Tag Archives: IE8

GNC-2010-03-29 #563 Headed for Honolulu

Way beyond ready to head for home, this has been a long trip and I have a long list of things from my lovely wife to take care of when I get back. Rare early afternoon recording of the show. Good old Chrome decided to play games with me during the podcast so that was fun to deal with. At least no idiots in the chatroom today!

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Video of Show at geeknews.blip.tv
Video of Show at www.youtube.com/user/geeknews
Show Comments please call 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
White House wants Students Broadband Ideas!
GoDaddy Stands up to China!

Show Links:
Select your Big Domains!
China blocking Google Mobile Services
iPad Jailbreak?
Canon T2i 1080p
Mini Cooper on Mars!
Fatty Foods Like Cocaine?
Car Safety Issue caused by Gamma Rays?
Publishers banking on iPad?
UK want’s Cybercafe to Spy on Users!
Printable RFID Tags!
Gifting Limited in iTunes!
Wimax via Satellite?
Android and iPhone neck and neck!
Parachute to de-orbit Sats!
Boingo $1.99 Wi-Fi for iPad.
Shuttle cleared for Launch!
Spy for Universal Musig Group earn $26k!
Would your Wife Agree to this?
iPad out of Stock till the 12th!
Atom Smasher 411!
UK Digital conversion gets Pushback!
Microsoft defends IE8 Hacks!
Clearwire launches 4G in Houston!
HTML5 Skeptics!
This USB sticks will self destruct in 10 seconds!
iPad Tour!
Blockbuster and Warner Brothers Partner Up!
Mac Updates!

Send in your stories to geeknews@gmail.com and be sure to provide a link to your websites!

GNC-2010-02-23 #554 Murphy’s Law!

Switched the primary recording off of Firewire to Analog to see if that was what was causing recording issue and the recording machine acted up again. Very happy to have a backup of tonights show for you to download. We are having trouble with the iTunes update at this time..

Support by these fine sponsors your support of them is greatly appreciate.
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Follow @geeknews on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
My Personal Facebook Profile
Join the Geek News Central Podcast Facebook Page
Video of Show at geeknews.blip.tv
Video of Show at www.youtube.com/user/geeknews
Show Comments please call 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
FBI probing school!
Endeavor Launch

Show Links:
Infoworld Windows Blogger Fired!
Twitter vs Facebook faceoff!
50 Million Tweets a Day!
Second Life? Should we be concerned?
Newsletter tips and tricks!
Mobile Application Stores Heads Up!
Americas Brands!
HTML5 Plugin for IE8
Apple says .99 cent TV – TV says $1.99
Add Boxee and Hulu to Windows Media Center.
FTC Warns 100’s of Companies about breaches!
IOC versus the Blogger.
New Transistor design big in Japan
ACTA gets out of Hand!
UK Newspapers cannot stand the heat!
NASA Lunar Moon Application!
Endeavor back at KSC!
GPS Jamming use by crooks!
Browser Ballot Time in EU!
Seagate rolls out Enterprise 2TB Drive!
Vudu to Walmart for cool 100 Million!
64gb SD card no available!
Leech Plug (Smart)!
Bloom Box to revolutionize home power?
Don’t get this teacher Angry.
FBI go Hunting Web Cam accused Perps!
Build your own TypeFace with your Face?
View from Above!
GPS Spot!

Send in your stories to geeknews@gmail.com and be sure to provide a link to your websites!

GNC-2009-08-18 #503 New Cameras for Live Show

No major Hiccups tonight luckily, but I am about to fire Firefox. Lot of tech tonight plus a mini contest. Do you know what state has the most GNC listeners? Send your guess to geeknews@gmail.com for a chance to win a gift certificate. Get your show introductions turned in, the contest is heating up. I just had to show off the new cameras tonight watch the beginning of the video at least.

You supporting the Show Sponsors keep the lights on here, Thank You for your Support!
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[Save 20% off 1 yr shared Hosting accounts at >GoDaddy.com!] use Code Todd20
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Follow @geeknews on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
My Personal Facebook Profile
Join the Geek News Central Podcast Facebook Page
Show Comments please call 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Jet Blue all you can fly $599.00
US Testing system to bypass foreign firewalls!
Just why new TV shows are failing!
Government no more Website Privacy?

Show Links:
iPhone does not really delete email.
Sprint Wimax in 4 cities.
Pittsburgh city iPhone App.
Android 2.0 for T-Mobile G1 in doubt!
iPhone king on Flickr
How did you find your latest job?
4G needs more RF Spectrum!
Translate those Foreign RSS feeds!
Tr.im to go open source!
Gpush Incoming Gmail Notices.
iPod Update Sept 9th
MSNBC makes local news move!
Roll your own Short URL
Steve Jobs gets raked over the coals!
Download the Pirate Bay
Gmail ahead of AOL Mail by a nose!
Bing making good market share progress.
Houston we really have a big problem here!
Don’t help shave time at BK
Privacy is coming to a utter and complete end!
Have a UFO story I have a couple!
Protect your Laptop good tips here!
Carriers not making money on iPhone customers yea right.
MySpace + iLike = No Vision?
IE8 more Secure than Firefox shocking results!
SEC says no Tweets, YouTube, Flickr etc at any sports events!
Microsoft Seeks relief on Word injunction!
Comcast comes swinging at the FCC!
Portable Nuclear Power Station
DYI HD Crusher!
District 9 did you see it, should I go see it?
Newspapers have no one to blame but themselves.
Finland 1500 songs + P2P + Court Ruling =3000 Euro fine = sensible
Burglar taunts victim on own Facebook account!
Pirate Bay Founder to write book would you buy it?
Japan politician no blogging for you!

GNC-2009-07-20 #495 Do you Like Math?

Do you like math do you live math, i have a request of the Ohana today to help your geek pick something out. Details in the show. Lots of tech today, rare daytime recording enjoy the podcast and be sure to check out the other shows at PodcastMadness.com

Please support the Show Sponsors as they keep the show rolling here!
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Complete List of GoDaddy Promo Codes for huge Savings!
[Try GoToMeeting free for 30 days at GoToMeeting.com/techpodcasts. No credit card needed.]
Check out our Free Magazine Offers!

Follow @geeknews on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
My Personal Facebook Profile
Join the Geek News Central Podcast Facebook Page
Show Comments please call 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Podcast Madness
Geek Poster Art
A 2010 space odyssey beckons
Where is the Plunger on ISS
Sprint does not itemize text messgaes
World roll playing game.

Show Topic Notes:
TwitCam versus CamTweet
Qwest Upgrades DSL Offering
Eye Telescope amazing medical techology!
TweetMe way Cool!
In flight Wifi Tips
Digg Diggs a Deeper Hole for itself!
Airforce says Ares 1 escape system unsafe!
Apple has lost there minds!
ISS Spacewalk #2
Apple supposed to have Record Quarter!
Microsoft heads off EU Antitrust makes Browser change!
How hacker got access to Twitter via Hotmail
iPhone App approval process in meltdown!
Space Memories past 40 years!
Google Voice to compete with Skype?
Rejected Papers get new voice online!
Japanese Kibo just more gear!
LRO takes picture of Apollo 11 landing site!
Google Moon is live!
Why Japanese Phones are not in the United States!
The ever bigger AT&T iPhone Mess!
Is Internet Business DOA?
Mac Office 2008 SP2
Apple Loves Moms!
RIAA says DRM is Dead!
Online Meeting Schedulers Review.
10 Stats about Twitter.
Real Password Issues.
Data Says were going Mobile!
T-Mobile Going Socials? What For?
The Real cost of the Cloud!
Time Warp and S3 Backups
Kazaa goes Legit
New Apollo 11 Images!
AT&T Loosing Voice mail
Can the Pre Grow Up?
Why you need to Lie to be Secure Online.
256gb USB Drive
Get a cheap notebook!
Toshiba Wifi Picture Frame Integrated with other Services!
Blackberry desktop for Mac soon!
IE8 growth chart

GNC-2009-03-06 #457 Back in the Flow here in Japan

Surprisingly Connectivity this trip to Japan has been horrible in that I have been going as many as 12 hours a day without connectivity. But it has proven to be a very productive trip, yet I look forward to heading home late next week.

Support my Show Sponsors it keeps food on the table here!
[Save 15% off on any order >$20.00 at GoDaddy.com!] Use Code Geek5
More GoDaddy Promotion Codes Here
[Try GoToMeeting free for 30 days at GoToMeeting.com/techpodcasts. No credit card needed.]

Twitter Me http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
My Facebook Profile
FriendFeed GNC Room!!
Comments to 619-342-7365 e-mail to geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Eyeball Camera
New Virtual Headsets
6 Monitor Setup
Space Rock Close Shave
Space Engineering via Gaming

Show Notes:
Amazing City Model
Patch Tuesday 1 Critical – 2 Regular
Calacanis Employee gets Jail Time
Why Calacanis Employed a Felon
P2P Darknets
Shuttle to go on March 11th
Ustream Mobile Video Application
Federal CIO
Twitter New Features
Scoble 1 Million Dollar Sponsorship Not Renewed — 1 Million
Facebook Tries to Compete with Twitter
Sony Swivel HDMI Cables
Weight Fat Check
HDMI Equipped Mini ASUS Computer
Circuit City Stores RIP March 8th
iTunes Hacking
Photoshop Montage Tutorials
Apple Product Prices
OTZI on HD Display
CMS Considerations!
Windows 7 Allows IE8 Uninstall
Bad RSS Same Ole Story

GNC-2007-12-21 #327

Special Edition of the Geek News Central Podcast recorded during the 24hr Podcast. All the regular great coverage plus the live components which were a lot of fun.

Special Promotion code 20% off on 1 Year Shared Hosting Plans use Godaddy Code Todd20
[Save 10% off on any order at GoDaddy.com!] Use Code Todd
[Try GoToMeeting free for 30 days at GoToMeeting.com/techpodcasts. No credit card needed.]

Twitter Me http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
My Facebook Profile
Comments to 619-342-7365 e-mail to geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Interesting Trekkie Podcast
For those of you with Ink Issues with Printers
CSS Selector Test
IE Passes Acid2 Test
Airline Travel Resource
Microsoft vs Google over Office

Show Notes:
Mark Cuban Facebook Strategy
Doug Kaye on real Time Web
Congress finally to equal playing field in Radio
23 iTunes add on’s
OLPC Unboxing
Real Blue Man
Deep Impact new mission approved
Compaq and HP Bricking Bug
Stupid guy gets what he deserves
Unix Admin Pleads Guilty on Power Grid Sabotage
Nokia N96 in the wild
Micorchip can detect Tumors
A really good WiFi picture frame
IE8 and Browser Wars
Kent Nichols Ask a Ninja Blog
Digg is DOA
Steal my Content and Pictures Please
Think Secret and the Apple Gestapo
S3 as a end user product
Bet Winner NYT versus Weblogs
FCC Votes to Relax Ownership Rules

Cool Things I found
Six reasons to slow down eating
Fuel Economy and big Cars
Tires with Microchip Sensors
Don’t like shoes in the house?