Tag Archives: gigaom

Gigaom.com Acquired by Knowingly Corp

Knowingly Corp logoKnowingly Corp, an internet startup that is based in Austin, has announced that it acquired a portion of the assets of Gigaom.com. Those assets include the website gigaom.com and the content library.

Gigaom was founded in 2006 by Om Malik as a technology blog. It grew to become one of the industry’s respected sources for tech-related news, events, and research. Knowingly was founded by Byron Reese in 2014. Knowingly offers a number of websites and services. One of them is Correctica, a tool that catches errors in documents and websites that spell checkers miss.

Knowingly plans to relaunch the Gigaom site on August 15, 2015.

$49 Roku Might Be the Golden Ticket for Cord Cutters

Roku LT
Roku LT

This morning, Roku announced a $49 model of their popular Over the Top TV solution. The Roku LT is a very slimmed down version of the box. It does up to 720p video (which most content providers are creating content for), and while you cannot play Angry Birds or have a USB and Ethernet port (it’s a WiFi device, too) like the $99 model, it does have all the other functionality of this popular internet appliance.

Roku has been growing, adding many new channels including EPiX, which has been convincing people to cut the cord, as GigaOM discusses. Roku also added HBO Go – which is a On Demand service offered by HBO. You still need to order a cable package to get the OTT channel.

There are other great channels on Roku that do not require a cable connection, such as the TechPodcasts channel and Blubrry. You also have the Netflix, HuluPlus, Revision3, KoldKast, Glenn Beck, NHL, Fox News and many other channels.

The LT also undercuts the Apple TV by $50. Roku was already the lowest priced box, with a $59 and $79 version of the box. But this new magic price point turns the OTT box into a “great gift”. With the holidays fast approaching, this might be the hot item.

So with this news, will you finally be purchasing a Roku? Let us know!