Tag Archives: hubble

Astronomers Spot Oldest Galaxy, Has Crazy Fast Star Birth

More than a decade ago the Hubble Space Telescope snapped an image that has since been referred to as “the most important picture ever taken”.  It’s real name is the Hubble Deep Field (you may want to watch this video before reading on).  While the image may seem old in this fast moving world of technology, it’s not even an eye-blink when compared to it’s subject matter – the farthest astronomers have seen in the universe, and into the past.

The folks at the Max Planck Institute have been studying the image almost since it was taken in 1995.  Mostly they have been focusing on the brightest galaxy in the picture, known by the catchy name of HDF850.1.  That galaxy represents the furthest object, and consequently the oldest, ever seen.  The fact is, HDF850.1 is 12.6 billion light years away, meaning that in the Hubble image we see the galaxy as it was 12.6 billion years ago, which is a mere 1.1 billion years after the universe began.

The galaxy, known as a starburst galaxy, is (or was) producing stars at the staggering rate of about a thousand suns per year.  The Register points out that the Planck institute, “had to use IRAM interferometer, and the Jansky Very Large Array, a giant compound radio telescope in New Mexico, USA” to verify their findings.  The official announcement of the discovery will be published in the next issues of Nature.

Source: Space.com

Photo Credit: M16 Eagle Nebula from Big Stock Photo

GNC-2009-05-26 #480 Major Contest Announcement Tonight!

Back in Hawaii great to be home. I have two major contest announcements in tonight’s show listen to win. Looking for feedback on a variety of articles tonight weigh in by calling the voice mail hotline or dropping me an email. Also making slight change to introduction we will see how that pans out.

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Listener Links:
Car Powered by Wood!
Twitter TV Competition
RedBull Test Positive for trace amounts of Cocaine
Air Powered Cars in our Future?
Honolulu 100% Internet Vote First in Nation!
Hadoop Sorts Petabyte in Record Time!
25 Logos with Hidden Messages
Customer Hall of Shame (Sprint)
Liquid Cooled Laptop Lap Pad
Broadcast Season down 16%
Hawaii Driver Ranking no Surprise here!
New Cherie Cast is out!

Show Topic Notes:
Who will pay for Shirt Sponsorship of GNC?
AT&T 2in1 Mobile Cards buyer beware!
iPhone Art
iPhone Movie and TV shows downloads?
12vdc Car Power Device you have to have!
What will Apple announce at WWDC 09?
Hubble in all her Glory!
Hey dad I just bought a Crane!
Rotating Space Elevator is a Pipe Dream!
SanDisk crying Wolf over Moore’s Law
The New Circuit City Site!
Video Advertising is not Rocket Science?
Microsoft spending big bucks to educate you on Search Options.
MPAA dictating Fair Use which is not very Fair.
GPS Constellation not at Risk!
Shuttle safe on deck after landing in California.
Pirate Bay cannot find impartial Judge?
$170.00 ACDSee for Mac, wow what a price!
RedBull and the Cocaine Detection in Germany.
Mars Robots destroying Life on Mars?
Google Page Rank Dissected.
Verizon not good corporate citizen in rescue of missing person!

GNC-2009-05-18 #478 TWC Call at End of Show

Official show ends 10 minutes before end of Audio file. Some bonus material after the end of the show. Lot’s to share tonight had a great weekend, hooked up with Trucker Tom we hit Fry’s and Guitar Center aka Geek Heaven. Lots of tech news tonight and congrats of course to the Hubble Heroes for their great work on Hubble!

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Show Comments please call 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Comcast Increases Lobbying Budget
Windows 7 Beta System Capabilities Check
Ann Arbor News R.I.P.
Soldiers being prepared for Telepathy???
Airman Notices Fuel Leak on Commercial Aircraft.

Show Topic Notes:
Hubble Heroes
Twitter and Facebook competing with Google?
AT&T Reduced iPhone Data Plans!
WiFi for your Camera
Massage chair for the brave!
Machines versus Man?
Plug guide for worldwide travelers.
FIOS from a Reseller at reduced prices!
Walmart replacing Compusa and Circuit City?
NASA tools used on Hubble
Tech IPO are back for profitable companies.
How much is your site worth if you want to sell.
Sarbanes Oaxley on chopping block?
Amazon EC2 adds automatic expansion.
Craigslist ask for Apology from S.C. Attorney General.
Seek and you shall find Twitter Users!
PowerPress plug thanks for the Mention.
Awesome Hubble Mission Pictures from Boston.com
P2P Filesharing is Fair Use?
1220 Pound Meteorite found in farmers field.
Is Gas headed to $5.00?
Windows 7 may be more expensive will you still buy it?
Lawyer in RIAA battle throws in towel after 130K in expenses.
Mac sails dip in April again!
Wolfram Alpha let me know what you find.
Toshiba sues over DVD Manufacturing.
Atlantis crew wraps up repair mission.
New Airport Rules require ID and Ticket Match.
Office 2010 already on BitTorrent sites.
Ball and Chain Study Ball :)
Relief to Drupal users in New Book.
Google tells all including your college work.
Movie Studios want ISP to admit wrong doing.

GNC-2009-05-15 #477 Monster Show Longest of the Year

Monster Show tonight longest of the year audio comments and e-mails are flooding in keep it up. Voice Mail hotline is +1-619-342-7365 or email geeknews@gmail.com. Apologies on the last shows Audio it is squared away tonight. Jet Lag got the best of me on the last podcast! Huge tech line up tonight, I am still on the road..

Show Sponsors keep me fed so Please Support the Show Sponsors!
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Show Comments please call 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Italian School Podcast
1,000,000 dollar T-Shirt on Ebay
MAC Update causes headaches
Shuttle Minor Damage

Show Topic Notes:
Cyberwarfare with China
Real Takes the Battle to the DVD Copy Association
FCC to run DTV test on May 21st
Sweden Government comes collecting to Pirate Bay
Boxee write up in Business Week
Gmail makes it easy to move from AOL, Hotmail and Yahoo!
Google Outage causes panic!
Fake Windows 7 Infected with Botnet
Space Debris misses Shuttle
HP Laptop Battery Recall!
Are you a Metal Gear Fan?
iPhone Slingplayer debate continues
Windows Mobile 7 Requirements
Will Hubble Replacement Match Up?
Clear to Launch in Atlanta Next Month!
The air is full of Drugs
Artist to get Paid by Radio
Three Strikes for everyone…
AT&T Network is Saturated whimper whimper.
Reporter should Loose cell phone like a child
Programmers that care about Users keep application size down!
Create your own Social Media Page
Bye Bye TechMeme
Amazon MP3 worth checking out.
Senate Blew it in Credit Card reform. No Guts
New Progress to ISS
Rover Stuck in the mud!
Hubble Spacewalk #1 so far so good!
Want to buy some Moon Junk?

GNC-2009-05-12 #476 Live from Texas

Audio is very airy tonight from the portable rig. Much apologies will get it dialed in for the Friday show. Hate it when that happens. All good plans on using some new tools for Video went south tonight but such is life its a work in progress

Show Sponsors keep me fed so Please Support the Show Sponsors!
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Show Comments please call 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Show Topic Notes:
Open Office 3.1 Available
Sony we really Blew it!
Apple rejects BitTorrent App from App Store Surprise Surprise!
Boeing building remote Stealth Fighter
Check out what a Roomba does while your not home!
Now all you need is Enterprise you have the chair…
Mac drive support coming to Bootcamp
Goodbye Microsoft Watch
Reporter bashes Newspaper Industry
Cox offering 50Mbps Service now for $139.00
Rumor Google walked away from NYT Purchase
AT&T iPhone 3g Experience is killing AT&T
New NYT Reader getting great reviews!
Shuttle off to fix Hubble!
FTC to Investigate Net Neturality
Doing Fiber the Smart way!
Jamming cell phones inside prisons!
Proposed Changes to Adblock Plus that I think are good!
Police can GPS track you without Warrant?
Reporters Life erased from NYT and IHT website.
Congratulations to Grammar Girl!

GNC-2009-04-24 #471 Going it Alone for Two Weeks

Hey folks first up will be running solo here in the Cochrane household over next two weeks. Shoko’s dad has taken a turn for the worse so she and my youngest child is headed to Japan on a emergency trip. The podcast tonight was recorded early as I am trying to help her get ready to roll. No one guessed the idea origin of the logo so we are extending the contest for $100.00 till Tuesday show. I have give you another clue in the podcast today.

Special Note: I will have Roz Savage in the Studio on Saturday 6pm HST for a live recording talking about leg 2 of her Pacific Row. Join us at Geek News Central . Her site is www.rozsavage.com

Show Sponsors keep the lights on Please Support the Show Sponsors!
[Save 15% off Hosting at >GoDaddy.com!] use Code Geek5
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Twitter Me http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
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FriendFeed GNC Room!!
Podcast Comments call 619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Twitter Promoter

Show Notes:
Do you really need to write good Twitter Headlines?
1 Billion App downloads in Nine Months Shows Value of App Store.
AT&T Kills CallVantage VOIP Service tell customers go find a new home.
Time Warner Battles small towns in North Carolina with Legislative Actions to kill competition.
Fresh Press ask Congress for Broadband Cap Study and Investigation.
AT&T needs the iPhone to survive and cannot afford Verizon to get hands on it.
Nielsen determines why ISP’s want broadband Caps Average Video watching up to 6 minutes daily.
TWC No Tiers, No more Speed were taking the party someplace else.
Selma Hayek Apple MobileMe account hacked.
Microsoft Makes Money but trending is down for first time in years!
GeoCities old school free hosting service shuts down.
The Pirate Google see it while it last.
Pirate Bay Judge has ties to Copyright Organizations possible new trial looming!
Apple earnings exceed street expectations.
Check out this cool hack by Doc Searls for getting Twitter results in Google Searches.
V.P. Biden tells MPAA they will be happy with Copyright czar!
Is an Injunction on Pirate Bay operations coming?
Hubble Repair Mission may be moved up a single day!
Apple CFO No Netbooks
Does Apple already have a Netbook in the Macbook Air?
Amazing Hubble Pictures that will simply astonish you!
High Tech Non-Weapons for Ship Pirate Protection.
New Botnet takes over 1.9 Million computers.
UN puts Ancient books and Treasures online.
Seven great reasons to buy a car now!
PBS Online Video Offer quite spectacular.
Mysterious Blob has scientist amazed and confused at same time.
Comment Relish 2.0 a great WordPress plugin to build a following.
Chris Penn’s Twitter Following Guidelines.

GNC-2009-04-17 #469 Time Warner Smack Down

Time Warner did not have the guts to do the Interview, they are all scared of you folks but I have a lot of fun with the questions in the show. Should be good for a laugh for all, maybe not Time Warner. Actually I am surprised they have not shut off my Internet.

Show Sponsors keep the lights on Please Support the Show Sponsors!
[Save 15% off Hosting at >GoDaddy.com!] use Code Geek5
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[Try GoToMeeting free for 30 days at GoToMeeting.com/techpodcasts. No credit card needed.]

Twitter Me http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
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FriendFeed GNC Room!!
Podcast Comments call 619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
TWC Runs for the Hills
Helicopter Hotel is a Hoax
Massive Magazine Ad Sales Slowdown
Housing Economic Recovery Act of 2008 and Tax Implications for eCommerce
TWC Blinks Three Times
NYC Considering Blocking Chatty Cabbies’ Phones
News Corp. creates new unit to share content
New venture aims to introduce fees for online news
Twitter can make you immoral, claim scientists
TWC Customers leaving in droves

Show Notes:
New Atomic Clock not very Accurate ;)
Amazon locking out some Kindle users
TWC Runs home to Mama after getting beat down!
Watch out for stuff in your Car
Psystar still delivering PC’s
Nokia business down 90%
TWC PR Disaster o BW Caps
Do you blog Anonymously?
Facebook letting Users Decide TOS Fate
National Geographic Amazing Infinite Photograph
Have Mac – Used P2P – Probably Hacked
Apple Market Sales Down
Internet Sales Tax Maybe coming!
Beyond Stupidity on Dominoes Gag
Move Over User Generated Content on YouTube
IPO for Skype would love to buy some Stock
Those that Snoop get Snooped on!
Cobert gets a Treadmil :) ISS gets Tranquility
SSD Encrypted Drives
Digg retreats on Diggbar
AT&T will have to Pay Apple big to Stay Exclusive on iPhone
Proxy + Crime = Same Jail Time
Swiss ISP say No Logging
Pirate Bay Trial Verdict Today
I Don’t like those Odds 1-221 for for Hubble Mission
Google wants to play Advertiser with Twitter
Kepler begins search for Planets
A PC Users confessions on Mac Usage
NASA may get more Shuttle Money
Twitter Secret or maybe not so Secret announce today
An Idiots View on TWC – BW Caps
iPhone + WSJ = Free Content
Slingplayer iPhone App Approval in Trouble?