Tag Archives: Hadron Collider

GNC-2010-11-08 #625 Back in the Saddle

Feels good to be back in the full swing of the show. I am having a great trip here in Albuquerque and really enjoying myself, will be doing an Ohana meet up this coming Friday. If you want to come out to dinner and your in the local area drop me an email so I can pass location and time.

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Show Hotline 24/7 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
BackScatter Body Scanner.

Show Links:
Samsung Continuum.
Evernote for Android 2.0
IOS 4.2 IiPad Update.
Ads Ads and More Ads.
Washington Post iPad App.
Blip.TV hits 100 Million Video Views Monthly.
RockMelt Social Browser.
US Gov’t Naughty List.
Toshiba SSD for Macbook Air now Available.
Pilots told to Avoid Scanner.
Bundling Software in Danger?
Google Blocks Facebook!
Windows Phone 7 Launch and 2000 Apps.
7 Facebook Unfriending rules.
Google TV Gateway Fancast.com Blocked.
Nokia Shakes up Symbian Foundation.
Free Airborne Wifi On Google.
Hacker hits UK Navy.
Verizon to Broadcast Video on LTE?
Very Dangerous IE Bug!
IE Hack Kit For Sale.
TSA ban Toner and Ink.
Creative Commons big win in Belgium.
Patent Office gets more Screwed.
Ready for Mini Big Bangs.
Hey Best Buy Get Squared away on Roku.
Can you Fly?
48 Million iPads?
Bloglines Saved.
Limewire back from the Dead.
Boxee needs Cash.
Burglary Suspect Idiot.
Cassini Flying in Safe Mode.
Shuttle Pushes for Nov 30th Launch.
Laptops as Ovens.
Avidemux Editor.
Time Warner Look Back.
Zune Insider #93.

Send in your stories to geeknews@gmail.com and be sure to provide a link to your websites!

GNC-2010-04-23 #569 Firing on all Cylinders!

Turned out we had a bad Audio card with my primary recording machine, went back to fire-wire for the audio recording. We announce the Roku winner tonight, but you need to listed to win as a new contest starts immediately. Two week road trip with a pit stop at home after week one. Meet Ups in your neck of the woods possible. Trip to Ford coming on Mid may looking forward to that and with a visit to the homestead.

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Follow @geeknews on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
My Personal Facebook Profile
Join the Geek News Central Podcast Facebook Page
Video of Show at geeknews.blip.tv
Video of Show at www.youtube.com/user/geeknews
Show Comments please call 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
School Insurer wants to Bail.
HP Remote Printing.
Diane Rehm Show and NASA Discussion.
56,000 Images.
iPad review by Vision Impaired Person!

Show Links:
I want my Pixels!
You Pay for Net but Should not Use it!
Cheaper Solar Panels coming?
Satellite issues Speeding Ticket.
The New $100.00 Dollar Bill.
Facebook Big Brother 2.0?
Opt Out of Privacy Invasion on Facebook.
How to turn off Mac Screen?
Apple Captures Japan Smartphone Market?
IT Managers want to Throttle McAfee.
Navigation from Google to iPhone.
YouTube Video Rental.
Amazon Sells More Stuff than Media.
Bitter Beer for Cows?
White House Opens up some code but not Legislation.
300 Mbps DSL.
Google Buys Chip Maker?
Microsoft has great Quarter.
Apple Dude offered free trip to Germany.
LHC gets it’s first Quark.
iPad helps 99yr old!
Civil Beat News Hawaii.
X37 Launches amongst Speculation.
Free Windows Touch 7 Pack.
$9.95 for Hulu plus Ads.
PS3 to get MLB.tv.
Hitler Parodies being targeted for takedown.
Our Sun in HD.

Send in your stories to geeknews@gmail.com and be sure to provide a link to your websites!

GNC-2009-10-12 #519 Off to Vegas!

Ok folks one show at home and then off to Vegas, there will be no Friday show this week due to BlogWorld and New Media Expo make sure you check out some podcasts over at TechPodcasts.com. I will be back with you from Florida a week from today with a early evening live show.

Ongoing support by these fine sponsors keep the lights on your support is appreciated!
[Save 15% on orders $20.00 or more at >GoDaddy.com!] use Code Geek5
[GotoMeeting Hold your meetings online for just $49/mo. Try GoToMeeting FREE for 30 days]
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Complete List of GoDaddy Promo Codes for huge Savings!

Follow @geeknews on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
My Personal Facebook Profile
Join the Geek News Central Podcast Facebook Page
Show Comments please call 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Mac Network Issue Link
Australia Dust Storms aftermath findings.
Newspaper End Times
Zune HD review from GNC Winner!

Show Links:
Judge does not punish Lawyer
Some Startup Commentary
Snow Leopard Killing user Accounts!
Hyperdrive testing at Hadron Collider? Whats Next?
The inventor of web says he is sorry!
Apple Time Capsule has its own countdown!
More info on Comcast Botnet Battle!
Ultimate Media Converter.
Digital iPhone Cheapskates?
Winer on Future Safe Archives.
Windows Mobile 6.5 Bad reviews!
Sidekick Failure due to Third Party.
T-Mobile allows cancellation of Sidekick Contracts!
What caused the Sidekick Failure?
Data, Data, Data Everywhere!
Photoshop on iPhone!
Twitter not doing Videos Native.
New Jailbreak for iPhone 3.1.2 Available.
100 Years of the Sky is Falling.
App that can save Lives.
45 Vintage Fonts.
More details on Font Suite against NBC.
20 Fantastic iPhone Apps for Parents!
The battle against company behind Pirate Bay.
10 Billion to get schools and Libraries wired with Fiber!
NASA Happy Public Disappointed!
Dyson Blade free Fan “Amazing”
Zune MarketPlace for Mac?
Brit hacker may find new home in Fed Pen!
Getting a unemployment check do not have ads on your Blog!
IOC not happy with Olympic Pictures with CC License.
Radio Stations to pay Performance Fees (Serves them right)
Gourmet Magazine dead because of Bloggers and Twitter Users?
Redskin Fans Read Up..
Soyuz and Clown back from ISS.

GNC-2008-02-12 #347

I have changed locations again and I am now in the greater Washington DC area and look forward to having dinner with folks in the DC area in Wed in Old Town.

Special Promotion code 20% off on 1 Year Shared Hosting Plans use Godaddy Code Todd20
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[Try GoToMeeting free for 30 days at GoToMeeting.com/techpodcasts. No credit card needed.]

Twitter Me http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
My Facebook Profile
Comments to 619-342-7365 e-mail to geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Listen to the Show with This :)
Shared Bandwidth

Show Notes:
User Supported Podcast
Apple OSX Updated
Artificial Energy Island
Starbucks Free WiFi
Future of Firefox
Windows Firewall (Comedy)
Android Review
3g iPhone should AT&T Bother?
YouTube Pirate Bay Video
Vista SP1 and Hackers Win
Are you a Work Maniac?
Our Internal Clocks
Brits Blow it!
Artifical Intelligence Air Traffic Controllers
Danish Pirate Bay Block Increases Traffic
Things you do not say to your Boss
DKIM to Stop Email Phishing
25 Firefox Extensions
Hadron Collider
Internet Advertising Climbs 27%
Microsoft responds to Yahoo
CNN iReport
Yahoo Shareholders
Teen Hacks iPhone Again
Yahoo + AOL
Engineer Charged with Espionage

Washington DC Meet Up on Wednesday the 13th meet between 6 and 6:30pm at King Street Blues, Old Town Address: 112 North Saint Asaph Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 (Between King and Cameron Streets) Phone: (703) 836-8800