Tag Archives: iTouch

Richard Solo 1800 Product Review

Today there are a large number of battery backup devices for the iPhone. The folks over at Richard|Solo sent me the Richard Solo 1800 Smart Battery Backup, laser pointer and LED flashlight device for review. If your like me you computer bag is full of stuff and any new device has to take the place of another item.

While the devices re-charge capability is great with a 1800mAh capacity battery there are other devices on the market that compete in recharge battery size. The justification to carry this charger in my computer bag, was due to the fact that it had the built in laser pointer and led flashlight replacing an older recharge device and my presenter laser pointer.

This device would have really hit a home run if they would have built in a power point remote presenter into the device. At $69.95 it is not the cheapest charger in the space but by far not the most expensive. Overall a good value and if your looking for a Backup Battery for your iPhone, iTouch or iPod this is a great choice.

Disclaimer: I was provided a free unit to review. Opinions of this article are based on three days of utilization of the charger.

Dual Adds GPS to iPod Touch a GeoCache Leader CES 2010

Dual has introduced the GPS for the iPod Touch the XGPS300 introduced at CES 2010 is a new tool for GeoCache enthusiast. Not only used and hiking it provides turn but turn navigation on the road and comes with a windshield mount. The cradle that you iTouch resides in is completely portable and that is what has a lot of outdoors folks excited. The cradle provides integration with most location based applications.

It will even provide battery backup for your portable device. Pricing is not yet available but this addition to their line of products will be a welcome addition.

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GNC-2007-09-18 #303

Back to normal show lengths here. This show is packed from end to end and I talk a little bit about my iPhone unlocking experience and T-Mobile Edge Slowness

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Show Notes:
Google Presntation
Proxy Server Operator calling it Quits
Vista and 13 Year old Virus
Can you go back to PC Once you go Mac?
Levelator has New Home
Self Chilling Sprite!
Apple Updates iTunes shuts door on one Ringtone Hack
Make a Bootable Mac External Drive
The Moon still holds a lot of Secrets
27 Blog Building Tips
90 GB Limit for Comcast Internet Users
Winamp at 10 Years
EFF Hiring
Apple Checksum Cracked
iPod Touch LCD Screen Issues
15 Free SEO Tools
Microsoft adds Slingbox capability to Media Center!
Sprint Airave
iPod Touch things it is a iPhone
Google Reader Subscribers
WordPress Blog gets Pulled
SightSpeed 6 Review
Miracle at the New York Times
Zimbra sold to Yahoo 350 Million
Do your turn your PC Off?
OpenOffice 2.3 Released
Universal blocks Music from iPod
Space Shuttle Needs Repairs
TSA Improvised Electronics Banned
So Sad Robert Jordan Dead at 58