have IMAP Support
TaskPaper Review
New things in OS-X Leopard
Facebook scored big Money
Some Decent SEO Tips
Long Live PodTech
TiVo Update
StumbleUpon Driving Serious Traffic
Domain Snatching Investigation
10 Google Products you forgot about
Hydrogen Aviation Engine
Senator Slams Comcast
Naked Eye Comet Suddenly Brightens
Whois threatened
SanDisk Sues Everyone
SprintSecure Laptop Secure
Google Pagerank
Facebook on the Cheap?
GTalk and Yahoo Messengers Updates for Blackberry
Shuttle No Damage so Far!
Shutlle Arrives at ISS
Japan has Mobile Issues as Well
India call center worker shortage
UK wants ISP’s to block P2P
Don’t try to censor students

Caught my Eye:
Soccer Prank that could get you hurt
Stay awake for Eleven
10 Illegal Job Questions

GNC-2007-10-05 #306

We have Cherie from the Cheriecast.com as the guest on the show for the first 15 minutes or so and then and really full show content with some soapbox time as well.

Sponsor: Save Money with all our GoDaddy Codes see our Promo Code Page
[Try GoToMeeting free for 30 days at GoToMeeting.com/techpodcasts. No credit card needed.]

Twitter Me http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
My Facebook Profile
Comments to 619-342-7365 e-mail to geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Sony Stupidity #1
Cable AlaCarte What If!
Sony Stupidity #2
RIAA Hates its customers
Comet Encke Video
Hepa Filter

Show Notes:
Feds Shut Off CA.Gov Web Sites
First Space Photo
Why Internet Explorer is so Bloated
iPhone Sales tied to Unlocking
RIAA Trial Verdict Bad News
Apple Fanatic
Jobs has sold out to the Telco’s
PGP Whole Disk Encryption Bypass
Sony BMG Head Lawyer makes America Hate Sony
Google Body Slams Verizon
Plastic Shell Shears
WordPress Automatic Update Plugin
Level 3 Slashes Prices
Internet Explorer 7 Update
China Blocks RSS Feeds
Podcaster Awards Coverage
AT&T Content Filtering
Japan Lunar Princess enters Moon Orbit
Leopard Shipping Date this Month
More money for Shuttle
Seven Patches for Patch Tuesday
Copy Protection Issues for Blu-Ray

GNC-2007-06-19 #277

Congrats to our two newsletter winners, listen to win tonight. Lots of great content tonight late start here but lots of past show feedback at the end of the show.

Sponsor: Save Money with all our GoDaddy Codes see our Promo Code Page
[Try GoToMeeting free for 30 days at GoToMeeting.com/techpodcasts. No credit card needed.]

Twitter Me http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
Comments to 619-342-7365 e-mail to geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
iPhone Battery Life
Image Technology
My DMOZ Replacement
Poducateme Website

Show Notes:
RIAA – MPAA New Lobby
NBC wants ISP’s to Spy
AT&T $10.00 DSL
Drugs in the Sewage
Email Search Warrant Required
Shuttle Repair and ISS Spacewalks
ISS Computers
Truss Installs
Newspaper Aggregation
Webcam Enhancer
Google Labs
Google Public policy
Shuttle Image
Top 10 Destroy Planet Earth
Blockbuster = Blu-ray
HDMI Switch
Nascar and AT&T
Zune Marketplace Expands
Safari Bashed by Windows Users
Car Buried for 50 Years
100 Legal Free Games
Mac Defrag
Fix Dead Pixels on LCD
Ten Photo Mistakes
Leopard PC Switching
Wash a Keyboard
WordPress Themes
33 Free TV Websites
Digg Effect on Shared Servers
Dell does the right thing!
iPhone not so Sweet
Google Gears of War :)
Ten Second Rule