Tag Archives: Jailbreak

Jail Breaking iPhone 4.3.3

First I don’t recommend you do this unless you have a good reason, although it is not illegal Apple does frown upon it. Also there is a possibility that something may go wrong. However there are very good reasons to jailbreak your iPhone. In my case it was a broken Home button, at first I could get it too work if I tapped on it about 10x, however yesterday it stopped working all together. In order to go to the home screen I literally had to shut down the iPhone down and then restart it. I can hear you now, you should take that to the Apple Store to get fix. Unfortunately the nearest Apple Store is three hours away and since this is our only phone it is not very convenient to send it back to Apple for repair. I read that under Cydia there was a way to have one button substitute for another, which is exactly what I was looking for. The problem is you have to jailbreak your iPhone in order to install Cydia on it.

I then started searching for a way to jail break an iPhone 4 that has iOS 4.3.3 installed on it. When looking for jail breaking options make sure you find the one that works with your iOS version and is untethered. Any time Apple does an update, there is usually a gap before the corresponding jailbreak becomes available. There is a really good article on the difference between a tethered and untethered jailbreak and why the untethered is better at the iPhone Download Blog. Unfortunately while searching I discovered that all the programs available to jail break iOS 4.3.3 required a working Home button, which I didn’t have. I tried to find a work around by googling the problem, without success. I then decided to try a method that had worked before for me, and that is to use an electric heating pad. If you lay the iPhone face down on the heating pad and heat it up a little, (use with extreme caution) that seems to fix the Home Button temporally. This allowed me to jail break the iPhone using Redsn0w. Redsn0w installs Cydia automatically. Within Cydia there is a program called Activator, which allows you to substitute one button for another, which is what I was looking for.

Remember jail breaking is not without risk, so before you do it make sure you back up your iPhone. Also when Apple does an update, you have to wait until someone jailbreaks it before you upgrade. Have you jail broken your iPhone, if you have why?

GNC-2010-08-09 #600 @ $2.00 we could do 3 Million

Your going to love what I have lined up for you here on Show 600 putting it together was as fun as the very first one. I spend 30 minutes looking back. Plus I jam a full load of a tech at you in the remaining time. Some remarkable stats to share. New Sponsor in the show today, business owners go fill out the contact form and watch the video. Let me know what you think of their services.

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Insider / Ohana Links:
Stunning Aurora Videos.

The Geek’s Show Links:
It’s Finally Plugged!
Verizon Road Map!
Amazon Kindle DX Review.
Verizon / Google Net Neutrality Conspiracy.
Google / Verizon Press Conference!
Google / Verizon Analysis.
.AVI in the iPad.
12 Core on Mac Pro.
Bill Gates on Net Education.
Great Way to Quit your Job.
Did you watch your Time?
Skype 100 Million IPO.
Apple Roadmap?
Microcell not working with iPhone 4.
Parking Meters with Credit Card slots.
Android and Netflix.
Windows 7 battles Mac Still.
Car Tracking and Warrants!
Watch the Video, Watch Gates!
Verizon and iPhone.
Tire Pressure Monitoring!
Light Sleepers versus Rock.
Does your Hybrid pay you back.
Time to Leave the Planet!
Discovery Legal versus PR.
Congress on bill naming!
Is BMI running a racket?
BMI NYT Article!
Apple tries to block Jailbreakme.com
ISS Spacewalk.

Send in your stories to geeknews@gmail.com and be sure to provide a link to your websites!

GNC-2010-05-06 #573 Become a GNC Insider!

Some house cleaning and organizing tonight. I lay out some new initiatives that will make it easier to find information about the show. Plus we are announcing the opening of our Cafe Press store thanks to GNC Ohana Sam Garcia. You will find some new links in the show notes tonight to check out as well. Consider becoming a GNC Insider.

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Listener Links:
Asteroids bring Water to Earth.
James Cameron to make 3d camera for Mars.
AT&T to pay customers for slow DSL
Astro_Soichi: Oil spill of Gulf of Mexico
Other devices you need to destroy before Junking!
CloudBerry for Amazon S3

Show Links:
CEA says Americans buying more Tech!
Targus Power Supply recall.
FCC takes a new Tack on Net Neutrality.
Broadband reclassification by FCC.
FCC Plan.
How about Net Neutrality in your house.
Phone Booth as Car recharging station.
Bionic Arms.
Make your own Microsim.
More Kindle Usages.
3D TV Specs out of whack.
Spyware on Jailbroke iPad.
Alien Abduction investigated by Russians.
No iPhone for Verizon?
Best Buy in UK a hit.
Your First iPhone App development.
Check in With McDonalds on Facebook (GAG)
Google Goggles text translator.
iPad user Analysis by Yahoo.
Google is stuck on their design.
Digg cuts 10% of their staff.
Facebook = No Privacy = Evil!
Spammers get 2.6 Million Fine!
Patch Tuesday 2 Critical Patches.
Judge nixes iPad Warrant.
ClamCase Please?
Netflix Update coming to Roku.
Our DNA Gene pool has Neanderthal in it?
Wash your Regrets away.
Space Shuttle to fly in 2011?
H.264 comes to Ubuntu.
Sports Schedule copyrighted?
DMCA for Canada is back on Table!

Send in your stories to geeknews@gmail.com and be sure to provide a link to your websites!

GNC-2010-02-09 #550 Big Studio Surprise!

Came home from Chicago to a Studio surprise that I was not expecting. Had a great trip to Chicago, great meetings with the team out there shaping up to be a year of growth and opportunity. Lot’s to share on today’s show. One thing is for sure better being here warm than freezing in the Windy City.

Support by these fine sponsors keep the lights on your support is appreciated!
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Listener Links:
Acid used to clean Cavities?
Live in Australia get a Free home!
Global Warming Collapse!
Climate Scandal Professor Speaks Out!

Show Links:
Wisair Wireless Monitors
Squeezebox Touch Delayed.
Car Body Material to Power Car!
Planet Posters!
Facebook Personal Interconnects.
Email Newsletter Distribution Services.
No 1080P for Netflix in 2010!
Latest Jailbreak Hack is out!
Google Phone will be Translator!
Nexus One Termination Fees Decreased!
IBM Launches Power7 Chips!
Whats your Favorite Tech Super Bowl Ad?
Adobe Apologizes over Flash Bug!
Massive Patch Tuesday is coming!
Google Super Bowl Ad was Relevant!
Scientist Tie Gene to Aging!
Craiglist Scams!
Boredom can Really Kill You!
Comcast CEO called to Carpet in Senate Hearing!
ZoomIT brings SD card Device to iPhone!
Endeavor on way to ISS!
Progress Docs at ISS!
China Shuts down Hacker Training Site!
Facebook causing more scam artist to harvest your data!
America the Beautiful!
Mozilla dropping Tiger Support!
User Generated Content mostly Scams Sites?
FBI wants two year tracking of ISP Data!
Pluto as seen by Hubble!
Death Notice by Facebook?
Next Gen 747!

Send in your stories to geeknews@gmail.com and be sure to provide a link to your websites!

GNC-2009-07-10 #492 Big Shocker Tonights Show!

Big shocker tonight please do not send hate mail, I know your gonna send it anyway ;). Lot’s to share as well as a invite to come hang out for the Tech Podcast Network Round Table this Saturday. I also may have a live streaming event tomorrow at about 5:30pm HST visit GNC for more details. Plans for show 500 talked about as well hope you will consider being part of it. Special job announcement on the Podcast tonight as well looking for a extremely qualified candidate.

Please support the Show Sponsors as they keep the show rolling here!
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Podcast Madness Shows to listen to Week 2
Bwana.org Radio
Jesus Geek

Listener Links:
Have YouTube Videos on your Website?
15yr old iPhone Hacker
Executives make way for new kids on the Block!
RyanAir simple insanity!

Show Topic Notes:
Apple wants new http video stream protocol
Google Chrome OS
Google Chrome OS the Players
7.2 Billion in spending decided by unpaid Volunteers?
Space Solar
Pandora cuts a mind numbing deal!
Cyber attacks Galore
NASA needs it’s own DARPA?
CA Antivirus False Positives?
Microsoft left users exposed to big bug for 16-18 Months?
Amazon Kindle 2 price Lowered to $295.00
More Mac Malware on the Loose.
More Young Kids using the Internet.
Control Apple TV with iPhone or iTouch
Short URL’s causing issues for Antivirus Vendors
iPhone 3gs Hacking is real Smooth
NASA to try on Saturday Evening for Launch Shuttle.
6 Patches on Patch Tuesday
As fast as the Speed of Light!
New Rocket gets put together at KSC
18 Million more for Gov Recovery Website
News Corp hacking Mobile Phones?
ASCAP wants you to Pay for Video Embeds on your Websites?
The True Speed of the iPhone 3G Slow
How is it Possible this stuff was online to begin with?
Rogers Canada starts DOCSIS 3.0 50Mbps Service (Not Cheap)!
Jay Leno’s tools to recreate old parts!
We be slow here in the United States?
People working Cheaper, More duties and much Longer Hours!
Aviary Great Screen Cap Program!
Trending on Trendrr
Nokia N97 Suggestions.
How to Find Creative Commons Images on Google.
Twitter Pimps Firefox
Teen is beyond stupid lands in Jail for Online Stunt!
NASA Test new Abort System.
Ulysses mission ends after 18 Years!

GNC-2009-02-17 #452 I cover a wide assortment of Tech Tonight

Some new initiatives announced early in the show where I will be offering some for pay podcast consulting to 10 podcasters for the first 6 months. Lots of tech and I talk about my upcoming travel schedule.

Support my Show Sponsors it keeps food on the table here!
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Listener Links:
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Green Antarctic Station See Pics
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Show Notes:
Windows Mobile 6.5
Pirate Bay Inquisition has begun.
Synthetic Life from DNA
Electric Car Battery Wars
Delete Painful Memories?
Aliens in Contaminated Rivers?
Why Legislate Digital Devices in Schools?
Do you need a Converter?
STS-119 Delayed
Size of Universe
Non Tech (New Beer Tax)
Ten NASA Achievements
Google Analytics Tutorials
Canadians Watch out!
Michelin’s e-wheel
Windows Mobile 6.5 Review
Lego Mindstorms feedback wanted!
Picking a wireless Provider
Clickball a new Hyperlink Sharing Application
Twitter Groups
Blog Twitter Response Stream
Sony Vaio P (Bad Review)
Adobe Flash for Smartphones!
Apple says Jailbreaking iPhone is illegal!
Fireball in Texas Sky
Twitter + Enterprise is a Must!
Tips on Linked In for Job Hunters.
Nokia introduces Thinner SmartPhones